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Posted: 27 Jun 2013, 17:38
Hello, this is a bit random but [skipping unnecessary talking about time and projects] ...
so I wanted to make a small program in VB to calculate the 'random' number in parameters.txt (I'm full aware about -=8 in filesize)
But as far as I was trying all I could get was 3D123F54 (CRC32 for toyeca)
So my question is, is it really CRC32 algo in Re-Volt checksum check?
Posted: 27 Jun 2013, 18:11
Kay, before you try to go anywhere further with this, the real question is:
why waste your time creating such a program?
Because what is the point actually? This number is likely not the strongest protection in the world, but so far it does its job, ie. it prevents people from easily modifying the parameters. If a tool is able to update this value, this value is of
no use anymore as it doesn't prevent cheating anymore. As a consequence, the tool itself if of no use either since its goal was to update a value which has no more meaning...
So being able to create this tool would just automatically kill what this tool is for. And would also harm the whole community which could not trust this little protection anymore. This is therefore not a good idea...
Posted: 27 Jun 2013, 18:17
Actually it's to check as first place, then for making original and conversion have their reputations (of course I'm not that kind of person that would give everything like that on the fly, I always make a good summary of everything before starting a such 'dangerous' [technically] plan)
Well, I just checked the code and it seems only C-stylish language would be able to do a such thing... well I guess that could be it lol
Posted: 27 Jun 2013, 20:41
Wait, those numbers actually served a purpose?
Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 00:51
yes to be exact that's the checksum of the parameters.txt
if you change any value on it word (CHT) will appear
Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 11:02
What do you mean by "
making original and conversion have their reputations"?
Is it possible for Re-Volt to distinguish a certain group of custom parameters files from their eventual modifications and making the first ones not show as cht? holy mary
That would be a miracle.
Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 14:38
Phantom @ Jun 28 2013, 06:32 AM wrote: What do you mean by "
making original and conversion have their reputations"?
Is it possible for Re-Volt to distinguish a certain group of custom parameters files from their eventual modifications and making the first ones not show as cht? holy mary
That would be a miracle.
So if that the case then, a really Cheat will appear as cheat online, even if using custom cars.
Custom cars but original content, won't be
CHT anymore.
Now about how I am going to do things (if people are interested). It will be included in RVCS. I have thought about this:
Confirm this car is original by using .ase file
and not any .ase, a 3Ds max generated one which once you run it through -a or -m, you'll get the same PRM.
If once the body is modified at any kind (except shading). The "original stamp" will be canceled immediately
Well, as for Blender... things won't be this easy

and probably eventually I'll have to resort to something I hate myself... "license file for each car"...
Right now I still have a lot to be done. I'm sick on the incomplete projects so I'll just stick to main features then include this along the other subprojects
Posted: 28 Jun 2013, 15:36
I'm somewhat interested in seeing this as a reality...
Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 03:35
Me too. This will bring light to many things.
Some of the stock cars shall not show as CHT anymore, including the clockworks and Probe UFO, which was recently modified in one of the alpha releases and shows CHT now (while in the original re-volt it wasn't).
Also the dreamcast cars which many people ask, will not show as CHT when installing them.
And obviusly all those beautiful original cars and conversions will be used in multiplayer in a more fair way. I always wanted to play online championships with custom cars but people used to complain that there's no way to know if a player modifies the parameter a little for the event. This will put an end to that and will make this a possibility.
I congratulate you Kay for this idea. Wish you the best.

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 19:55
I remember jigebren and I had discussed about improving the CHT feature many times before, but haven't yet decided on anything. We actually wanted to remove support for the parameters file checksum entry eventually. Then the stock cars checksums would be hardcoded and any change to their parameters file would display a CHT as usual.
In offline modes, user cars would simply not display a CHT in frontend (but we could perhaps add a marker that says it's a user car). In case of multiplayer, the idea we discussed was to compare each player's parameter file checksum with that of the host (for that car), and display CHT if they differed. Of course, if the host doesn't have that car installed, the comparison would fail and players would see a CHT in that case too.
With this kind of feature it wouldn't matter where the players download the car from and no approval procedure would be required. They just need to ensure they are using the same version of the car as the host. Basically we'd be taking the host's version of the car as the "correct" version.
Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 21:09
Huki, your idea is probably the best, most versatile option.
1) Works with both stock car races and custom car races,
2) Ensures the most important thing: _equality_ of cars, regardless if stock or custom or special (clan version etc.),
3) It's completely automatic.
Combine this with Kay's checksum calculation formula, and we have profit

Posted: 29 Jun 2013, 21:45
I see... Now come to think of it, I haven't seen people with 'CHT' half a year ago (online,rv house)
Well, eventually I couldn't do it in VB (Mr pointers, inflexibility of VB) so yep...
Nero& Burner94's DC cars (with no 'CHT')
There we go again... I saw that this tool (if once made) even if it's checked like that online, it's still dangerous (and somebody suddenly says here is v2, v3 of the car!).
So, I'll stick with .ase "confirming" for now... However, I'm far from that since I've a lot to be done first if I really want something "appreciable" as tribute for carmakers `RVCS'....