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Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 04:07
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 16 2013, 10:39 PM wrote:
halo_one @ Jan 16 2013, 10:33 PM wrote:
PS: gdfsgdfg, you might figure it out some day but.... you are a failure to mankind! It is absolutely pointless to further comment on your dumbass form of typing...
Lol I guess you couldn't comprehend my wall of text so you just said "love it"
Jesus Christ man if your from UK how come you write like a retard.
And where is the speccy screenshot faggot.
Great musician? Haha what are you smoking crack? And what do these maps have to do with anything anyone can make maps. I feel like I'm being trolled.
Sorry but if I don't see solid proof from this retard I'm not believing what I am reading.
Posted: 26 Jan 2013, 15:22
Posted: 27 Jan 2013, 02:25
Abc @ Jan 26 2013, 05:22 AM wrote:Platform @ Jan 25 2013, 01:43 AM wrote:U This Mod Stopping Working
U This Mod Is Dead Yet?
You a di¢k
Someone ban this guy please ... p=22002438
Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 15:54
These Is New Mode Checkpoint Attack (Smillar As Time Attack But Each Track Has Checkpoints With Limited Time To Complete A Track Before Time Runs Out) This Mode Can Only Unlock Super Pro Cars As Progress
Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 13:44
Mandolin @ Feb 28 2013, 07:09 AM wrote: I see what you're saying now. Sorry for the confusion!
What I figured would be done if static farce fields were implemented is that users would combine a static farce field going up to cancel the vertical gravity with a farce field relative to the weight of the vehicle going left or right to allow vehicles to drive on walls. That way, the weight of the cars would still take their toll, but they would not slide up or down unrealistically.
But either way would work. Your suggestion would probably be simpler, I would imagine. What you're saying is that the new field should replace the current gravity instead of adding gravity to it, correct?
Maybe the new farce field could also be set to automatically tilt the camera appropriately for the direction of gravity. That would fix camera problems. It may also be possible to manipulate the AI to make them only reposition themselves when they are "upside down" relative to the direction of gravity. The only thing with that is that we would have to think of an AI workaround for longer gravity lifts going up (unless we just always use the old farce field type for those, which does work).
And thanks for the link! Btw if it isn't obvious, Probe UFO is a beast at this track because of the farce fields! Such a fitting track for it too.
I Canceled Checkpoint Attack Mode My Idea Was Removed Now Next Is New Car Will Come
Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 15:20
Mandolin @ Mar 1 2013, 06:24 AM wrote: Now Next Is New Car Will Come
Sorry, Platform. I know that you don't speak English (Chinese?), I Dont Need New Cars I Want Sprint Race Mode
Maybe we should just accept that Re-Volt's engine is not made for these kind of things, it would probably be easier to redo the engine and implement some stuff that some of us would like to have (like water tracks, one directional tracks and "4dimensional tracks" (where you can drive on the left/right walls and ceiling, couldn't find a better name for that� )) than adding feature by feature to the current engine (where half of those features are somewhat limited because of the engine).
Just an idea to throw out there, and it might sound stupid or just unreasonable, idk, but there is really a lot of diverse talent in this community. We have programmers, graphic designers, 3D modelers, people who are good with track layouts, car designers, musicians (and maybe there is someone out there who makes soundtracks and/or sound effects? I am not the best (yet) at doing computer-based music, but I do have a good amount of experience with stringed instruments that I'd be willing to offer for this), possibly some business people and buttloads of testers. But right now, all of that talent is just being used to make a very old game a little better for a relatively small number of people. Wouldn't it be neat if this community could come together and produce a modern "Re-Volt"? It wouldn't have to be called Re-Volt 2 (I don't know whether or not that would infringe on any copyrights that WGI owns), but maybe it could allow easy conversion of cars and maybe tracks (but that really wouldn't be completely necessary), and then we could put in whatever features we want. Throw in all kinds of cool stuff, like RC boats/RC submarines/RC aircrafts (even changes from boat to car or to aircraft, like in RC Revenge Pro also released by Acclaim), better game physics, longer/better written storyline, a story mode similar to Championship mode, but more drawn out and interesting, creative new weapons, game modes, vehicle "abilities" (jumping, turning into a "ghost" car, idk what else), a frontend where you actually drive to what you want to do or anything else that tickles our fancy. And there would be no backward compatibility to worry about. Instead of just being enthusiastic fans of some game that was released fourteen years ago (nothing wrong with that, of course

), we could actually release a real game that could potentially draw a lot more attention. Again, I have no earthly idea if the commitment is there for something like this. It would take everybody here to accomplish, but wouldn't something like that be amazing?
