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Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 03:38
Reading all the posts about it it seems impossible to ignore that v1.2 introduced at one point some difference in the collisions compared to v1.1.

To avoid flooding other threads with that topic please repost any issues related to physics / collision in v1.2 in this thread.
Any mention of this issue in another thread is now likely to be deleted / moved.
Please mention for each report:
- the v1.2 release number you're using.
- the race mode (Simulation / Arcade).
Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 05:20
Jigebren, tu comprends le français donc je vais pas m'emmerder à parler anglais, le truc c que vous prenez pas le problème à la base, c'est pas un probleme de collision à proprement parlé, c'est les caractéristiques physiques des voitures, y'a un truc qui tourne pas rond, la conduite pure n'est pas la même, donc parlé exclusivement de collisions est une erreur. A vous de voir ce que vous avez modifié depuis je dirais la version rv1.2a12.0815 là ou j'ai commencé à voir les premières différences niveau gameplay.
Recréer un topic va surement pas servir à grd chose la plupart des joueurs ne voyant pas réellement de différences. Et pourquoi les rockets, les ballons notamment sont bcp plus rapides qu'avant et donc plus forts à l'impact, on voit bien que les rockets partent largement plus vite qu'avant. Et parfois elles sont tellement puissantes que même sans réels impacts on vole. Et ce bug de l'étoile toytanic ne serait-il pas lié justement à ça, Huki l'avait je crois évoqué.
Posted: 23 Feb 2013, 19:07
Summary of Dolo's answer:
- Physics behavior has changed roughly starting with rv1.2a12.0815
- Rocket and water balloon speed has increased.
Le nouveau topic c'est juste que le jour où on décide de se concentrer sur ce bug, il faut avoir toute les infos au même endroit, on a pas le temps de relire tous les topics pour trouver les rapports de bugs qui concernent ce sujet.
Pour l'étoile de toytanic autant que je me rappelle non ça n'a rien à voir.
The goal of the new topic is to concentrate all reports in one point instead of having to read all the topics again to finds info about this issue the day we decide to work on it.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 00:54
Nice that you made this topic. Please let me quote the other reports so we can have all the info together.
Stingox wrote:I recently started playing revolt again after about 2 months. I feel that there is a drastic change in the collission even though there has been no new updates.
I quit using the 1102, but came back using 1225 and the weapons are way too powerful (rockets especially).
This applies to the multiplayer scene, and Im not alone about having this feeling that something is different.
Please bring the old collision system back.
Phantom wrote:I completely agree. The impacts are way too different from what we used to play in 2011. Even those small fixes that u've made have changed the gameplay soo much that it's not so fun to play online. Many players ragequit every day from rooms because we feel the same reason: The collission is so different from the original game that we loved.
This applies to:
• Weapon Impacts are much stronger.
• Car-per-car crashes feel completely different. You get pushed and your car is "stopped".
• And also the Contact with the Surfaces, for example when Wallbouncing, the car sticks to the wall.
Also I think the way that this 1.2 handles lag might be different (correct me if I'm wrong), but in laggy races the shockwaves are multiplied, you are sent to fly 3-4 times instead of just one and that is just no fun nor fair. Also the star, even in no lag races if 2 people tried to get the star in almost the same moment, they both get the star.
Please it would be nice if you just reintroduce exactly the collission that was in Beta 0208 for example, at least for next build, so we can test precisely if there are changes or not like you say.
Call it personal taste or not, but I'll prefer to use 0825 for Best 4 Laps / Time Trial races.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 01:13
Phantom @ Feb 23 2013, 08:24 PM wrote:Please let me quote the other reports so we can have all the info together.
And that's a a very good idea...
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 01:43
If this is not related with the collission like Huki said, I can only think that the other change that might be affecting the way that people drive is the shadows midification which was added recently. the complains started in the same period. Dolo and Cosmo might not know about this.
