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Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 10:53
This is a very easy thing to include. The only change that must be made is an addition of one, two or three lines in each language string after the "Pro" line - one for each additional rating. It is already possible to use the "4WD", "RWD" and "FWD" lines to make a car that is rated higher than Pro, but it looks odd seeing these as the rating of the car, and only a select few people have even decided to use them because of this reason. Thus, a huge amount of cars have been created and put into the Pro class that make Humma look like a toy (joke intended

This can seriously impact the flow of the game when you want to have a sporting chance of winning with a true Pro car, or when you want a decent challenge with a car that should be above Pro.
The reason I think there should be multiple ratings above Pro is that some cars are slightly better than the true Pros (which will inevitably become the Super Pro rating if this proposal is accepted), but there are also cars that are better than these Super Pro cars. My name suggestion for the second elite rating is All-Star, but that name is open for discussion. It is also arguable that there could be a third elite rating. I feel like it should be included to be on the safe side. If a third elite rating is included, my name suggestion would be Legendary, which is also open for debate.
What do the members of this community (and developers of 1.2) think of this?
Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 12:25
"Yes, there should be one car rating past Pro." Why? I think because we don't need from too many classes which can confuse the newbie players. And like you said this class can be called Super Pro or Legendary.

Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 13:15
As I saw lots of custom cars, which are way faster than pro stocks, in my opinion higher rating would be really useful, because when Ai selects your custom car, you will get frustrated, that's why I don't use or install custom cars at all (except some exceptions).
Voted for 2 better ratings.
Just to add, in Best Trial Times, those new ratings would be hidden, if player doesn't have any of that kind of car, so he wouldn't be pissed of and think that cars better than pro can be unlocked, in other words better ratings would be *secret*, impossible to see with only stock content.
Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 14:24
One or two; it would be the best choice.
Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 19:16
Voted for one (Super Pro only).
Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 23:18
Voted for +1 rating
Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 15:39
These Is New Car Is Needed (By Collecting Stars In Stunt Arena Will Unlock These Cars)
Catch First Stars (Unlocks RVL AMW) Based By AMW (From RVRO_Nieger33@)
Suggested From Re-Live
Catch 5 Stars (Unlocks RC Short Course Action) Based By Slash VXL (From Hi-Ban) Suggested By:RV Passion
Catch 10 Stars (Unlocks A.M.T) Based By AMW (Suggested By:RV Passion)
Catch 15 Stars (Unlocks RC Truggy Action) Unknown Base Car (Suggested By:RV Passion)
Catch 20 Stars (Unlocks RC-CR) Based By Pest Control (Suggested By:RV Passion)
Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 19:43
Platform @ Jan 20 2013, 11:09 AM wrote: These Is New Car Is Needed (By Collecting Stars In Stunt Arena Will Unlock These Cars)
Catch First Stars (Unlocks Inner Control) Based By Pest Control
Catch 5 Stars (Unlocks Volken Volume) Based By Volken Turbo
Catch 10 Stars (Unlocks A.M.T) Based By AMW (Suggested By:RV Passion)
Catch 15 Stars (Stay Tuned)
Catch 20 Stars (Stay Tuned)
Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 00:09
Platform wrote: Stuff.
Posted: 24 Jan 2013, 04:02
Posted: 24 Jan 2013, 12:02
*Not very nice language removed*
Abc, I'm not sure who you're referring to, but if you are referring to me, then you apparently completely ignored the very first post I made on this topic:
It is already possible to use the "4WD", "RWD" and "FWD" lines to make a car that is rated higher than Pro, but it looks odd seeing these as the rating of the car, and only a select few people have even decided to use them because of this reason. Thus, a huge amount of cars have been created and put into the Pro class that make Humma look like a toy.
If you don't agree with making the rating names be something better than "Stars", "4WD" and "RWD", say your opinion nicely and stop cussing people out about it or don't post at all. Thank you in advance.
