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Posted: 23 May 2013, 05:06
Click here to download.
Tested for 1.2 but should work with any version.
The song used is Remaining by Sabrepulse
I figured out i'd share this chat with you guys, since i was wondering if there is still a market for gimmicky lego tracks.
As you can see from the preview image, the majority of the track is a pipe with a cirular texture.
I adjusted the fog and draw distance to make it look as if the black rings appear from the nothingness.
I hope you guys can appreciate some gimmicky stuff.

Posted: 23 May 2013, 15:46
So this must be the famous light you see before dying.
Well, it's a simplistic but interesting topic for a lego track.
I noticed the black lines in the lower part of the raceline
don't connect correctly. I hope this isn't on purpose because the caleidoscopic effect vanishes because of it. It would be nice if you fix it.
Posted: 24 May 2013, 01:39
I coulden't help but notice the little texture seam aswell. There's some other UV-mapping mishaps going on with those pipes, and seeing how i have limited knowledge on altering re-volt models, i'm afraid there's nothing much i could do about it, other than adding a large black line in the bottom to hide it a little.
I'm currently reading this and that about creating my own models for use with re-volt and i intend to re-create a high-poly version of this track one day.