The first picture shows the original Cougar which looks completely normal. (0825)
The second picture looks the Cougar with modificated shadow which looks like it's flying. (1215)
Sorry if this
disturbs you too, but driving with a car that looks and feels different might be triggering the complains too. Specially for us that are used to drive the cars like they were since 1999.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 04:45
Phantom @ Feb 23 2013, 09:13 PM wrote:The first picture shows the original Cougar which looks completely normal. (0825)
The second picture looks the Cougar with modificated shadow which looks like it's flying. (1215)
Hmm sorry but though I agree you can be used to the old shadow, just turn your camera around the car (in F6 mode) and you'll notice that the new shadow perfectly fits the car. It may looks like it's flying to you because the back of the car is raised, but the shadow looks fine to me. BTW I see your point but I don't think it has actually something to do with the collision issue reports.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 04:59
I know it doesn't.

I'm just saying that the old shadow looks better and people not used to the new shadow tend to crash more oftenly and this might be 1 cause of the complains.
Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 05:54
I did a mistake, the Physics behavior has changed roughly starting with rv1.2a11.0825 and not with the rv1.2a12.0815, so long time i saw a difference, 1 year for sure... Look here >> ... c=1699&hl= (there was already a topic about collisions

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 06:54
Can you guys test with the
12.1102 build? Everyone in the session should be running this same build, settings: 1.2-only, arcade mode. This build has a bug with bomb transfer, just ignore it and continue testing (don't use the later patch that fixes the bomb transfer bug).
Also try
this build 11.0501 in a separate session (again, everyone should be running the same build, settings: 1.2-only, arcade mode).
Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 23:23
Test with the 12.1102 build only = No Hard collisions, Rocket and balls too strong, the toyeca's steering not the same than original (ex : museum 2 with the escalator)
Test with the build 11.0501 only = the same than the beta 0.208 and v1.1 i think
Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 04:34
The collision changed, but rocket or balloon speed no. However the change of physics have made them more powerful somehow.
Before (1.1) you would spin around or roll over when a rocket hit u on a normal straight road.
Now you will fly and when you land its very unpredictable to know what will happen. The car can land differently.
I have always used humma and 99% of the time I somehow ended up landing on the 4 wheels, even if it ment that I first roll and end up like that.
Now that chance is around 70%.
It's just a different feel and not as much about skills anymore, something between arcade and simulation mode.
I remember that some update had changed the physics in a way that when u landed in toyworld ramp, there were some chance to get spinned when you hit the floor.
Some reported the bug and it was fixed. But there are so many small detailed bugs that are hard to notice, you just feel a difference and it cannot be explained easily.
Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 23:21
We don't need a new patch quickly to correct this bugs, we just need to decide with the community which patch can we use in multiplayer on rvhouse to play without bugs in the gameplay... A kind of patch official approved by all community (ex: build 11.0501 or beta 0.208) and remove the link of others alphas bugged...
Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 00:45
@Stingox: the best thing you can do to help fix this issue is to either make a reproducable case where you actually see a difference in the game (or make a comparison video of a similar scene) or try out all different alpha builds that were released since the beta and check if there are any noticable changes.
both methods are time consuming but if you want to help fix this problem, those are examples of what you can do

(only describing a scene and say that "it feels different" doesn't help much...)
@Dolo: People can always return to the Beta version (or even 1.1), all Alpha releases are marked as such for a reason and it depends on the user which one he chooses to use and not on the devs or the community.
Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 02:09
Kenny wrote:@Dolo: People can always return to the Beta version
That is unlikely going to happen. People became so much fan of the
Late Joining feature that this is the only reason that stops the hosts from downgrading.
Basically if we had a Beta 0208 with Late Joining, everyone will be using that for the testing purposes.
Btw, I also noticed what Sting has said about the landing with Humma. It used to land in the 4 wheels most of the time even when you don't mean it, but now it tends to land differently, head-down.
Would be a good example if you catch it on video.
Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 02:17
@ Kenny
I have tried that but the every action is different. Every shot with a rocket could give a different result. I tried that with the 1.1 version and one of the alphas or betas that was changed, not the recent one (huge difference).
And I dont think people can change back to older betas or alphas however they like.
If me and dolo would change back to an older version, the other players would have a disadvantage if we could play simultaneously.
Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 14:52
There should be a new patch which fixes these collision bugs and other wierd things as said above. That would actually also solve the problem of using beta and alpha versions. The best thing would be if everyone uses the same version.
Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 08:02
Checking again through the 11.0208 code vs. the current version using a differencing tool, I can only pinpoint one or two changes that could have any effect on the handling, physics or collision. I don't think they do, but since we don't have any other leads I've disabled these changes and uploaded a test build.
- First be sure to install the latest release 12.1225 (
- Then get the test build from here: (Extract to your re-volt folder and overwrite the existing revolt.exe).
- As always, it is recommended that everyone in the session run the same test build and the host uses v1.2-only option and arcade mode.
Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 23:59
Thanks for file, but can you compile it for 32bit os'es? Lots people here still have 32bit, so it won't work. I'm pretty sure this is a 64bit exe, no?
Edit: Ok now it could run on winxp, but with service pack 2? and 3 only. On older os won't work, due to old kernel32.dll.
Posted: 09 Mar 2013, 03:31
VaiDuX461 @ Mar 8 2013, 11:59 PM wrote: Thanks for file, but can you compile it for 32bit os'es? Lots people here still have 32bit, so it won't work. I'm pretty sure this is a 64bit exe, no?
It's 32-bit, but I seem to have compiled it with some wrong settings which prevents it from running on WinXP. I'll reupload a working build soon..
EDIT: Ok, I've uploaded a XP compatible build now (use the same link in my last post).
Posted: 09 Mar 2013, 12:36
Stingox @ Mar 5 2013, 12:04 AM wrote: The collision changed, but rocket or balloon speed no. However the change of physics have made them more powerful somehow.
And I realized that.
Posted: 10 Mar 2013, 04:31
I just took a quick glance at it but in terms of car handling and physics it doesn't feel different to me (compared to latest alpha).
It could be that shootable weapons behave differently here (and don't mean that in a positive way) but that might be also my imagination.
Well, that's probably should be my fault, because winxp sp1 support ended already, but some latest applications still work. Installing sp2 or sp3 would make this game unplayable for me (runs much slower).
You do know that XP systems should nowadays have at least SP2 installed, right? Not only because a lot of applications/programs/games require it but also because the system is a lot safer that way (still not safe compared to nowadays standards but thats not my point).
If Re-Volt really performs slow for you when you install the service pack maybe you should consider either completely reinstalling the OS or updating some hardware / buying a new PC?
Keeping Re-Volt compatible with OS's back to Win98 makes no sense. And even systems with WinXP SP1 (or lower) are getting out of date.
@huki: Out of curiosity, what platform toolset are you using for compiling? I remember that you guys insisted on continue using Visual C++ 6 but I guess with 64bit options you are now using a different one?
Posted: 10 Mar 2013, 18:37
I did only one serious test with sebr, the weapons seem less strong, but the driving is not like 1.1, the pushing/collisions may be normal but hard to say.
The other test was with 7-8 players but may be 1 or 2 had not the fix, and the game was a big sshit, lag/pushing/collisions/weapons powerfull = all sshit in the same race like always with the last alpha... Impossible to do serious test with all noobs in rvhouse. I'm just very glad when i play with the beta 0208, that's all...
Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 03:25
Ok i did a serious test tonight, and test is negative, it's same than with the 1225. Weapons too strong with hard pushing/collisions... same for the driving, too different than beta... The truth is out there...
Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 19:39
Not to mention, that you get that 'bug' again, for example when landing at the finish on Toy World 1, so it seems to just remove the intended fix, but not the unintended changes.
Posted: 12 Mar 2013, 00:57
Hmm, ok I've restored the changes - pretty sure they are harmless but I had to confirm nevertheless. Now try this build:
@VaiDuX, only the test builds are this way (I can only build for XP SP3 and above at this moment). The release builds will continue to support older systems.
Kenny wrote:Out of curiosity, what platform toolset are you using for compiling? I remember that you guys insisted on continue using Visual C++ 6 but I guess with 64bit options you are now using a different one?
We switched to VC 2008 (Express) soon after the first beta release and we've continued to use it so far. Recently I've installed Win8 on my system and I'm using VC 2012 Express for the time being. It only supports building for Vista and above, but with an update it also supports XP SP3. I'm looking forward to switch to Codeblocks soon and get rid of VC altogether. Don't know when I'll get to it though..
Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 01:51
Ok, i'm alone to test or what... For the fix V2 it's the same... Not better...
Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 18:35
Just to say that many people started to downgrade to Beta 0208.
