Re-Volt Online Championship 2013 - Dust Mite Edition This is Kipy's idea but i've been asked to write it in english for him.
This new championship tries to be a little different from the typical online races. We're going to start a session of tournaments racing with only 1 type of car in a series of custom tracks. After we finish the Dust Mite Edition we're going to continue with different tracks and the other cars.
- It will be a championship in custom tracks, with pickups off and using only 1 type of car.
- Every week 2 tracks will be raced. Players will win points according to their position.
- The player that collects more points at the end of the season, wins the championship!
- Pickups: off.
- Collision mode: Simulation (we are going to test this).
- Laps: Between 10-15 laps depending on the track.
- Re-Volt Version: v1.20 (the newest available build at the moment of the event).
- Late Joining: ON (BUT! the room will have a password, only the competitors will join the room).
- 2 Races per week, probably on Saturday from 17:00 to 18:00 GMT .
Kipy will arrange an appointment with the players personally so everyone can be there on time.
Cars allowed:
Dust Mite only. Players are allowed to use a personal skin and engine sounds, but never touch the parameters of the original Dust Mite.
Tracks allowed:
10 custom tracks were selected for this event, listed below. Click on the pictures to download.
- Don't use another car, just Dust Mite.
- Don't change anything on the cars parameters obviusly.
- Don't use any hacks or cheats. Any strange or unexplainable situations like the ones happening in Kosztya's Mad Race Championship will result in kicking the player who is causing the problem, or the sad decision of finalizing the championship.
Late & absent players - details:
- If all the signed-in players are present at 17:00 GMT, the room can be opened and launched.
- If a signed-in player is not present at 17:00 GMT, we'll wait for 20 minutes to launch the game.
- If a player arrives late but he knows the password, he can late join to race in the 2nd track.
- Players are not allowed to look for a backup player. Accumulation of points is personal.
- Races will be valid only if 4 or more players finish. If less than 4 players finish nobody wins points and the session will be postponed for next week.
Game crashes & disconnections - details:
- If everybody crashes during the race, the race will be restarted of course.
- If somebody crashes during the start of the race (first 20secs), the race will be restarted.
- If only few players crash at the final laps, the race will not be restarted.
- In any case, if a player crashes he won't win points for the unfinished race.
Here we will put a Ranking of the players and teams every week.
Signed-In Drivers:
Signed-in drivers are players that confirmed their participation by leaving a message in this forum. They deserve to be waited for 20 minutes in case they're not present at 17:00 GMT. Kipy SebR JaBBier tucika DrPepper Pranav mmudshark
My router is blocked so i won't take part in this opportunity, but I will be cheering you up all!
If you want to join the championship, please leave a message here saying you're in.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 07:24
Can you ask Kipy about the time period during which these races would take place? I would like to join if my timezone permits.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 08:05
Pranav @ Jul 19 2013, 10:54 PM wrote: Can you ask Kipy about the time period during which these races would take place?
If the 12 racers confirm this week, the first race can start next week.
There are 11 tracks for this Dust Mite Edition.
If 1 track is raced per week = 11 weeks.
Approximately it would last all August and all September.
If 2 tracks are raced per week = 6 weeks.
Approximately it would last all August and the first week of September.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 13:14
Phantom @ Jul 20 2013, 03:35 AM wrote:"- If 4 or more players crash at the final laps, the race will be restarted."
Why? That is not necessary.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 13:44
mmudshark @ Jul 20 2013, 04:44 AM wrote:
Phantom @ Jul 20 2013, 03:35 AM wrote:"- If 4 or more players crash at the final laps, the race will be restarted."
Why? That is not necessary.
Don't worry mmud, it can be discussed.
I also think it should be changed to prevent if some players simulate a crash when they are in bad positions, however it is also a pity to continue a race when half of the players crashed.
Obviusly this kind of situations are unnormal, but some regulation about it now will help us to prevent future discussions if they happen during the races.
Do you suggest to increase the number of players to consider it's worth to make a restart?
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 14:07
If by "crash" you mean disconnected from the game, there is no way that will happen...especially on a last lap. Look at all the races we have every day and there is never that many disconnected at the same time unless the game crashes for all.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 14:48
Why only Dust Mite? Why not make it rookies, or something?
Many people had the problem with the usual races, that everyone uses the same car.
Also... 15-20 laps, with Rookies without Pick-ups? Is this thought through? It'll be really boring I think. With these rules, I don't think I'll join.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 15:00
Boring championship...
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 19:39
Balint12 @ Jul 20 2013, 10:18 AM wrote: Why only Dust Mite? Why not make it rookies, or something?
Many people had the problem with the usual races, that everyone uses the same car.
Also... 15-20 laps, with Rookies without Pick-ups? Is this thought through? It'll be really boring I think. With these rules, I don't think I'll join.
Dolo Posted on Jul 20 2013, 10:30 AM
Boring championship...
Were fast 'nots'...
