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Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 00:56
When i play RV offline the resolution is 1920x1080.
When i play RV online the resolution is 1280x1024 and i can't change it to 1920x1080.
What's wrong!
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 10:17
If I'm not wrong, you're playing online in GameRanger, meaning you're obviusly using Re-Volt 1.2 Beta 0208, and I think this version didn't support as many resolutions (but I'm not sure unless you read the changelong).
And option number 2 would be that you applied windows 98 compatibility mode to the revolt.exe used by GameRanger. This mode reduces the range of resolutions that you can choose. Disabling it will allow you to choose higher resolutions.
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 13:08
That should be win 98 compatibility (which is totally useless on v1.2).
Your third party online thing program (I don't know what are you using) makes Re-Volt.exe to use win 98 compatibility.
That's one of the problems when using other programs than RVHouse. Most of those doesn't support v1.2, which makes sense.
@Phan: Beta supports widescreen with higher resolutions (v1.1 could do that aswell, except for widescreen ofc).
Posted: 04 Aug 2013, 04:28
I played with RVhouse,and I fixed the bug.
I couln't set highest resolution because of compatibility.