Dunno why, but we get better driving results with it, specially in Best Laps races.
And it also allows more than 20 laps races, which became very popular now:
ReVolt Botanical Garden 50 Lap Race on 2013-03-15
Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 19:40
The collisions and driving IS different in beta 0208 than in newer alphas, thats beyond question. Driving is somehow more stable, more predictable in beta, it's much easier to make good times with it. For B3L I'd definitely use beta, but it's hard to drive with one version one time, and with another next time, cause you need to get used to them (as it differs so much, you can't drive well with one, if you are used to the other one)
Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 19:58
Is this (from Alpha 11.1215):
"Fixed a bug in the collision engine, which could make very small steps insurmountable (as the step from the potatoes sack to the long freezer in market1."
can be something to do with weird collision?
Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 23:04
Huki, seeing that you can’t pinpoint the physics changes - perhaps it would be less time-consuming to just take the latest stable version and insert again the graphics and online changes (you know those well and thus can do it quicker than bug-hunt the latest alphas).
I think I have a way to check which version is the latest stable.
Save a replay of a situation where the collision or weapon impact is noticeably wrong (-dev mode allows that). Watch the replay in other alphas, going back towards earlier versions, and you should notice when the impact changes back to normal for just a second.
Why? Because Re-Volt reads the replay data only after every second or so, and renders with game engine between those readings. So that 1 second period shows the exact in-game behaviour before the next data read puts the car into where it was recorded.)
Someone who has time could do that.
Another option could be using the SADIST cheat code to repeatedly run into your own False Pickup in-game, but the replay option should be more precise (it’s exactly the same situation every time).
[offtopic](By the way and incidentally, Huki, that would also mean rolling back to a version before the new V1.2 AI, but the old car AI can now be tuned into Expert AI, and I think we can safely say that it fulfils itself the purpose for which you actually started the AI changes anyway (i.e. ice-capability). You could just include the Expert AI Stocks pack as optional extra for V1.2 and be done with it, so you can move on to other things. You’ll also immediately solve the request for two AI difficulty levels this way.)[/offtopic]
Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 02:26
Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 17:37
No answers from developers,is there any progress about this horror gameplay or the problem is insoluble
This problem should really be priority cause revolt gameplay is changed to maximum!
Hope u didint give up

Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 18:13
Cosmo_Kramer @ Apr 22 2013, 03:07 PM wrote: No answers from developers,is there any progress about this horror gameplay or the problem is insoluble
This problem should really be priority cause revolt gameplay is changed to maximum!
Huki is inactive nearly 1 month.
Gameplay didn't changed very much, but people find it annoying way too much.
Check above posts, they tried to fix these problems some time ago.
Posted: 22 Apr 2013, 22:04
Don't need to fix this bug !!!! Just delete this FU alpha and PUT beta 0.208 like the version that must be used. It's easy !
Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 01:42
Seriously, I hope someone hear our prays.
Like Cosmo said, the gameplay is changed to maximum! I tested myself with the Beta 0208 and it feels so much different. We can make good times again now that most of us have downgraded to Beta, and we have good races with it again! Why can't we do it with the alphas? The physics feels so different, everytime you touch a surface it feels so strange in a bad way, car-per-car contact is so fucked up. I'm sorry for the brute words but it is very sad for me to see things like are now, the people now downgrading to beta.
If only we had a Beta 0208 with Late Joining & enhanced custom support, it would be the perfect version ever!
Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 22:54
WAKE UP, Bordel !!!!!!
On se réveille, ça me casse sérieusement les couilles là, ça fait quinze plombes qu'ont dit ca merde et que le gameplay est différent mais pendant ce temps là aucune décision est prise et doit subir ce gampeplay de chiotte interstellaire sérieux !!
Ouvrez les yeux bordel !
Posted: 23 Apr 2013, 23:55
@Dolo. Non mais tu te prends pour qui sérieusement? Je me rappelle pas que tu nous aies payé quoi que ce soit pour notre travail, donc en attendant tu la mets en veilleuse et tu attends gentiment qu'on trouve le temps et le courage de s'y mettre. Pour le coup j'étais justement en train de m'y remettre pour y jeter un œil, mais ce genre de message me fait juste halluciner...
