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Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 09:26
Hey guys... I'm not sure if this has been thought of or not (it probably has, but it doesn't hurt to bump it up a little

) but wouldn't it be nice to have a feature in 1.2 where that each individual car could have its own sound set in a "custom" folder that works similar to the custom folder for tracks? Each car could have its own engine sound, horn sound, skid sound (normal and rough) and even scrape sound.
I wouldn't think that this would be much different than the current ability for tracks to have custom sounds. Are there any game limitations to this or is this something that could be a possible upcoming feature?
Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 11:47
Also Appied His ANM Car Sounds Well?
Edit:Adeon Network Mayhem Is Re-Work Sounds
Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 13:21
I fully agree with this.
Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 14:27
Ofcourse I agree. Custom folder (like in tracks) would work for cars very well too.
Ahh... custom horn sounds

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 20:23
Of course this has already been suggested. I believe this feature is even "officially" planned for future releases but for some reason they didn't implement it yet, I have no idea why.
Maybe the loading of the car sounds works a little different than the track sounds (perhaps they are even loaded at game startup where the track sounds are loaded when the track gets loaded?).
In any case I would also like to see this feature finally realized

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 20:53
Most car sounds should be loaded at start, as well as some track files (shared, like models).
After all, they managed to get work custom fonts, hud, fxpages, spru on individual tracks, these files (most of them) are normally loaded at game start, so it's possible to do similar way with cars too then.
But looking in other way, there are more than one car, if all 12 (different) will use different sounds it may not work (maybe due to game limitations). Tracks can only use 1 thing with same filename obviously (1 sound can be used with 1 filename).
Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 22:11
I totally support this.

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 23:19
Hmm just an idea but maybe separate engine sounds based on the view you're looking from. Like, the rear would have the slightly more 'muffler' sound... and the front would be the engine sound.... and so on... maybe even an idle... but that's not really needed cuz RV does that pretty good. But I would say this... If it's implemented, have a 'level override' switch in the level.ini files.. which overrides the car sounds. (Such as for the level i'm making)
Posted: 06 Apr 2013, 22:18
gel_lr34 @ Apr 5 2013, 08:49 PM wrote: Hmm just an idea but maybe separate engine sounds based on the view you're looking from. Like, the rear would have the slightly more 'muffler' sound... and the front would be the engine sound.... and so on... maybe even an idle... but that's not really needed cuz RV does that pretty good. But I would say this... If it's implemented, have a 'level override' switch in the level.ini files.. which overrides the car sounds. (Such as for the level i'm making)
I support Mandolin's suggestion but I think it will be easier to do your suggestion. Also this will add more realism.
If the both suggestions can be applied very well then.