And, I took the liberty of changing all the appropriate pro cars in my collection into 4WD cars, and the problem with doing this is that true pro cars still seem to slip into the 4WD races. So this IS something that should be considered and is not a load of what you said.
Posted: 24 Jan 2013, 12:09
Sorry for the double post, but after changing all of the car ratings to the appropriate ones, I find that having two additional car ratings past Pro would be the best option. Only having one does not always provide a good Super Pro race, and having three is a bit excessive. Two additional ratings is the perfect fit from my experience.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 00:55
Abc @ Jan 23 2013, 11:32 PM wrote: THERE ARE MORE CLASSES: Stars, FWD, RWD and more! INCREASE NUMBER IN PARAMETERS
(removed), mandolin remove it from quote
When did this thing get unbanned?!
Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 02:10
Today I believe. The ban was only for two weeks, but that he's back posting crap like this I'm starting to think it should be permanent. From what I understand, he's been doing stuff like this since he started coming around here. I haven't been around long enough to see it for myself, but just the fact that he won't stop even after being banned for two weeks is enough to me.
Posted: 25 Jan 2013, 03:41
Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 09:48
Mandolin @ Jan 24 2013, 05:40 PM wrote: Today I believe. The ban was only for two weeks, but that he's back posting crap like this I'm starting to think it should be permanent. From what I understand, he's been doing stuff like this since he started coming around here. I haven't been around long enough to see it for myself, but just the fact that he won't stop even after being banned for two weeks is enough to me.
Jigbren had banned me for posting revolt cd image, and Platform Kid shoild be banned
w t f dude!
Ban ended 23/1 around 3pm
Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 12:05
I just don't get you sometimes... some stuff you post is alright, but some is really bad and some just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And Platform hasn't done anything to get banned IMO... it's just that a lot of the ideas he has come from who-knows-where and his English is horrible.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 14:47
Mandolin @ Jan 26 2013, 08:35 AM wrote:Platform hasn't done anything to get banned IMO... it's just that a lot of the ideas he has come from who-knows-where and his English is horrible.
Maybe yes, maybe not. Most of his post are ridiculous, check his profile and "Find all topics by this member".
He has a lot of ideas, but all of them are not for v1.2 patch (unlock custom cars, additional content...). But his worst is English, its nonsense. Why posting if people can barely understand what he's trying to say.
Come on, its
English forum, not Engrish. Yes, lots of people here doesn't have golden English skills (like me), but people understand, that's the main thing.
Also, other forum members reactions to his posts are negative, they want him to stop doing that, but he don't listen.
Plus, he's posting not only here, but also in
Re-Volt Wikia (info page about game), good ENGLISH must be there. He got some warnings, but ignored and he continue. I think it will be same in here, until his posting privileges will be disable for, let's say 2 weeks, if continue then half year, until he understands and learns (a bit) better English. I'm pretty sure he's just a small child, he can still learn, so in my opinion it would be best to grown up first and try posting again.
Atleast he doesn't swear, unlike Abc.
Btw, from my webpage statistics, it tells he's Chinese.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 19:06
Abc @ Jan 26 2013, 01:18 AM wrote: Jigbren had banned me for posting revolt cd image, and Platform Kid shoild be banned
w t f dude!
Ban ended 23/1 around 3pm
You were banned for acting like an idiot and hacking rooms in RVHouse, not for posting the cd image.
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 00:51
Platform Phantom (sorry) said, you were banned just for your stupid behaviour, period. But it seems you did not get it...
And you thought you would be welcome here any longer.
I banned him for one year this afternoon, maybe he'll grow up then and learn how to behave. Or simply forget about this place and the issue will be solved as well.
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 00:52
jigebren @ Jan 27 2013, 12:51 AM wrote: As Platform......,

Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 02:24
Oh jeez, sorry about that.
And I forgot to mention, as I'm a car provider myself. I follow the ratings of RVR so I would probably prefer that it follows that. (Pro, Super-Pro, God, Super-God, some of my cars are classed as God & Super-Gods.)
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 08:40
I have the link! (pretty good to have it)
Click me to get revolt original cd (fuk u jig)
WOOOOOWWWWW.... talk about a smack in the face...
Glad you smacked it back at him Jig... lol knock him out for good.
@ Skarma: I wasn't aware of that setup (I honestly don't know what RVR stands for lol), but if that is already set as standard over there, I wouldn't see anything wrong with using it in the real game.
Also on another note, I was testing out the 4WD cars in races, and when in a 4WD race, only Pro cars seem to get put into the races. Changing the ratings to 4WD keeps the 4WD cars out of normal pro races, but it would be REALLY REALLY REALLY nice to have Super Pro+ only races as well.
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 15:05
Abc @ Jan 23 2013, 11:32 PM wrote: THERE ARE MORE CLASSES: Stars, FWD, RWD and more! INCREASE NUMBER IN PARAMETERS
Thats actually a bug and not supposed to be. If you have noticed, those "ratings" are actually just the following strings of the language.txt and simply just setting the rating number outside its defined range is not a recommended thing to do.
I also remember that doing a certain action when playing around with such special rated cars, will crash the game.
I would strongly recommend to fix this bug before car makers might get the idea that there is a possibility to set some "cool ratings" for their cars and therefore mess up the game for some players.
Posts like Abc's just show that there are in fact people who believe this is "for real" and I also have already download one or two cars that had such parameters.
Simply put those ratings in a fixed buffer and give out an error message or an empty rating if the set rating is outside the normal range.
Oh and to give a statement to the topic:
I would certainly love to have at least one additional rating. However only +2 ratings at most, not more.
There are a couple of cars that are noticable faster than the Pro cars (an extra rating for those) but even more cars that are ridiculously fast and actually barely controllable (at least for most levels) and I would prefer to have those in an extra rating to differentiate between reasonably fast (but still faster than pro cars) and ridiculously fast.
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 01:55
Mandolin @ Jan 27 2013, 04:10 AM wrote: I honestly don't know what RVR stands for lol
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 07:34
@ Balint12: Re-Volt Race... ok I've heard of that but haven't really been there much. Cool beans
@ Kenny: Speed isn't all that determines class, like you said. But I've seen several cars that go 60-70mph that fit nicely in the regular Pro class, because the rest of the params besides speed just stink the car up... What I'm saying the reason for having Super-Pro and one additional setting is that there are cars that are noticeably better than the stock Pro cars (all-around better) and some that are noticeably better than those. Of course, cars do have to have a certain amount of speed to reach these two ratings. If a car's speed exceeds the amount that the average car that fits into either of these two settings would have, then the handling of the cars starts to become irratic enough to where speed isn't as much an advantage as it is a hindrance, as you said, but then the car really would just fit into a lower rating and not a separate rating of its own.
And I didn't know using other strings as car ratings messed the game up for some people... it's never done anything bad to me.

Although, like I said, it is impossible to have an all Super Pro race with the current Re-Volt version because the true Pro cars just slip through into the races, and having a car set to a rating of 5 or greater keeps the AI from selecting it (even if the car you are using is rated at 5). But I would think setting up additional ratings wouldn't be as difficult as a lot of the stuff Huki and Jig have done with Re-Volt. Of course, I could be wrong.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 08:25
Mandolin @ Jan 28 2013, 02:04 AM wrote: @ Kenny: Speed isn't all that determines class, like you said. But I've seen several cars that go 60-70mph that fit nicely in the regular Pro class, because the rest of the params besides speed just stink the car up...
This... I am extremely curious about. Would you care to share these cars?
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 08:34
I can't think of any off the top of my head but you know what I mean... the cars that are just too fast and hard to control that wreck a lot? I usually don't keep them, but if somebody decides to for some reason, they would be better suited to go in a lower class and not with the higher-end cars that would blow it out of the water (unless you're racing on one of the Test Course series tracks or something of the like)
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 08:43
Ok for example, the F-150 Super Crew truck. It can hit speeds between 60-70 mph, but I would personally place it as a Pro car because it spins a lot. It is difficult for me to get a lap time on most tracks that matches those of the Super Pro cars in my collection. Maybe I'm just a bad racer, but I find that it is a lot harder to control than the other cars in its speed range, so I personally would leave it as a Pro. Some may disagree. But it is still a fun truck to race with, so I've kept it.

Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 08:47
Even -I- would admit that 60MPH+ is most definitely well beyond the Pro class. Heck, in my opinion, a Pro class car might just be able to get 55 - 56 MPH if the handling is catastrophically bad or the acceleration is downright terrible. That would be because everyone does their parameters differently and me, I do semi realism. Almost anything that is 60MPH+ is bound to have rail handling and Saturn V rocket acceleration which certainly does not fit into Pro class unless you make an extreme amount of parameter balances which, especially for speeds like that, aren't as clean cut as some might think. But that's just my assumption. Again, everyone's view is different and I'm thinking along the lines of the actual car parameters, not bugs or things it shouldn't be doing.
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 09:34
It probably is. Like I said, most people here would probably disagree with me on this, its just my personal preference for certain cars. And most cars don't handle in this way. But I do think the best way to determine whether a car should be in one rating or the other is to do lap runs on several types of tracks and see what kind of lap times are possible to get, or even better have the AI run it a couple of times, as opposed to assigning ratings based on only speed or acceleration.
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 19:11
Mandolin @ Jan 28 2013, 03:04 AM wrote: @ Kenny: Speed isn't all that determines class, like you said. But I've seen several cars that go 60-70mph that fit nicely in the regular Pro class, because the rest of the params besides speed just stink the car up...
Of course it depends on the overall behaviour of the parameters in what class a car fits in. I just gave speed as an example and because speed is one of the main reasons why cars are (not) difficult to control.
Hell, in the end it depends all on the car maker to decide which class his car ends up (so he may knowingly put the car in a lower class even though it's way better). The problem we currently have is that the current available classes are not enough for a good differentiation.
But even if more classes become available then it doesn't mean that all cars will be in a class thats fits them best.
Besides one needs to think of a solution to make the cars backwards compatible so a higher rated car than Pro will be shown as Pro in older versions.
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 20:56
Perhaps a Batch file that changes the parameters to have a rating of 4 if the user has 1.1?
Posted: 28 Jan 2013, 21:15
That would only work for a single car that you downloaded (or perhaps a car pack) and even then it's not a good solution.
No I meant find a solution that can be integrated in the game code and that doesn't require the user to change anything in the game files.
For example do a 2nd "Rating" parameter (like "NewRating" or something) that has a ';)' at the beginning of the line (so older Re-Volt versions will ignore that line) and if NewRating has any value (or a value higher than Rating) then the rating of the car will be set accordingly to the updated version.
However the problem here is, that this will be uncompatible for all Alpha (and even the Beta?) versions that had this special line feature implemented so people would moreless be forced to update.
Also I'm not sure if that would be "the" solution for the problem, there is probably a better way.
Of course sooner or later we will end up at a point where we have backwards compatiblity problems but as long as we can avoid them we should do so.
Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 05:43
That sounds like a great suggestion to me Kenny. Isn't the purpose of including new versions of Re-Volt 1.2 so that people CAN update to the newest version and have the newest features? Re-Volt 1.2 is free, so I don't really think it is like other things in that it has to work with previous versions of it. If people want to have this feature, they are going to have to change some to many of their cars' parameters appropriately anyway, and the ones who host cars on the web will have to update many of their download links. But I think the work would be worth it, and I would volunteer to help test cars for downloadable car hosts if help is wanted, should this feature be included.

Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 22:02
I would volunteer to help test cars for downloadable car hosts if help is wanted, should this feature be included.
Mandolin, I don’t think you realise how many cars have been released over the years and how many of them would need updating/testing...
Trust me, it is better if backward compatibility is retained. Read a little while back to see what happened when Huki messed with backward compatibility in tracks.
Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 07:31
Read a little while back to see what happened when Huki messed with backward compatibility in tracks.
Is there a link to that?
Mandolin, I don’t think you realise how many cars have been released over the years and how many of them would need updating/testing...
I know that there are about 2,300 cars on RVZT right now (I think the vast majority of custom cars are already on this site, except for a lot of the cars hosted on the Archive), and hopefully I wouldn't be the only one doing the testing. I don't see how it is possible to put the appropriate cars in the appropriate ratings without testing them. I think the work is worth it, because Pro races will always either be too easy or too challenging until this issue is resolved, unless you purposefully only install true Pro cars or Super Pro cars and not both, which I did for a long time and missed out on a lot of good cars. I'm almost certain that I'm not the only one here that has done this. The end result will be well, well worth it.
Trust me, it is better if backward compatibility is retained.
If something similar to Kenny's idea is put into the game (a line in the parameter code that defines the rating for 1.2 users but that is null for 1.1 users), backward compatibility is not an issue.
Posted: 01 Feb 2013, 21:47
> Read a little while back to see what happened when Huki messed with backward compatibility in tracks.
Is there a link to that?
this on, and for a quite a lot of pages.
If something similar to Kenny's idea is put into the game (a line in the parameter code that defines the rating for 1.2 users but that is null for 1.1 users), backward compatibility is not an issue.
Okay, godspeed to you and happy testing!

Posted: 08 Feb 2013, 11:32
Additional Car Will Added On Re-Volt Game? (If You Were Done Working?)
Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 08:50
@ Platform: I'm not going to start testing anything until I know for sure from Jig or Huki that the extra ratings would be added (neither has really given an opinion on this yet), and I'm sure no one else will either because there's the chance that it would all just be a waste of time. Also, I am getting closer and closer to graduating from high school, and I have full-time college coming up ahead of me, so I'm finding less and less time for Re-Volt and even for my music, which I really hope I don't have to give up. I would still work on testing stuff if I knew whether or not the feature was going to be added to the game, but it is going to take me a longer amount of time, and I know I can't do all of it in a reasonable amount of time. I think that even if it is decided now that more ratings will be put into Re-Volt, it will still be a while before it is actually implemented in the game, Platform. Until then, we'll all just have to be happy with five.

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 14:31
Mandolin @ Feb 10 2013, 04:20 AM wrote: testing
I'm not sure you have the experience, to be able to sort out the cars. No offense, but I don't know your skills, and if you are not a good racer (which I can't know), cars with humma-like handling may get lower rating, then more easily controllable ones, even if they are at about the same level.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your enthusiasm, and probably noone else is willing to do it, just wondering...

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 15:32
If Additional Cars Added These Is New Cup (Titanum Cup) With New 3 Stock Tracks (And New Progress To Complete Them)
These Is New Tracks With Stock (Displays Insane Diffculty)
Supermarket 3
Toys in the Hood 3
Ghost Town 3
In Championship Mode With Titanum Cup (Displayed Marked Tracks)
Supermarket 3
Toys in the Hood 1 R
Toys in the Hood 3
Museum 1 R
Ghost Town 3
Edit:Credits Must Edited To Toys in the Hood 3 Track

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 16:59
Platform @ Feb 10 2013, 01:02 PM wrote: If Additional Cars Added These Is New Cup (Titanum Cup) With New 3 Stock Tracks (And New Progress To Complete Them)
These Is New Tracks With Stock (Displays Insane Diffculty)
Supermarket 3
Toys in the Hood 3
Ghost Town 3
In Championship Mode With Titanum Cup (Displayed Marked Tracks)
Supermarket 3
Toys in the Hood 1 R
Toys in the Hood 3
Museum 1 R
Ghost Town 3
Edit:Credits Must Edited To Toys in the Hood 3 Track
Good idea.