Really no need to translate. Just use Google translate if you want to see the kind of message you should avoid to post...
Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 01:14
Tu me lis ou quoi ? Je vais surement pas attendre que vous régliez le problème par une mise à jour, ça fait déjà un an et je suis pas pressé, je pourrais même attendre 10 ans que je m'en taperais, mais par contre vous seriez gentil de retirer les versions buggées qui foutent la merde comme en bon responsable, et de recommander A TOUS LES JOUEURS d'utiliser la meme version NON BUGUÉE, parce que c'est bien gentil de développer mais derrière c'est pas vous qui jouiez en ligne, et j'ai jamais jugé le taff ni quoi que ce soit, mais là c'est bon ça me gave... et je la mets en veilleuse si je veux...
Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 22:36
@Dolo. Bah en fait non, c'est pas si tu veux... C'est tu la mets en veilleuse, ou tu vas voir ailleurs. C'est pas plus compliqué.
Quand à ton dernier message, apparemment t'as pas l'air de vouloir comprendre ce que Alpha et Beta veut dire. Nous reprocher d'avoir une version Alpha buggée, c'est vraiment pas mal, ça... D'ailleurs si tu vas sur le site, c'est bien la Beta qui est conseillée, écrit en gros et tout, la version Alpha est juste mise à disposition. Avec le message "Also note that these builds are for testing purposes only". C'est pas clair pour toi ça?
>>parce que c'est bien gentil de développer mais derrière c'est pas vous qui jouiez en ligne
Celle là c'est la meilleure. Juste bravo, je pensais pas lire un jour un truc comme ça.
Un dernier point quand même, à la base on est sur un forum anglophone, donc les messages en français quand c'est pour aider, pas de problème, mais quand c'est pour faire sa petite crise c'est pas la peine. Écris en anglais que tout le monde en profite..
Posted: 24 Apr 2013, 23:33
jigebren @ Apr 24 2013, 06:06 PM wrote:@Dolo. Bah en fait non, c'est pas si tu veux... C'est tu la mets en veilleuse, ou tu vas voir ailleurs. C'est pas plus compliqué.
Quand à ton dernier message, apparemment t'as pas l'air de vouloir comprendre ce que Alpha et Beta veut dire. Nous reprocher d'avoir une version Alpha buggée, c'est vraiment pas mal, ça... D'ailleurs si tu vas sur le site, c'est bien la Beta qui est conseillée, écrit en gros et tout, la version Alpha est juste mise à disposition. Avec le message "Also note that these builds are for testing purposes only". C'est pas clair pour toi ça?
Mais nan je la mettrai pas en veilleuse, j'insulte pas, je suis un peu agressif mais c'est le but recherché. D'ailleurs t'as réagi, c'est très bien...
Le coup du bêta / alpha, c'est très clair pour moi depuis fort longtemps, sauf que j'essaie de l'expliquer au 80% d'abrutis présents sur rvhouse. Je fais de la résistance avec la beta... D'ailleurs je passe pour un vieux con mais j'en ai strictement rien à foutre. Donc à vous d'être plus tranchants et de le dire HAUT ET FORT ! Quitte même à supprimer carrément certaines alphas sur le site, vous avez eu quand meme pas mal de remarques à ce sujet. Ça ruine clairement le gameplay de façon importante, mais ça malheureusement vous pouvez pas vous en rendre compte vu qu'on vous voit jamais sur rvhouse...
Et j'ai bien aimé ton argumentation au sujet du développement de la 1.2 d'un coté et le jeu en ligne... Très intéressant, vraiment... Le jeu en ligne c'est la base de revolt, plus de jeu en ligne plus de revolt, tout simplement. Donc développer et tester en local ou avec 3 gus je vois pas l'intérêt... Après si vous comptez sur les joueurs et sur Rvhouse pour avoir des beta testeurs c'est très bien mais à la longue ça fout la merde et ca divise la communauté avec les différentes versions proposées... Là ca dure, ça traîne et ça me tape sur le système...
