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Posted: 02 Jul 2013, 21:37
Good morning/afternoon/night!

I want to ask something related with my post in this forum:

I wonder whether it is achievable to play a single race, where there are 12 AI cars, and I am spectating the other AI cars driving. In this mode I would be able to see the car's weapons, the times etc, like in a real race.
It can be achievable..?

Citywalker answered, that I can use this in -dev mode, but it isn't what I want:

I found it, and it works, but i need a little more:
--> I would like choose another AI cars' camera view (something like spectating mode in online races), maybe by PageUp/PageDown or Up/Down keys to select other cars' point of view.
--> I need to hide that text and the color lines. I tried Shift+F5 and Shift+Space already but those just hide the menus and HUD.

I am an online racer, and the only reason I would start playing offline is this mode.
I want to do some test on this, because I noticed some interesting and fun things in offline races between the cars with same parameters. Also this helps us all to test the AI in a much more effective way, and it's also very entertaining.
It's like watching a race on TV but in your favourite game. :)

Well, this spectating mode is achievable (for offline revolt)?

I'll be waiting for your answer.


Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 00:59
--> I need to hide that text and the color lines. I tried Shift+F5 and Shift+Space already but those just hide the menus and HUD.
In the next release the AI debug lines and text will be hidden by default when using the "-dev -gazzasaicar" command line (if needed they can be enabled using an additional command line "-gazzasaiinfo").
--> I would like choose another AI cars' camera view (something like spectating mode in online races), maybe by PageUp/PageDown or Up/Down keys to select other cars' point of view.
Don't know if we'll actually support spectating in offline modes, but we'll consider it at least for the "gazzasaicar" mode.

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 01:42
Thanks a lot, huki! :)

Please post here if you'll have some news about this topic :)

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 18:39
i think that cheat can help you:

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 21:29
veugar @ Jul 4 2013, 04:09 PM wrote:i think that cheat can help you:
Wow, I've never heard of this code before, what does it do?

Posted: 04 Jul 2013, 21:40
LOL :roflmao:
Sarcasm really works.

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 00:50
VaiDuX461 @ Jul 4 2013, 04:59 PM wrote:
veugar @ Jul 4 2013, 04:09 PM wrote:i think that cheat can help you:
Wow, I've never heard of this code before, what does it do?
for the cameras of f6/f5 modes
search in google:revolt cheats :rolleyes: :lol: :P B)

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 01:12
veugar @ Jul 4 2013, 10:20 PM wrote:
VaiDuX461 @ Jul 4 2013, 04:59 PM wrote:
veugar @ Jul 4 2013, 04:09 PM wrote:i think that cheat can help you:
Wow, I've never heard of this code before, what does it do?
for the cameras of f6/f5 modes
search in google:revolt cheats :rolleyes: :lol: :P B)
Thanks alot, captain obvious! I hope other people will find it usefull aswell. Probably all forum members know this already.

Posted: 05 Jul 2013, 03:47
*presses Ctrl-+ repeatedly*
*reads fine print*
*shakes head and chuckles*

Posted: 09 Jul 2013, 15:31
I wrote about this:

I wanna this for offline races.
I noticed that in online races we can't see the weapons what the other players use, but in offline you can see the weaps what the AI cars collected.

I know the cheat codes, but it isn't what I want. :unsure: