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Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 02:09
Phantom @ Jul 15 2013, 06:11 AM wrote: mmud was being ironic..
me too
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 03:03
Allan1 @ Jul 15 2013, 09:39 PM wrote:
me too
Strongly doubt that
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 05:56
Allan1 @ Jul 15 2013, 08:39 PM wrote: Phantom @ Jul 15 2013, 06:11 AM wrote: mmud was being ironic..
me too
I don't think you quite understand what what word means...
Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 23:47
I dont care much about what s gonna happen with rooftops cause one map cant take effect much in multiplayer game but if u are considering to immplement DC cars,that would ruin online revolt for good...I cant belive you are evan discussing about it,i mean if u wanna play with those cars play,wanna play play Whores in The why would any of this things be in default revolt setup.
I noticed that lately online revolt is not priority to developers, i guess its cause they arent using it much anymore and i can understand that,i dont mind actually,but why then doing something that would ruin and change this online revolt for good.Its like you hate us,we are all not annoying and ungrateful like dolo,we hate him too,we always shoot him first!
It s just we dont want changes,at least not bad changes that would effect online races.
Jig,if it one day happens that you accidently brake another ankle and u dont know what to do with urself and ur free time,i can speak in the name of all when saying what online drivers want: Custom skins,Best lap shown during races,Online championship that is just like in single mode,to allow computer to add points in end of every race,maybe evan to give an option to driver to choose his national flag and make that flag visible on scoreboard with his name and time of race.That would make online races so much more competitive.And you dont need voting for this,its what all rvhouse drivers want for sure!
I would be so happy if you guys could immplement just 1 of this things per year
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 00:15
Cosmo_Kramer @ Jul 16 2013, 07:17 PM wrote:I dont care much about what s gonna happen with rooftops cause one map cant take effect much in multiplayer game but if u are considering to immplement DC cars,that would ruin online revolt for good...I cant belive you are evan discussing about it,i mean if u wanna play with those cars play,wanna play play Whores in The why would any of this things be in default revolt setup.
I noticed that lately online revolt is not priority to developers, i guess its cause they arent using it much anymore and i can understand that,i dont mind actually,but why then doing something that would ruin and change this online revolt for good.Its like you hate us,we are all not annoying and ungrateful like dolo,we hate him too,we always shoot him first!
It s just we dont want changes,at least not bad changes that would effect online races.
Jig,if it one day happens that you accidently brake another ankle and u dont know what to do with urself and ur free time,i can speak in the name of all when saying what online drivers want: Custom skins,Best lap shown during races,Online championship that is just like in single mode,to allow computer to add points in end of every race,maybe evan to give an option to driver to choose his national flag and make that flag visible on scoreboard with his name and time of race.That would make online races so much more competitive.And you dont need voting for this,its what all rvhouse drivers want for sure!
I would be so happy if you guys could immplement just 1 of this things per year
Stop to lick developpers's balls, cosmo...
U play with the last 0709, and u don't want somebody want to ruin Revolt ????
It's a joke, Revolt is already ruined, so there is not really problem to implement DC cars and rooftops by defaut in the next release...
The original revolt is in the version 1.1 or beta 0208, now you have 2 choice =
To stay with the 1.1 spirit or to continue to this version with inconvenience and advantage...
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 01:14
if licking would mean immplementing all of this things then all i can say
is ,Develeops!!Drop your pants and put some vazeline,im ready for action!
Just so you know ,im evan not sure what s missing to 0709.There were so many builds lately and so many changes in collisions going trough the builds that i evan dont know whats supposed to be right behavior of a car anymore
im only sure that 0709 is way better then previous builds comparing to old weird collsioins and overpowerd weapons...
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 03:13
Well, there are certainly lot of heated arguments against integrating DC content

(ignoring Dolo, he is always heated.. you can fry an omelette on his head at any time

