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Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 20:54
As you've seen today,
Re-Volt Zone is finally up and running. Although the site isn't as finished as people expected, some features are not added yet and will be added in the next weeks.
So if you have any suggestions for the site please add them here. Most important try to be respectful and give arguments for your suggestions.
Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 21:10
I can no longer search by author, and i was using a link like the one in my signature as a list of cars done by me. If Zach can fix this issue, it'll be beneficial for everyone (car & track makers and downloaders searching for content of a certain author).
About the rating thing: What if the car has multiple parameters with different ranks?
The car comes with Rookie and Pro variants, but displays it as Rookie.
Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 21:38
I don't know si it is already planned but can we edit the image of presentation and the description of a track/car/pack/other if we are the author ?
The image of presentation of one of my cars (
S.C.A.R.S)was changed without real reason (in my opinion). Useless to say to you that I don't like this image which not represents the car.
I have no other interesting suggestions.
I shall propose the possibility of having an avatar for our profile, but it will not be useful I think 
Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 21:38
IMO there should be a way to navigate to sub-domains from the home page. Something like an "Other Places" box above "Search the Zone" with links to rvhouse, rvchat, rv12.
Eventually I think we should aim for a consistent theme among all revoltzone content (rvhouse, 1.2, etc.) - for example a "Back to Zone" button in all of these sub-sites. But that's a long term goal.
Posted: 12 Jul 2013, 22:21
What do you guys think about the new auto-generated preview pics? I think it's cool that now those cars that didn't have a preview image before at least now they can have one.
I'd like to hear some opinions.
Posted: 13 Jul 2013, 00:28
Okay, we asked me to answer the message above this one, then
Let be there, to give an preview is good, but when I see the result which is pretty poor, I prefer that there is a revolt logo. When I see the shadow of the cars which is not transparent on carbox, I say to myself that a logo re-volt is better a lot =/
Look at the image of Phantom é_è
I hope that there are only cars without preview image which are concerned because with my car, I ask myself questions.
Posted: 13 Jul 2013, 04:09
Cat @ Jul 12 2013, 04:40 PM wrote:I can no longer search by author, and i was using a link like the one in my signature as a list of cars done by me. If Zach can fix this issue, it'll be beneficial for everyone (car & track makers and downloaders searching for content of a certain author).
Good point.
I notice there is a name search option, but this seems to search car name rather than author name, yet the individual description page for an item does show the author name, so I assume this must be in the database list and so able to be used as asearch option. Also, why aren't the discriptions searchable, ie author name 'NAME' should be automatically searchable if selected.
Just used the main search link on the home page and searched for me 'Manmountain', all search options were checked, but all it found was one track 'AI project(test track)', yet I can find more of my cars and tracks by name but not all of them.
Also, if you get a list of items (say 30 pages) you have to view every page rather than been able to jump to a page.
Posted: 13 Jul 2013, 12:56
How about adding the track packs somwhere on the site?
Posted: 13 Jul 2013, 15:01
It would be useful to have the option to edit/delete your own cars/tracks.
Maybe a "your stuff" option in the menu, which lists all your cars/tracks and have "Edit" and "Delete" buttons next to each item. The "edit" button should bring you to a page similar to the "New upload" one, where you can edit the car name/description/zip, etc... while the "delete" one should delete it or send a deletion request to the admin.
I think it's necessary, as i still have a couple duplicate outdated cars in the new site, and i suppose others will have aswell.
Also, i've noted that now, the preview pic of cars is 256x256 instead of 250x250. Is it done in purpose?
Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 00:37
I had been helping Zach with site development, probably ,errors are mine

1. It's now possible to detect whether it's a car pack or not (and detect name from readme even if it's between lines... with failure rate is 6.66%, find car names). Remaining: more tests and Zach's accept stamp.
2. The car previewer is a combination between "RV Car Studio"'s loading engine and "Car::Load"'s rendering engine for shadows I used the same way as Re-Volt loads the shadow. So It loads same way as Re-Volt does when time = 0 ... well I think?.
Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 15:08
having the option to sort items by "number of downloads" would also be nice.
Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 17:02
I'd like to open the items appearing in the middle of Home page in new tabs.