Dolo, it was likely to you'll say it.. nothing new..
Balint, mmud said the same at first, and now he is maybe interested in this champ.
Who knows what'll happen, Balint?
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 20:00
@mmud: In that case you don't have nothing to worry about. The race won't be restarted unless everybody crash, but if 1 player dissappears from the race at the very beginning (first 20 secs), the minimum you can do as gentle people is stopping the race to ask him/her what happened.
@balint: and why not? nobody ever made this and this is why i supported kipy's idea.
If you want a race with variety of cars and pickups there is already a slug championship at RVL. It's not my fault if it never starts.
@dolo: if you don't have anything more constructive to add, remember to put your strong phrases très profond.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 20:05
sound interesting but i can only on Saturday and Sunday with start Before 19H00
(it's 16h35 when i made this post ...)
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 21:12
Sorry but except the team mode, all is bad in ur championship (cars, tracks, number of laps, duration, etc...)
Don't need to say anything more constructive. It's really boring, but that's just my opinion...
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 00:23
The teaming idea is good but without pickups? there isnt much teaming to that.
It would have been better if we could have a more free choice of cars. I dont like to drive with the slow rookie cars, but even that is restricted to just dust mite.
Then we also have 15-20 laps which is IF there were pickups and fast cars.
Its nice to try something different but this is way too different for my taste. I cant join this championship sorry...
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 00:36
Stingox @ Jul 20 2013, 07:53 PM wrote: The teaming idea is good but without pickups? there isnt much teaming to that.
It would have been better if we could have a more free choice of cars. I dont like to drive with the slow rookie cars, but even that is restricted to just dust mite.
Then we also have 15-20 laps which is IF there were pickups and fast cars.
Its nice to try something different but this is way too different for my taste. I cant join this championship sorry...
I see your point
But we race with yeca/humma/cougar everytime..
There are some championships, like Kosztya's mad champ with yecas, Slug champ with amateurs cars, I wanted to do something new... what isn't a copied idea and not yeca race..
I collected this tracks by the lenght for this car, not afraid to try something new, maybe you'll enjoy the races.. who knows..?
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 13:21
A little clarification:
Don't forget that this is not the last championship of your lives and also not the last of this community, this is mainly a test to start a session of tournaments with the rest of the cars. There will be more like this with different tracks and the other cars. I'm sure more people will be interested in a RC Bandit edition, or a Adeon edition, or Humma edition, who knows.
Ok, sebr added to the list of players. Other players please say from what time to what time you can be at the computer to play re-volt, preferably on saturdays, or sundays.
@kipy: what do you think of playing 2 tracks per day with reduced laps so Pranav can join us?
If 1 track is raced per week = 11 weeks.
Approximately it would last all August and all September.
If 2 tracks are raced per week = 6 weeks.
Approximately it would last all August and the first week of September.
Most people in north pole start classes/jobs in August 29th, so i think 2 per day is better.
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 13:50
I'm in.
I'll be able to race on weekends when u decide, except on august 24th, sept 28th, nov 9th, dec 14, cuz i have to go to work these days and finish about 18 (CET) and arrive home about 18:30. So, it would be:
GP on weekends, independently of the hour except on days previoulsy mentioned, when i'll be able to race starting about 18:00 GMT.
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 15:10
I'm in.
I will be able to play in summer almost every Saturday. Whole day to play, until 22:00 (as a race's start time) / 23:00 (as a race's finish time) (CET).
I won't be able to play in the first week of September, and then still only Saturdays, but until 21:00 / 22:00.
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 15:23
Stingox is right. No-pickup and Teams don't go well together. You can do nothing for your teammate that way.
Don't get me wrong, I like that you 'invent' new sorts of championships, but I still have the feeling, this is not thought through too well.
Also, I know till I don't join I'm an 'outsider', but I'd suggest you to make 3-4 races per session. Having too many sessions will destroy the championship eventually, like in Slug Champ 3.
@Phantom about diversity and RVL Slug Champ: That seem to have stopped, we should already have started it...
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 16:06
Balint12 @ Jul 21 2013, 10:53 AM wrote: Stingox is right. No-pickup and Teams don't go well together. You can do nothing for your teammate that way.
Don't get me wrong, I like that you 'invent' new sorts of championships, but I still have the feeling, this is not thought through too well.
Also, I know till I don't join I'm an 'outsider', but I'd suggest you to make 3-4 races per session. Having too many sessions will destroy the championship eventually, like in Slug Champ 3.
@Phantom about diversity and RVL Slug Champ: That seem to have stopped, we should already have started it...
Balint, I didn't want to copy the Slug champ and other champs, it's a beginning of a new kind of championships... that's why I wanna begin from the slow cars, because it can be a test for the fater cars (we can say it), but we can enjoy too.
anyway it's your decision
About the Slug Champ.. if this start again, I wanna race in this
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 16:23
Okay, a few updates.