Several members such as SebR and Kenny have given detailed suggestions backing their opinion. I'm afraid most voters have never explained why Rooftops shouldn't be integrated or how that would affect their online races. As for cars, if they appear in the list of custom cars and unlinked to Re-Volt's progress like Seb suggested, then again, what becomes different in online play?
The point now is whether we should be converting v1.2 into a full-fledged "DC version" or simply add "additional content" to the existing PC version. I do agree that since v1.2 is meant to be an update to the PC version, it makes sense to leave it's progress structure alone.
Now, unlike the DC version which was fully offline, the PC version was specifically designed to support additional content. So why not take advantage of this design and add more official content, well integrated and fitting into re-volt's concept and theme? (tracks and cars that appear at the end of existing stock content as usual, but before all the user-made content). It could work for the DC content now, and any other content that we'd want to add in the feature.
And online players, please bear in mind that just like you love the online aspect of the game, some people would love to see the additional developer content nicely integrated into the game. In any case we're not going to take a hasty decision, so don't worry. But when I see posts like Dolo's simply berating other members and talking sh*t rather than contributing anything useful to the discussion, they will just have to be deleted...
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 03:35
mmudshark @ Jul 14 2013, 01:06 AM wrote:Here is what my Rooftops looks like.
Heli in Rooftops
I still don't see the need of it being included in default tracks. The cars being included is an abomination as far as I'm concerned.
Yep, the currently available Rooftops track, while still a custom track, makes use of v1.2 custom features to replace the Toy World copter. It's a hacky way to get some level of the real Rooftops behavior, but fans of the DC version would want the Rooftops track to be perfectly supported.
As for the cars, reasons I would consider them official content:
- Revolt-esque skins and names
- Variety in ratings and handling
Reasons NOT to add them for PC:
- Crappy 16-bit textures (thanks to Strix's work this is no more an issue)
- Two unbalanced cars: SNW-35 seems too fast, RV Loco is really insane - far more than what the name suggests.
Have you guys tried Strix's modified SNW-35 from his
DC redesign thread? What is your opinion about that version? Likewise if Strix can stabilize RV Loco a bit (without making it too un-Loco), we can consider that too.
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 05:45
Hem, I specify that my parameters were adjusted for the offline races to have the funnier races, with scenarios every time different. I don't know if it is really balanced for the online races.
It's a balancing done in 30 seconds, without thinking, I do not really offers ^^"
This balance is in 30 seconds greatly reduces the maximum speed of SNW 35(41 MPH> 36 MPH).
About Rv Loco, I have also personnal parameters for this car. It's heavy (2.5 kg), it's fast (45 MPH), it accelerates slowly, the handling is easy, only problem: It is a pro class car XD (It surpass other cars semi-pro)
I think we should now ask this question :
If SNW 35 and RV Loco (Purp XL perhaps) are perfectly balanced at the same level as Cougar, Toyeca and Humma, I would see these cars directly to the games ? and if not, why I don't want ? (if it's just because you don't like their style, you are really disturbing)
Now when I see the poll, I don't think it will be added, the whole community talking

The point of view of online players is perfectly understandable about DC cars.
Rooftops can only be added I think, there is no reason why it should not be added honestly, the argument of "it can be added easily blah" should not exist. This track will not ruin the online scene, unlike cars, indeed

Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 06:59
Cosmo's post just made my day
And i have an overall agreement with his words.
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 16:23
As I said before, I don't mind. I could simply ignore the content if I want.
For these cars in online races, there're some ways to not let people to choose them, simply leave CHT tag to their name, say in room name that dc are not allowed or add option to disable dc cars (maybe custom cars too) from selection in room, that would probably work best.
For now, I would fully agree to add BigVolt and BossVolt (without AI selectable), those cars are my favourites from DC exclusives. Btw, they're are slow so you can't complain in online races

About Rooftops, why not? There's no reason to not add it. Even original developers wanted to add, but they scrapped due to low draw distance, I believe. Later, they enhanced it and released on DC (dc version came out later, after pc/ps1/n64).
For keeping the same progress table, I would go with huki's implementation suggestion.
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 17:06
Cosmo_Kramer @ Jul 16 2013, 07:44 PM wrote: if licking would mean immplementing all of this things then all i can say
is ,Develeops!!Drop your pants and put some vazeline,im ready for action!
That is quite literally the best thing I have ever read in this community...
Posted: 17 Jul 2013, 18:26
Skarma @ Jul 17 2013, 05:06 PM wrote: Cosmo_Kramer @ Jul 16 2013, 07:44 PM wrote: if licking would mean immplementing all of this things then all i can say
is ,Develeops!!Drop your pants and put some vazeline,im ready for action!
That is quite literally the best thing I have ever read in this community...