New Car Canceled Next Is Sprint Race Mode Crossing Point To A And B Laps Dont Change Cross The Finish Line
Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 08:22
Add Duel Mode (1V1 Race)
Edit:Unless Using Number Of Cars:2 In Settings
Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 08:27
Re-Volt II Has Features
New Frontend
New Cars (31 Car Total) Maybe Demo Cars
New One Track (Toy House) Smillar To Toy World 1 And 2
No Give Up Try Just Straight Through Next Track (After You Get 4th Or Last Positon)
Visible Ghost Car's Challenge Time
Can Visible Locked Car's Requiredments (Maybe Winning Championship And Winning Track In Single Race Mode Even Stunt Arena)
Diamond Cup Added As Championship (Maybe All Track With Reversed)
New Battle Tag Maps (Toy World Battle And Ghost Town Battle)
New Sprint Mode (Just Point To Point)
New Power-Ups (Frozen Pickups And Tri Fireworks) Maybe Frozen Pickups Freeze Car For Some Time And Tri Fireworks Smillar Than Fireworks It Make Tri Shot
Online Times (Select Best Trial Times To See These User's Fastest Time) Appied Daily And Weekly Even All Time
Improved Multi-Player Game (Now You Can Beat Host In Race And You Can Steal Host And Control The Room)
And Even More Features
Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 20:33
Balint12 @ Mar 3 2013, 10:56 AM wrote: Platform @ Mar 3 2013, 03:57 AM wrote: Re-Volt II Has Features
New Frontend
New Cars (31 Car Total) Demo Cars Appied
New One Track (Toy House) Smillar To Toy World 1 And 2
No Give Up Try Just Straight Through Next (After You Get 4th Or Last Positon)
Visible Ghost Car's Challenge Time
Can Visible Locked Car's Requiredments (Maybe Winning Championship And Winning Track In Single Race Mode Even Stunt Arena)
Diamond Cup Added As Championship (Maybe Toy House M As Stage 3)
New Battle Tag Maps (Toy World Battle And Ghost Town Battle)
New Sprint Mode (Just Point To Point)
First... why did you quote Manmountain quoting Mandolin, when you are not answering them?
Second, why do you suggest things which are already in the game (like 1v1 race, and visible ghost car)?
Third, why do you always want random cars and tracks to be included in the game as stock ones? They are not STOCK, they are usermade, they are not in the original game. And things like "New Frontend"... do we need that?
Fourth, you are not making sense.
EDIT: Not to mention that the whole thing has nothing to do with static farce fields.
Appied Demo Car Only (Acclaim And Gamespot Even IGN PC Allowed!)
Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 04:15
Removed these posts from
Mandolin's thread as they were totally unrelated to what was being discussed.
Also edited Dolo's post:
Dolo's original post wrote:U should blocked all fu topic here for the moment, there is only one important thing today, this fu collisions, so stop to post useless bullshit, thks !! Revolt 1.2 is not a new game...
Posted: 15 Feb 2015, 21:29
Are you wanting all deleted post's copied here ?
Is there a reason for this ?
As I have just been deleting useless rubbish without.
Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 01:59
No, really it's not always necessary. It's just in some cases to remember who has already been a trouble at least once...