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Posted: 24 Jun 2013, 20:43
hey, my name is Nick Pannekoecke from belgium.
I have a little problem I am making a own track in Revolt and screwing around with it.
Now I have a problem, I cant put my own music in it becouse it will start to lagg so bad I cant play it.
When I play my map witout the music its perfect. Can u please help me.
Sorry for bad english
Greetz Nick Pannekoecke
Posted: 24 Jun 2013, 20:50
U can get my map here:
there are 2 song in there.
The song called Revolt_song.mp3 would I want in my map.
I know its a little bit strange and all but its for a LAN-party

personal joke between my friends so
Greetz Me
Posted: 24 Jun 2013, 22:22
Moved to a more relevant section, this has nothing to do in "Development, Projects & Tools". And using "RE-Volt "as a topic title on a Re-Volt forum is probably not very clever...

Posted: 24 Jun 2013, 22:33
I tested your track and I didn't get any lag at all Defrost. I get 60 FPS exactly with or without the music. If you get lag I assume it's your pc maybe too old or audio drivers not updated, or graphic drivers I can't be sure.
But your track works great here.

Posted: 25 Jun 2013, 01:20
I increase FARCLIP to 35000 and FOGSTART to 33000
try single race with 12 cars and full toyeca clockwork carnage 30 cars with Re-Volt-Neighborhood_(N64).mp3 and Revolt_song.mp3 => everything is ok
fps go from 80 to 130 with average 100 ...