Posted: 07 Jul 2013, 18:08
Hi guys, I think I finally managed to extract all the modules of the trackunit.rtu file, check my last post there if you are interested -> ... topic=2466
Highly informative and interactive forum for the R/C Racing Sim PC game Re-Volt by Acclaim.
Ok so I think I finally managed to extract all the contents of the rtu file.
Here's a link to the complete output ->
If anyone is wondering why there are so many files, thats because there is a 3d model stored for
- each texture set (so basically every second model is the same as the previous one but with a different uv mapping)
- each "setting" of a module (for example the straight module from the editor is not stored as a single 3d model but as 7 different 3d models, one for each grade)
I chose to export the information of the model as .prm and .ncp files because it was the first thing that came to my mind (not sure if .fin would have been better...).
The rest of the files (.fob, .fan, .lit) is a little laborious to view so I have no idea if I did those correctly (but I'm overall not sure if everything was done correctly so yeah... tongue.gif (but it should be okay for the most part))
Their main purpose is to reveal the loactions of the nodes/objects/lights in the module so the files shouldn't be used in the game anyway.
And if you are wondering why I didn't extract the pos nodes, thats because they are calculated by the Track Editor (with the help of the AI nodes information) so that would have been kind of difficult to do.
If anyone wants to have the tool I made for the extraction (or even its source, the tool is rather a "single-use" thing since there is only that one rtu file) just say it and I'll put up a link.
There's also some useful code in it for opening and saving the mentioned file extensions.
Last but not least I rather doubt that it will be easily possible to make reverse tool that convertes the mentioned file formats into a single .rtu file. Not only would that require a lot of work (again) but I also found out that there are a few things in the rtu file where I have no idea how one is supposed to figure them out with just the information from the files.
Instead I would either suggest to make a complete new editor, as already suggested by a few members, or some kind of rtu viewer with which one can directly view the modules in the rtu file, replace 3d models and edit the pickups/nodes/lights.
Probably the first thing would be better since the Track Editor could also have some unexpected problems with reading a modified rtu file.
Code: Select all
Great job
But i think somme have wrong maping orientation (unsure)
bank_io_20.prm look good and bank_io_20_2_LH_N.prm look bad (is PRM goog for viewing it ?, W would allow us tu use more than 1 texture / lego module as it is on original lego track)
In lego track each module is a single mesh group of W file ...
The missing data may be the blue untextured vertical walls that we can see on original lego track
Look at the different shape of bank_io_20_2_LH_N.prm and bank_io_20_2_LH_N.ncp, i'm talking of all the extra NCP faces ...
Hmm I'm not sure what you mean when you say the texture mapping might be wrong, it looks ok to me (left is bank_io_20.prm and right bank_io_20_2_LH_N.prm): @ Monday, Jul 8 2013, 10:01 wrote:The missing data may be the blue untextured vertical walls that we can see on original lego track
Look at the different shape of bank_io_20_2_LH_N.prm and bank_io_20_2_LH_N.ncp, i'm talking of all the extra NCP faces ...
ok i made some mistakes
on your picture, the right module don't have good texture, i made a tini lego track with this one and there are 4 white car in the middle (but the preview of the module is like it show on blender)
look the difference betwin [38]blank_io_22_2_LH_D and [44]blank_io_22_2_LH_N, the D one have good looking
=>the third one is not good or not used in track editor
I load a lego W file (and only W) in blender and you can see that we have 3 "layer" of blue faces
2 big identical and the last "layer" with a quite big one and 4 little
So we need them, at least only the third layer is useful, but i don't know if it's on rtu file or if trackeditor.exe made them when exporting to revolt
if they are on rtu it will be fine to texture theme on new rtu to avoid this blue pooh
You mean the third one is not looking good because the cars are missing on the texture?SebR @ Monday, Jul 8 2013, 15:33 wrote: look the difference betwin [38]blank_io_22_2_LH_D and [44]blank_io_22_2_LH_N, the D one have good lookingÂ![]()
=>the third one is not good or not used in track editor