The option for
open in new tab appears when right clicking in items from New Comments, New Tracks and New Cars, but does not show when right clicking the little previews in the middle, and the same for results from a search, at least on Firefox. It only gives me the option to
View image, which is pretty useless.
And I definitely agree with Strix about the preview pics:
Strix wrote:when I see the result which is pretty poor, I prefer that there is a revolt logo. When I see the shadow of the cars which is not transparent on carbox, I say to myself that a logo re-volt is better a lot =/
Sorry Kay, but i don't see the preview pics as an improvement in comparison to RVZT.
Having the possibility to load them in their original size would be much better.
Or as Strix said a Re-Volt logo over a white or black background sounds like an excellent idea for cars without preview.
Also, click this picture who belongs to an Antimorph's pack but car name shows as RUN_REVOLT/INST.BAT

Posted: 14 Jul 2013, 23:22
Phantom, I will fix the car pack name, but if you look in the parameters.txt file, that is the car name...
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 03:45
Zach, is there any way you can associate my RVZT-era cars with my new RVZ username so i can update them in the future?
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 02:30
What all names did you use before Cat?
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 03:11
zagames @ Jul 16 2013, 06:00 PM wrote: What all names did you use before Cat?
I've been Cat forever.
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 06:22
It only takes a button press to sync everything to Cat. If there were other names, then I have to do it manually.
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 07:12
Thanks Zach.
Strix @ Jul 12 2013, 01:08 PM wrote: I don't know si it is already planned but can we edit the image of presentation [...] if we are the author ?
Also, i'd want to be able to change the car's rating. This auto-detection thing is a mess.
Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 18:16
Does the site loading take more time than expected for you people?
For the time i've been testing, the navigation through the pages is quite slow for me.
At least compared to the good speed that RVZT had.
Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 20:28
Phantom @ Jul 18 2013, 01:46 PM wrote: Does the site loading take more time than expected for you people?
For the time i've been testing, the navigation through the pages is quite slow for me.
At least compared to the good speed that RVZT had.
exactly the same for me
Posted: 18 Jul 2013, 23:04
I haven't had as much time to test yet as I'd like, but one small request:
- when clicking one of the entries in "New comments", I'd like it to scroll and directly highlight the entry I clicked. That'll be very useful as there starts to be more comments. Also the same feature to the RSS feed (great RSS feed is there!)
Listing tracks seems to be strangely slow at the moment.
Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 14:09
yep, the loading times are slow as hell.
i also noticed that when i want to see the "top graded cars", that feature does not work. Sorting the cars by "grade/descending" gives me the default order (no sorting at all). Same for tracks.
Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 15:33
The movement of cars to RVZ is ended ? Some of my cars (The Mad, Binary Bot 0011010, Cheetah Runner, Cobra GT, RC Magma, Wasp - No.6 and Panther Phantom) are not still there.
I ask this question because when I look at the page of the cars of Hi-Ban, all his cars seem present.
And as Cat, I would want to associate my username to my cars please. Some of my cars need an update.
Username -> StrixMidnight
The load of pages is slow for me too.
Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 18:23
Some cars did not survive the move to the old server, I think this'll be rectified soon.
Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 20:59
I find the Search by date as one of the most important searches, as much as the Search by author, and it's not working as it should. Many wrong dates.
If you check at TheMe&Me's cars, some of them showing as 2005 or 2008 as date, which is completely wrong because their cars are from 2000-2001 starting by a few repaints and the conversations which came later, to finally end with Enigma.
So I highly recommend making the
Dates of tracks and cars in RVZone editable by the track/cars moderators.
And I'm not talking about the Date of addition. Nobody cares about the Date of addition of a zip file, which is very delicated subject and can't be modified more than once. What we really care is the Date of the creation. Since the date of the addition is a very delicated thing which can't be modified when a car/track is updated, the date of the creation should be something completely independant from the date of addition, it will be just a number afterall which could be modified several times if needed to have the correct system, which may or may not coincide.
By making the Dates editable by the track and car moderators everyone can help and contribute to fix the mess, even if Zach isn't present in the next years.