• We increased number of tracks raced per day to 2.
• We deleted 1 track (Speedking Slot Cars) so we have 10 selected tracks now.
• We reduced number of laps to 10 for most tracks and 15 laps for short tracks for example Grand Prix de Morvan and ZAG Formula 1.
So championship will last 5 weeks, it is expected to end at the last week of August approximately.
Proposed schedule is Saturday from 17:00 to 18:00 GMT (sebr has to leave at 18:00 GMT).
Re-read the first post for details please.
I added JaBBier and tucika, and maybe Pranav (?).
New members don't forget to tell me from what time to what time in GMT you are usually online on saturdays or sundays. To check your GMT time visit:
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 18:55
If it Saturday from 17:00 to 18:00 GMT I can do it
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 22:02
If it's on weekend i don't have any problem, except the days i mentioned on previously post, but it isnt a problem
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 23:03
I'll be willing to join but since I sometimes work on Saturdays.. I leave for work around 15:00 GMT. Any races earlier than that I have no problem with.
Posted: 21 Jul 2013, 23:07
Okay, I join.
Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 02:20
Kipy @ Jul 21 2013, 11:36 AM wrote: About the Slug Champ.. if this start again, I wanna race in this
The only thing is that it's still not started yet.
Thanks a lot
Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 09:23
I'm in unless I have to get up at 8 am my time.
Posted: 25 Jul 2013, 19:39
• Added little flags at the left of each player's name on first post, i hope you like them.
• Removed the Teams. Every player will race on his own, the accumulation of points is personal.
First session is: Saturday 27th July 2013, 17:00 GMT (19:00 CET).
Tracks raced: Amco Bitume & Blue Dolphin Raceway.
Number of laps: 10.
Since the Teams were removed, new players are allowed to enter the competition and win points.
No matter if you missed a session. Players that didn't sign-in here in the forum (for example: Ben) are welcome to participate, but we won't wait for you if you're late at the following sessions unless you leave a message here saying you want to be waited.
Also, the first post has been updated to meet the latest changes.
Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 01:19
Yo guys!
Today was the first 2 races.
Here are the race results:
AMCO Bitume:
Blue Dolphin Raceway:
The recently ranking:
Next session is: Saturday 3rd August 2013. at 17:00 GMT (19:00 CET)
Tracks: Grand Prix de Morvan and Zag Formula 1.01
Number of laps: 15
Balint12 @ Jul 27 2013, 10:28 PM wrote: Just being curious... was it good?
I enjoyed it, but not my opinion is the important now, right?
Posted: 28 Jul 2013, 14:12
Balint12 @ Jul 27 2013, 10:28 PM wrote: Just being curious... was it good?
Really good and exciting for me. And simulation makes u trying not to crash with other drivers
Posted: 02 Aug 2013, 07:46
Everyone don't forget this saturday race at same time. 2 short and fun tracks.
Click the pictures to download. Any new drivers are welcome. Please don't forget to Practice! Seeyou.
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 15:23
i hope i'll be here, got family at home...
If i'm late don't wait for me
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 17:50
sebr @ Aug 3 2013, 10:53 AM wrote: i hope i'll be here, got family at home...
If i'm late don't wait for me
Oh, I hope you can be there
We'll wait for you
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 20:15
kipy told me that he had router problems ...
he hope be back at 19h CET...
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 21:56
sebr @ Aug 3 2013, 03:45 PM wrote: kipy told me that he had router problems ...
he hope be back at 19h CET...
Maybe now it'll be OK (I hope)
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 23:32
Yo guys!
Today we raced on 2 short tracks.
Here are the results:
Grand Prix de Morvan:
Zag Formula 1.01:
The recently ranking (after 4 races):
We experienced some weird lagg, but I think it was exciting with this too.
Tuc sadly wasn't race in this week, but we hope, that he'll join us on next week.
Next session is: Saturday 10th August 2013. at 17:00 GMT (19:00 CET)
Tracks: Elkhart Lake and Re-VoLectriX
Number of laps: 10
Posted: 03 Aug 2013, 23:40
Please download next week's tracks. Very fun ones.
Don't forget to practice!
Posted: 04 Aug 2013, 03:00
video is uploading ...
round #3 & #4 (no sound)
i'll give the link to the same video with sound only in private (custom song playlist )
(send me PM... Phantom, Kipy, and all racers)
All Championship in one playlist
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 00:58
Hi everyone!
As I said before the beginning of the championship, my future is almost unpredictable. So, I must tell you, that I'm going to quit from this. Not only because the missed raceday, but it is almost 100%, that I won't be here on the next Saturdays, except on 10th, so it doesn't worth it.
Thanks for the opportunity, good luck and have fun!
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:10
Uhhh, 11th is Sunday, just saying..
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:16
Not sure, if mistyped, or need new glasses, or calendar, or...
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:16
sebr @ Aug 3 2013, 10:30 PM wrote: video is uploading ...