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Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:13
anyone have or know of a 'skin' for the acclaim car? just sorted out the handling issues and was looking to 'dress' it up a tad. of course if you're looking for a set of parameters...I could tell you in (I think) 6 lines or less

Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:23
I had an another skin of Acclaim but I lost it... It contained just the "Acclaim" decals without any other decals.
I'll try to search it until I will find it.
Here you go:
This skin was made by Burner94. BTW, it can't be found on network anymore until Dev and Demo Car Pack will not be available on RVZ.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 14:44
thank you. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if this is the only other skin to be found (grand total of three including the 'we go interactive car)...most of us thought the car 'inhaled greatly'.
anywho for who might be interested
wheel 0, 1 steer ratio -0.35, engine ratio 8000
wheel 2, 3 engine ratio 6000
wheel 0 - 3
static friction 1.63, kinetic friction 1.55
Posted: 22 Aug 2013, 07:14
well I decided to do up my own 'skin' this is what I've got so far.