There are many ways to know the real dates, there are other sites like Re-Volt XTG which cover this aspect excelentlly by offering the original dates.
XTG - check at bottom tracks ordered by date:
Also by using the Web Archive many of them can be found, even by looking the Readme files, and in last case the date of the last modified file can help to indentify when the car/track was made.
Little by little I'm sure the mess can be fixed.

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 21:21
Phantom @ Jul 19 2013, 06:29 PM wrote:So I highly recommend making the Dates of tracks and cars in RVZone editable by the track/cars moderators.
What if I told you moderators can already edit track/car dates

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 21:46
I know my dear but Zach told me that the system is so delicated that it won't allow modification many times, only the original date can be modified once and if the track is updated like You are going to do, the updated date will last and that sucks because it means that when many of the classic tracks like Hulls Breach 2 or Floating World are updated they will show 2013 instead of the original dates.
By making the creation dates just a number easier to edit and independant from the addition/updated dates this can be prevented.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 03:06
Phantom, a little clarification is in order: The "Created" date can be modified as many times as needed. Once the file is updated, however, there can be no more date modifications. Everything is locked in at that point.
As far as the auto-transfer is concerned, the files have been moved. All the remaining files will have to be sorted through manually and re-uploaded to fix whatever errors blocked them from upload. I have all the files, and will likely post links for whoever wants to help repack.
Car ratings are pulled directly from the Parameters file. If you want to change the rating, fix the parameters file and re-upload it.
Sort by grades. Since none of the grades transferred, everything began as 0 stars. Once an item has been graded 5 times (enough to form an average), the grade becomes searchable.
The slow speed is an issue. It happened when I switched servers, even though I used the same hosting company. I will send them a strongly-worded email if the problem isn't solved quickly. lol
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 15:21
zagames @ Jul 19 2013, 06:36 PM wrote: Once the file is updated, however, there can be no more date modifications. Everything is locked in at that point.
Yeah, that is exactly what I mean in my previous post. Look an example,
Ye Olde Fun Shoppe.
It shows Created date as July 2013, so we're going to have to fix the date.
But also Ye Olde Fun Shoppe has been converted to the 1.2 format in the Track Repacking project, meaning the file will need to be updated as well.
Once the file is updated, the created date can't be modified anymore? Really? Excuse me if the question annoys you, but I don't understand why? The system won't allow you?
Can't you make the
created date an independant number from the
updated date? I mean a different thing from it, a number that can be used by the search system but can be modified several times even after updating the file, in case a moderator forgets to edit the date when updating it or in case there is a mistake again.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 18:09
RVZ temporarily unavailable ?
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 18:14
SebR wrote:RVZ temporarily unavailable ?
It works again.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 20:40
YES but "Ye Ole Fun Shoppe" is broken ... wrong name and link but downloadable if you add a "d" in the link => "Ye Ol
de Fun Shoppe"
and good news RVZ look faster for me

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 04:50
I don't understand Sebr, the download link works fine... To make you happy though, I fixed the name. lol. And yes, RVZ got shut down by the hosting company because one of my scripts formed a nearly-infinite loop. hehe. The problem was resolved and should never happen again! That's not to say that one of my other scripts might have a similar loophole...
Phantom, the created date is unnecessary after updated. They are two seperate entities, but you only see the updated date after updating. The created date becomes obsolete.
Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 11:42
Is there a reason why moderators (atleast Track) can't edit Author name?
Sorry if it was answered before, I don't look at topics very often now.
Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 20:10
The created date becomes obsolete.
It is _never_ obsolete. It’s the whole basis for bragging rights and copyright issues between car makers and car stealers. At least one major basis.
Just my 2 cents.
Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 22:09
A couple of general qestions;
I can not find my track 'Interweave Highway' created with AGT, released Novemember 2005, came with a car 'Inter Troopa' also relesed this car separately.
Also, I can not find all my car packs, M0th4 Truck4s, Grandis Gandido's, G.T.P Pack, Plus others which I can not fully remember their name. Are some packs having trouble being read and accessed by the site ?
And, as I am labeled as a Car Moderator what access and communication should I be receiving ? as I have received no emails regarding new cars, as yet ?