Et pour finir les coups de gueule c'est qd meme mieux en français, on n'a quand même une réputation à tenir nous frenchies. (et accessoirement j'ai un niveau de merde en anglais)
Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 00:01
@Dolo. On va jamais sur RVHouse parce qu'on a pas le temps. J'aimerais bien moi aussi être un joueur passif de Re-Volt et pouvoir en profiter sur RVHouse, sauf que dans ce cas WolfR4 n'aurait pas existé, et la v1.2 peut-être pas non plus.
>> j'ai bien aimé ton argumentation au sujet du développement de la 1.2 d'un coté et le jeu en ligne
Y'a rien à argumenter là-dessus. T'as déjà codé? Je pense que non parce que sinon tu comprendrais pourquoi lire "c'est bien gentil de [vous taper le sale boulot] mais derrière c'est pas vous qui [vous amusez avec]", c'est juste risible. Ouais, parce que je vais te dire, développer on peut aimer ça, mais ça reste assez dur et chiant, en tous cas incomparablement plus que de jouer en ligne...
Et puis je rappelle un dernier truc quand même, c'est qu'on ne doit rien à personne. Ni moi, ni Huki. Le projet dure, traine. Bah ouais, mais on a une vie à côté et on a pas été payé par Acclaim pour supporter leur jeu. Donc faut faire avec, et les coup de gueules des utilisateurs impatients ne feront jamais rien avancer.
Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 01:13
Encore une fois mon impatience n'est pas dû à votre non réactivité pour la sortie d'un nouveau correctif mais plutôt dans la prise de décision concernant ces alphas en question, qui comme tu l'as dit peuvent être buggées. Mais quand celles-ci présentent un bug qui pourrit clairement le gameplay, il est sûrement préférable de les supprimer complètement du site et surtout quand plusieurs personnes vous le font remarquer.
Car actuellement certains d'entre nous regrettons clairement la gameplay de la version 1.1, ce qui en 2013 est un comble quand on sait que la v1.2 présentent des nouveautés intéressantes.
""Y'a rien à argumenter là-dessus. T'as déjà codé? Je pense que non parce que sinon tu comprendrais pourquoi lire "c'est bien gentil de [vous taper le sale boulot] mais derrière c'est pas vous qui [vous amusez avec]", c'est juste risible. Ouais, parce que je vais te dire, développer on peut aimer ça, mais ça reste assez dur et chiant, en tous cas incomparablement plus que de jouer en ligne...""
Donc juste parce que vous faites ça bénévolement et que vous demandez rien à personne on n'a pas le droit de se plaindre quand vous dénaturez le jeu original (involontairement certes) ? Dans ces cas-là vous pouvez tout vous permettre et on dit rien ? Je passe peut-être pour le chieur de service sur ce coup-là, mais j'en prends les responsabilités, mais c'est avant tout pour que les choses avancent et non pas pour détruire quoi que ce soit.
Et quand je te parle de développement et de jeu en ligne, tu dis que t'as pas le temps, OK certes, mais quand on développe en étant coupé du jeu en ligne et de l'atmosphère qui en découle, tu trouve pas ça un peu bizarre ? Et être curieux de voir son bébé se comporter et évoluer sur la scène multi pour comprendre certaines réactions étranges ou bug te paraît pas important ? Moi si en tout cas, ca fait un peu partie du développement...
Encore une fois, si vous voulez fixer le bug, vous avez le temps que vous voulez, c'est pas ça que j'attends de vous... Mais par exemple guider un peu mieux le troupeau de moutons présents sur RVHouse (j'exagère un peu) qui se jettent les yeux fermés sur les dernières alpha pourrait être une bonne chose...
Sur ce, je laisse les anglophones reprendre les rennes de ce topic.
A bon entendeur !
Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 21:45
The work of 1.2 is appreciated, it has brought many new features. Reduced waiting time from 60 seconds to 15, late joining and lots of other functionalities.
We understand that you are developing re-volt 1.2 without any support from acclaim or any other company but it does not mean that you can develop it in any way you want.
I remember huki saying that the purpose of re-volt 1.2 is to bring new features without changing the basic structure of the game. And now to some levels, especially in the topic field we are experiencing this.
The impact of rockets and water baloons are just too strong, the way we hit the wall affects the results and the game is no longer dependent as much on skills anymore. before it was both how well you could drive and good you were with pickups.
Now it is harder to make faster laps and a rocket will blow you 10 meters away. The physics are just too weird.
