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Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 00:35
Hey guys!
For the last few weeks i have been working on a new bunch of ideas for Re-Volt.
Skitch2's High Def Project gets started with my first 1.2 custom Track "Ever After" Now being tested by the chaps over in Revolt-Chat MIRC.
This track is running 512x512 textures with an add on pack of 1024x1024 Textures!
I have put a ton of work into this one and i hope it ticks all the boxes for you!
More to follow and ill upload "Ever After" tomorrow night.
All the best.
Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 03:36
Cannot wait! I'll be one of the first to download it when it is put up.

Posted: 03 Nov 2013, 23:03
Is there any chance someone could find out why this track is not up on the RVZone?
Its all change and i am a bit out of the loop but it doesn't seem to be there and i cant seem to be able to contact anyone through the site. Thanks all.
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 01:23
With some help from Phantom or Vaidux you might be able to get the track re-uploaded to RVZ. I tried to search but couldn't find it myself either unfortunately. :/
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 02:43
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 04:49
Skitch2 @ Nov 3 2013, 02:33 PM wrote: Is there any chance someone could find out why this track is not up on the RVZone?
Its all change and i am a bit out of the loop but it doesn't seem to be there and i cant seem to be able to contact anyone through the site. Thanks all.
Many tracks and cars didn't survive the server move and until this day we didn't get any answer from Zach about that. People left many messages in the
RVZ Suggestions thread and still no answer. So I don't know what the future of RVZ will be.
I only know that people shouldn't reupload all the missing tracks manually. I believe Zach was going to finish the uploading and certain fixes.
So I think it is better to wait until Zach has time to fix certain things. This was a message we wrote to him in the forum but we didn't get answer:
We are waiting until you say something about RVZ. Will you finish uploading the missing tracks and cars? Will the needed improvements described in the RVZ Suggestions thread be done someday?
RVZ now lacks from a lot of stuff that already was in RVZT and if you wait to the next year, people will start reuploading old stuff manually which is not right. The uploaders will appear as Authors. So I think it is better to wait until you finish uploading what is missing before we continue with the Repacking project. But.. are you going to do this? Should we keep waiting for you? No?
Also, Vaid got his computer again, so the repacking can re-start. However the order we were following has been screwed up, I hope TheWayBackMachine can be a solution for that. Or now that I'm thinking we can follow the RVZ IDs as a new way to order stuff.
I hope you throw an answer someday. Greetings.
Posted: 04 Nov 2013, 20:11
I want to add that if I upload your track right now, the system will include the Uploader (me) as one of the Authors, and that is not right at all. I wouldn't like to see myself as one of the authors. That was a very bad new change introduced in RVZ.
Only Zach can upload old tracks now.
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 10:07
I can't find the file anywhere other than the link mladen posted. I will try to get this resolved immediately. My apologies for this mistake!
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 10:23
I set the creation date to Feb 15, 2013. If this is incorrect, skitch or any moderator can fix it. Sorry again,
Posted: 09 Mar 2014, 20:02
Yes, I checked and February 15th is