Posted: 19 Jul 2013, 20:45
Add them all, but add the option to restrict SNW 35 and Purp XL in races, as they are quicker than Toyeca. The good thing about thost two cars is that they're just as quick.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 00:25
But Cosmo made a good point. DC Cars or Rooftops won't be really interesting to add, since the ppl who like it already play this in their own rooms.
As for inprovments at the racing itself, he is definetily right about championship points, ai in multiplayer online and so on....
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 02:52
kajeuter @ Jul 19 2013, 07:55 PM wrote: But Cosmo made a good point. DC Cars or Rooftops won't be really interesting to add, since the ppl who like it already play this in their own rooms.
Nope. I never owned a Dreamcast (nor the Re-Volt version of it) and only got the chance to play with its content on an emulator (which was only half the fun because of graphic bugs, framerate problems and control problems).
And I'm sure there are people out there who never even heard about the DC content (or maybe they did but never had the chance to play it) but would enjoy having it.
As for inprovments at the racing itself, he is definetily right about championship points, ai in multiplayer online and so on....
Thats not even the point of discussion here, we have a suggestions topic for that (or maybe open a new topic for that).
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 14:14
Kenny @ Jul 19 2013, 10:22 PM wrote: kajeuter @ Jul 19 2013, 07:55 PM wrote: But Cosmo made a good point. DC Cars or Rooftops won't be really interesting to add, since the ppl who like it already play this in their own rooms.
Nope. I never owned a Dreamcast (nor the Re-Volt version of it) and only got the chance to play with its content on an emulator (which was only half the fun because of graphic bugs, framerate problems and control problems).
And I'm sure there are people out there who never even heard about the DC content (or maybe they did but never had the chance to play it) but would enjoy having it.
As for inprovments at the racing itself, he is definetily right about championship points, ai in multiplayer online and so on....
Thats not even the point of discussion here, we have a suggestions topic for that (or maybe open a new topic for that).
Then kenny, I suggest you to go download the DC cars right away if you want them tested out. If you or anyone else really are interested in trying them out on the computer, go right away and download them. That is what I did just 2 weeks ago and it worked perfectly fine. There is no need to add them to the original re-volt because of this.
Posted: 20 Jul 2013, 14:38
I already did that of course (with the low quality conversion textures at least, I'll redownload them once Strix is finished with his repaints).
But there is a difference between having them installed as custom cars and having them firmly integrated in the game where you have to unlock them one after another and race in a championship against them.
And as I already said, I don't see any disadvantage in integrating them (except maybe the game/patch size is bigger than usual but come on...).
Posted: 02 Oct 2013, 00:37

I also tried the pack from the RRR forum, and I can tell you, I didn't noticed they were that much faster (as you are saying) than the original stock cars of RV 1.0, I'd like to say to you I really enjoyed playing with them and against them, So why don't give 'em a try & add them to the game, to unlock them (just like you said) we first unlock the the RV 1.0 version and then the DC cars version, & in online playing you could say something like "no SNW35 nor RV loco", I'd like also to allow them to be run by the computer in the championships for more difficulty.
As for the rooftops I like the Idea but if you can add it as an extra to be played in a championship
And as for huki
In any case we're not going to take a hasty decision, so don't worry.
Yeah I think we should all bear in mind that, just as it is stated
in Proverbs 21: 5 The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage,+ but everyone that is hasty surely heads for want.+