Posted: 23 Jul 2013, 22:26
Citywalker @ Jul 23 2013, 11:40 AM wrote: The created date becomes obsolete.
It is _never_ obsolete. It’s the whole basis for bragging rights and copyright issues between car makers and car stealers. At least one major basis.
The only thing I really care about is that tracks like Hulls Breach 2, Floating World, Re-Ville, Rooftops, Uptown Top Ranking, all the other PhoenixR3 tracks, and the old Battle arenas, etc. don't show as 2013 in their created date after we update them, the rest i really don't care much.
It would be a complete Lie displaying these tracks as 2013 just because they were
fixed and
repacked correctly in this year or whatever year. We are just fixing what should have been done in the past and this is being done randomly in this year. But they are not from 2013.
Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 11:46
Phantom @ Jul 14 2013, 08:32 AM wrote: I'd like to open the items appearing in the middle of Home page in new tabs.
The option for
open in new tab appears when right clicking in items from New Comments, New Tracks and New Cars, but does not show when right clicking the little previews in the middle, and the same for results from a search, at least on Firefox. It only gives me the option to
View image, which is pretty useless.
Posted: 01 Aug 2013, 23:13
Phantom wrote:I'd like to open the items appearing in the middle of Home page in new tabs.
The option for open in new tab appears when right clicking in items from New Comments, New Tracks and New Cars, but does not show when right clicking the little previews in the middle, and the same for results from a search, at least on Firefox. It only gives me the option to View image, which is pretty useless.
I too would like this to be implemented. Its very annoying.
The same problem is with the Re-volt Links page. Please fix it.
Posted: 07 Aug 2013, 12:51
Posted: 23 Aug 2013, 11:31
Excuse me, anybody knows if the site will ever be fixed or we have to wait for next year?
As it is right now, it is way worse than the good old rvzt. It can't open pages in new tabs, it is incredibly slow to load, the default previews are uglier than my grandma's face and most of the content is missing.
I'm just curious if this is the 'expected' upgrade that you wanted for the site.
Posted: 23 Aug 2013, 20:52
A guy from a hungarian revolt forum is having troubles with uploading his car. I tried to help him, some things were not right (packing, etc.), but now I have no idea why can't he upload the stuff.
It's a .zip file, which has a *cars* folder in it, which has a folder with the car's name in it, which contains the car's files, a readme, and an image of the car.
so like this:\cars\xy\the above stuff
What should be done otherwise?
EDIT: He gets the 'Invalid file' error message.
Posted: 24 Aug 2013, 01:08
Is he entering a name when he uploads? You still need to otherwise it will return an error.
If not, can we see the zip in question?
Posted: 24 Aug 2013, 13:14
Told him.
On an unrelated topic... the 'How to make' parts don't work. It would be useful, if they did.
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 23:38
I got the file from him, and for me it seems all good. Now he gets the error message 'unique folder name is taken', but I doubt that there's a car with the foldername tgt_2013_rv, or?
Here's the link for the file
Sorry, for some reason I couldn't give direct link, click the white line ending with .zip!
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 00:31
Oh.... This car. I've rejected it about four times because the quality is not up to standard. Cars like that aren't accepted anymore.
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 00:57
judging from a look* at the parameters, there are a number of problems that should be addressed in section 2(frontend). doesn't look it would be much fun to drive for a keyboard user (like me).
*note impressions from a one minute glance.
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 02:20
Oh yeah, I know that it's not too good. I knew it wouldn't be accepted, but I thought that he didn't get to the part, where it could be accepted. How am I gonna tell this to him... owwww
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 06:44
tell your friend that the car needs work, and suggest that he read/re-read the parameters notes* also needs to test on a greater variety of tracks. it had problems in the museum and toytanic that (IMO) render it uncompetitive. if you want specifics lets take this over to the 'cars' section.
*Note to whom it applies, it is past time for ver7 of the notes, what with the new parameter entries that have been added. thanks
Posted: 30 Aug 2013, 07:05
Rexreynolds @ Aug 30 2013, 01:14 AM wrote: *Note to whom it applies, it is past time for ver7 of the notes, what with the new parameter entries that have been added. thanks
That can be arranged if you wish...