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 22:12
I created a pack of cars which I labeled as
Advanced Pro Cars many moons ago.
As I feel there should be at leas two higher/harder classes, Advanced Pro & Super Pro.
Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 23:39
Platform wrote:If Additional Cars Added These Is New Cup (Titanum Cup) With New 3 Stock Tracks (And New Progress To Complete Them)
These Is New Tracks With Stock (Displays Insane Diffculty)
1) There can't be a higher cup than platinum with only the stock cars. And you can safely assume that custom cars will never be added to a later patch as stock cars (at least not as an "official" patch).
Therefore no coding time will be spent for that which again means that it will never be done.
2) Same as 1), only for tracks. Besides only because someone named those tracks the same as the stock tracks only with a higher number to indicate that it is a "sequel" to the stock tracks doesn't mean that it really is a sequel, actually good or even hard(er). And those you mentioned are not, period (besides, I couldn't find Toys in the Hood 3 on RVZT, does such a track even exist?).
3) Why call it "Titanium cup"? Only because it sounds "cool" or "hard"? I would rather call it "Rhodium cup" (or Diamond cup if you want to be boring).
Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 07:01
Kenny @ Feb 10 2013, 07:09 PM wrote: Platform wrote:If Additional Cars Added These Is New Cup (Titanum Cup) With New 3 Stock Tracks (And New Progress To Complete Them)
These Is New Tracks With Stock (Displays Insane Diffculty)
1) There can't be a higher cup than platinum with only the stock cars. And you can safely assume that custom cars will never be added to a later patch as stock cars (at least not as an "official" patch).
Therefore no coding time will be spent for that which again means that it will never be done.
2) Same as 1), only for tracks. Besides only because someone named those tracks the same as the stock tracks only with a higher number to indicate that it is a "sequel" to the stock tracks doesn't mean that it really is a sequel, actually good or even hard(er). And those you mentioned are not, period (besides, I couldn't find Toys in the Hood 3 on RVZT, does such a track even exist?).
3) Why call it "Titanium cup"? Only because it sounds "cool" or "hard"? I would rather call it "Rhodium cup" (or Diamond cup if you want to be boring).
You Can Find Toys in the Hood 3 By:MirkoGT97
Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 08:56
@ Platform: Sorry, but that's probably not going to happen.
@ Kenny: There are several custom Toys In The Hood sequels (not all are named ...Hood 3, ...Hood 4, etc.), but like you said, there's just not much hope for anything like that idea being put into a 1.2 release...
@ Balint12: I've been playing Re-Volt for about six or seven years now, so I'd consider myself a decent player. No Humma-like cars (slightly loose handling) would be put into Semi-Pro, if that's the concern (unless, of course, it is so "Humma" like that it is difficult for the AI to use

). As a matter of fact, I would probably let the AI run the car a few laps around a couple different styles of tracks to determine ratings (and just make sure they didn't wreck the car during the laps), since the whole project would be to make AI races in the higher class more competitive. But I don't claim to be the best judge in the world; I'd just do the best I could. If someone else with more experience wants to step up and volunteer to help with this, they're welcome to it! Help is appreciated.

But I don't think it's much of a worry.
Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 18:00
Mandolin @ Feb 11 2013, 03:26 AM wrote: No Humma-like cars (slightly loose handling) would be put into Semi-Pro, if that's the concern (unless, of course, it is so "Humma" like that it is difficult for the AI to use

). As a matter of fact, I would probably let the AI run the car a few laps around a couple different styles of tracks to determine ratings (and just make sure they didn't wreck the car during the laps), since the whole project would be to make AI races in the higher class more competitive.
Wrong. It doesn't matter about if the AI can control the car or not (although, it would be nice), it's about what the car is actually capable of when put to the task. If it can get faster times on tracks than others, then it should be rated higher.
Posted: 12 Feb 2013, 08:23
@ Skarma: Understood and noted.
Posted: 18 Feb 2013, 16:57
Removed Stock Track With Custom Images
I Need Wait Huki To Create New Stock Track (If He Finished Super Pro Rating Car Before Carbox On Shelf)