What other useful suggestion do you have in mind?
Posted: 22 Sep 2015, 18:19
It will not hurt if roof was included in the list of the championship mode.
Posted: 23 Sep 2015, 05:10
Black-Revolt001 @ 22 Sep 2015, 09:49 AM wrote:It will not hurt if roof was included in the list of the championship mode.
dat bump *facedesk*
[Vaid]: You don't have to mention it, I can see.
I will let it slide since there was a recent discussion about DC content. People usually not complaining about topic bumping here.
Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 01:22
Rooftops integration!
Old timers may remember that this is not the first time we tried it - during the v1.2 development, jigebren almost had a working build with rooftops integration, but he had lost all his hard-work in a hard-disk crash.
Older timers may also remember that Rooftops pretty much inspired "full custom" tweaking and the Phoenix tool. Today we have a robust community version of the track that supports almost all the elements of the original track, except the enigmatic
chopper animation. The chopper animation was the main reason why we were so eager about possible 1.2 integration.
I was initially worried about having to include the rooftops files with each re-volt release, and this put me off from hardcoding the track. But recently it came to my mind that the track will simply show up 'Locked' if the files are missing. This gives us a chance to hardcode rooftops support in the game, while making it an optional extra download.
So with renewed excitement, I spent the last few evenings collecting different versions of the track files, adding the objects code and putting it all together. I'm happy with the results so far. We're close to having a proper rooftops integration, which means:
- The original files from the Dreamcast CD work without any modifications.
- Also compatible with community versions of the track.
- MakeItGood support for roof material (models / sfx / skybox).
Working chopper animation (I think this is the first time you get to see this on PC).
I restored the original rooftops sfx from the Dreamcast CD and fixed the sample rate (more on that below). The community version uses sfx from RST's Rooftops 2003 which unnecessarily amplified them to sound much louder (it also increased the range in the fob file).
I also noticed that the sfx sound different in RVGL compared to old versions. This is because the wavs use a non-standard sample rate. The old versions force all the wavs to play at 22050Hz while RVGL respects the file's actual sample rate. We don't know how the devs intended it to sound, but we can assume the Dreamcast version is the "correct" one. So I re-saved all the wavs at 22050Hz so they sound the same way in RVGL as it does in DC/1207/v1.2.
Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 22:42
As long as it's optional, I'm fine with it. I don't want compulsory dreamcast content on my Re-Volt.
Congratulations anyway if this achievement makes you happy.
Posted: 04 Sep 2016, 23:37
So... If rooftop will be hardcoded in the game just like the original tracks that means it will behave like in the Dreamcast and there will be modifications to championshipp, or do you intend to keep all of this optional with some switch (like a string in the profile settings that will change the championship track order)?
Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 00:35
Phantom @ 4 Sep 2016, 10:42 PM wrote:As long as it's optional, I'm fine with it. I don't want compulsory dreamcast content on my Re-Volt.
Yep, the idea is to keep it optional and out of the championships, etc. I'm aware the response for adding DC content is mixed, so it was only after I was convinced we could keep it optional (in a clean way) that I decided to go ahead with it...
Ciccio @ 4 Sep 2016, 11:37 PM wrote:So... If rooftop will be hardcoded in the game just like the original tracks that means it will behave like in the Dreamcast and there will be modifications to championshipp, or do you intend to keep all of this optional with some switch (like a string in the profile settings that will change the championship track order)?
See above. Rooftops (and its special objects/sfx) will be hardcoded in the game, but downloading it is optional and does not appear in the usual PC campaign - doesn't alter the championship and is not counted for the silver cup single race / practice star / time trial completion.
The single / practice in Rooftops can be completed separately and it could be made to unlock BigVolt and BossVolt - which will be selectable only by the player (like Rotor and Panga).
Posted: 05 Sep 2016, 02:21
Ok, thanks. It's always nice to see support for almost-original stuff.
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 01:32
I've added support for
BigVolt and BossVolt as planned earlier. Here's how it looks in the frontend:
They are unlocked by completing single race / practice star in Rooftops. Also, they will be treated as special cars and won't be CPU selectable. Like Rooftops, they will be an optional download, meaning the cars themselves won't be included with the rvgl package.
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 04:07
What about the others dc cars? There are some that carry the CHT label for some reason. Is there a way to integrate them as well? I'm not talking about the whole frontend, just to remove that CHT label and put an official, optional download as you did for rooftops once for all.
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 17:32
I don't understand any of this ideas of integrating,how is something integrated while you need to download it manually ?
You can download any custom map,just dont see the point really
Posted: 13 Sep 2016, 23:14
Cosmo_Kramer @ 13 Sep 2016, 02:02 PM wrote:I don't understand any of this ideas of integrating,how is something integrated while you need to download it manually ?
You can download any custom map,just dont see the point really
It is isn't integrated, it's optional. Huki didn't integrate DC content

, he only added/improved support for it.
Optionally hardcoded, supported content vs downloadable custom content. There's a difference.
Huki in the picture above clearly show two additional car boxes in frontend: one for BigVolt and another for BossVolt.
It is currently impossible to have more than 28* different and only stock car boxes on screen without modifying game code. All downloaded custom car boxes normally appear from the right side of the screen.
Downloading is for optional reasons, you don't have to download if you don't need it. The point is that these two cars won't feel as "custom" anymore, like Rooftops track in the last build.
[All carboxes with object ID 28 and more seem to be broken/unused; ID -1 is used for custom cars]
Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 07:19
It is more important to fix the CHT symbol in actual stock cars like the Clockworks and Probe UFO before those DC cars.
Posted: 14 Sep 2016, 23:04
Phantom @ 14 Sep 2016, 03:49 AM wrote:It is more important to fix the CHT symbol in actual stock cars like the Clockworks and Probe UFO before those DC cars.
Done. Now onto those DC cars, Huki
I can assure you these are legit params for UFO and Mystery from 1.2/RVGL patch (added 'TSHADOW' and 'SHADOWTABLE' strings; nothing else was ever changed by patch devs). Clockworks show up as CHT even in 1.1 with unmodified params, so those are not included.
Disclaimer: Don't ask me how this was done, because I won't answer. For a very good reason.
Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 01:05
Ciccio @ 13 Sep 2016, 04:07 AM wrote:What about the others dc cars? There are some that carry the CHT label for some reason. Is there a way to integrate them as well? I'm not talking about the whole frontend, just to remove that CHT label and put an official, optional download as you did for rooftops once for all.
Yes, I want to integrate them as well - not added to the stack of carboxes but to the right side of the screen, hardcoded so they appear in the correct order. Then provide those cars as part of the optional download.
But there are some issues to sort out before we do that:
1) I'll be including re-designed textures / carboxes made by Strix [
see thread]. The other option is to use the ripped car textures from the mobile versions [
see thread], but their source is unclear.
2) RV Loco and SNW parameters may need to be tweaked because they are too extreme / too perfect IMO. I'd like to hear your and other's opinions about that. I think Strix had updated params in his re-design thread, but I haven't checked them.
VaiDuX461 @ 14 Sep 2016, 11:04 PM wrote:Disclaimer: Don't ask me how this was done, because I won't answer. For a very good reason.
Kay, I won't ask.
[Vaid]: My
falcon senses tell me you are one funny little dinosaur.

