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Posted: 09 Aug 2013, 22:32
this the command

<an a rvtool name>.exe -m <name of track>.ase
REM ase2w.exe -m <name of track>.ase
cd ..\..
revolt -fullscreen -dev -useallcpu -nointro -sload
thanks for opening the topic

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 00:54
I don't understand what's your point.
I understand this batch command, but why use tools for exporting track to .w?
So, make .ase file, export to .w and launch game, I don't get it. (If I'm wrong, please correct me, haven't used tools for .ase files.)
The only logical explanation for this would be to quickly test your fresh builded track. But then you need folder and .inf file to read...whatever.
Topic title is misleading.
Folks, if you want the answer for unlocking everything by command, use
nothing else.
Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 21:34
v1.2 only
Not only. Works for 1.1 too.
Posted: 11 Aug 2013, 03:31
for others mods Vaid like:
intro sequence
fronted,i hate it when open
calculate car settings
if it say CRC cheksum error
switch to windows 98 comtability mode

and it work's fine