There was a change made to the Rotor car. Previously it would drive slower upside down but 1.2 developers changed that to full speed (same as straight up). While I dont enjoy driving slower cars, it is still a change that I think the 1.2 developers dont have the right to do.
It is also not as simple as just moving back to older betas or alphas, because most players on rvhouse just keep playing with the latest beta, not because they want to, but because they either havent noticed or doesnt care.
Now im asking the developers, What are your plans or suggestions to solve this issue?
Please help us the best way to get back to the most stable version. We dont want to wait forever.
Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 23:34
Stingox @ Apr 30 2013, 05:15 PM wrote:[...] but it does not mean that you can develop it in any way you want.
I'm not going to argue against that because it's not the point... You just seem to imply this modification was intentional while it's actually not the case. So I'm a bit tired of criticism against a version clearly marked as Alpha.
This alpha state lasts a bit too long, that's something we can agree about. We all want this to be fixed as soon as possible. But sooner was just no possible for us. We're sorry for that but that's just a fact.
Please help us the best way to get back to the most stable version.
Ok. Efficient, clear and detailed bug report is the best way to help getting this issue fixed, way better than complaining / ranting or being borderline insulting as Dolo was.
For example I asked to mention the race mode (arcade / simulation) but I don't remember having ever get a clear answer. Or we're still waiting for a video capture of the bug, anything that could help... So I'm going to ask a few clear questions again:
1) Does it occurs in Arcade mode only or Simulation mode as well?
2) Does it occurs in Online mode only or both Offline and Online? (if both, exactly the same way?).
3) Which versions clearly have the issue? Which versions do not?
4) And as an extra optional one, you can describe what is the issue actually about for you (car
/car collision, car/surface collision, weapons speed, car/weapons collision...).
I'm asking that because as far as I'm concerned I use to play offline in simulation mode and the last time I tried I wasn't able to notice myself any of the reported symptom.
And please don't flood the topic with remarks like "this is useless, we already said that here...".
Posted: 01 May 2013, 02:47
Back to square one ! I give up...
Posted: 01 May 2013, 14:50
I'm sorry but I have to agree with jigebren on this one.
Back to square one ! I give up...
Instead of saying something like this you could have actually shown some effort to help fixing this bug. Jigebren made it clear enough in his last post how users who are annoyed of this bug are able to help in order to fix it.
Also I would like to point out that nothing definite has yet come up of the members (like something reproducible or at least a video where a difference can be seen), only vague descriptions and "that it feels different compared to previous versions". At least I didn't see something so far (except some version numbers being tossed around).
Thats like you all saying "I think I stung myself in that haystack where you probably dropped a needle, you have to search for the needle and remove it".
The fact that all these versions are declared as Alphas for a very good reason has already been mentioned quite a few times but it seems to me that some people still don't get it and rather complain than being helpful and appreciating this project.
Posted: 01 May 2013, 15:45
Kenny @ May 1 2013, 10:20 AM wrote:I'm sorry but I have to agree with jigebren on this one.
Back to square one ! I give up...
Instead of saying something like this you could have actually shown some effort to help fixing this bug. Jigebren made it clear enough in his last post how users who are annoyed of this bug are able to help in order to fix it.
I already helped like i could, i did it since 1 year, look the other topic that i created about this bug too. Now i don't want to help, i just want that all players use the same version (beta 1.2b11.0208 or alpha 1.2a11.0501 for example) without this gameplay of death, that's all, it's not hard to understand that !!!
Posted: 01 May 2013, 20:34
Kenny @ May 1 2013, 10:20 AM wrote:Thats like you all saying "I think I stung myself in that haystack where you probably dropped a needle, you have to search for the needle and remove it".
Your analogy sucks the big one and confused the hell out of me.
Thanks for the laugh.

Posted: 03 May 2013, 18:23
I'm still waiting for some definitive test results from everyone experiencing these issues. Check
jigebren's last post for the kind of info we need. For a start, I'd like to know whether the bug also affects offline modes (single player / time trial). Just try different modes and settings and keep us informed...
I'm also interested in hearing from people who haven't posted here so far (people who don't use to play online, for example). Have you guys noticed any changes in offline modes (or split-screen multiplayer)?