Posted: 15 Sep 2016, 18:17
VaiDuX461 @ 14 Sep 2016, 06:34 PM wrote:Phantom @ 14 Sep 2016, 03:49 AM wrote:It is more important to fix the CHT symbol in actual stock cars like the Clockworks and Probe UFO before those DC cars.
So you are telling me that you are able to remove the CHT tag from every car in the game (customs as well)? If it isn't a problem then could you remove the tag from DC cars as well?
Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 00:31
Allready done
DC cars
ask nero for details
Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 02:23
sebr @ 16 Sep 2016, 09:01 PM wrote:Allready done
DC cars
ask nero for details
Here's the complete set (excluding Purp XL):
nonCHT DC (excl. purpxl).
The archive is compiled from different sources:, and (BigVolt and SNW35).
Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 17:41
Dumb question: why there is no Purple XL?
Posted: 17 Sep 2016, 22:58
Ciccio @ 17 Sep 2016, 02:11 PM wrote: Dumb question: why there is no Purple XL?
assumption is that online racers (mainly ones who always play with Toyeca) don't want this car to be a new *standard*, because it is better (in all or most aspects) than Toyeca. Since Purp XL is still CHT tagged, a lot of hosts won't accept it in a race. Anyway, I haven't been racing in RVHouse with pro cars for a quite while, so maybe this view has changed.
You can find rest of the discussion about Purp XL and DC cars in the same topic.
I could share Purp XL nonCHT params here, but I don't want to receive some possible random backlash after this. AFAIK, there's no way to get them publicly right now. I could be wrong.
Please don't ask me for it in PM.
Posted: 18 Sep 2016, 20:45
Too bad, every host could just use the rules they want (ban Purp XL for istance, and kick whoever tries to join the game with it) and we could leave Purp XL without CHT. OR there could be an option for the host to ban specific cars, every car labeled as CHT, cars that he doesn't have, or every car besides the one he is using.
Posted: 19 Sep 2016, 23:39
^This. But anyways, that's a discussion for another topic, and it could get longer that I would desire.
Actually I'm here to go a little offtopic, since we're talking about messing with harcoded stuff - Huki, is it possible to include an AI selectable Rotor in the next version? I mean, we all know the parameters are poohty as hell, and that it'd probably be last in every race, but would you consider that? (it's a bit sad that the car is in the game but we never see it in the championships).
Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 18:01
The DC cars integration is nearly complete. As discussed earlier,
- They are provided as a separate download.
- BigVolt and BossVolt are added the the stack of boxes.
- The 12 other cars appear at the right of the screen (unlocked by completing the Time Trial sets).
Just for fun, I added optional support for the
Dreamcast carbox layout. This means you can simply place the
frontend.fob file from the Dreamcast CD and it will work with the new RVGL. See the picture below:
Basically you'll be able to add / remove / re-arrange the stock carboxes in any order you want. Any stock cars you have removed would simply appear at the right of the screen.
Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 19:42
Yeeaah! Tell me if you need me to host any additional files

Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 19:48
Looks neat.
I think you should also replace .fin file from DC CD, so one of the cabins on the right couldn't obstruct some boxes.
I still have the file
Posted: 21 Sep 2016, 22:43
Will we get Purp XL no CHT? I know that there are issues with the community not wanting it, but we already have SNW and I don't see why there should be no Purp XL when the problems are easily bypassed by simply saying "use Purp XL and I'll kick you" or something like this.