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Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 02:24
hey guys!
I have windows 8 pro 64 bit.
PC specs are...
16gb ram
Intel 480 gb ssd
2XNvidia GTX 680s in sli
ROG Asus Rampage iv extreme mobo
And Re-volt runs at about 15 frames per second lol
Tried all compat modes and my Re volt is patched up to date and 1.2
any advice would be kindda cool

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 03:09
dude how much did you pay for that monster of a pc? I hope you're lying because it should be impossible to get such a low fps.
and tbh you should upgrade, yes upgrade to windows 7 ultimate instead.
Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 04:28
It's actually not that hard to believe that he gets such a low framerate, even with that hardware.
I heard that other old games have similar issues with Windows 8, not really sure what's causing this.
How smooth is it with -window mode enabled?
Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 21:45
I would get rid of Windows 8.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 02:18
ahh you all say get rid of win 8 but when you consider that in all other games i get around 20-30% higher frame rates than win 7! I mean i run Far Cry 3 in 3d at a steady 120 fps with vsync on.
I couldn't do that on win 7! I happen to love windows 8

If that is the re-volt advice then i will have to wait until it can be resolved in other ways

cheers guys.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 03:14
It's the way Windows 8 handles DirectX 6 class games. To be specific, it's an extension of the "can't flip display buffers" issue introduced in Vista - Win8 can flip the buffers alright, only at a frigging slow rate.. @_@
The ideal solution would be to switch to a modern graphics API, but for now there is a possible workaround that we'll be adding in the next v1.2 release (initially you'll have to use a command line to use this fix, and depending on the feedback we might hard-code it in later releases by detecting the Windows version).
Skitch2 @ Jan 16 2013, 02:18 AM wrote:ahh you all say get rid of win 8 but when you consider that in all other games i get around 20-30% higher frame rates than win 7! I mean i run Far Cry 3 in 3d at a steady 120 fps with vsync on.
I couldn't do that on win 7! I happen to love windows 8
I don't really like the direction MS is heading (an app store, seriously?) but ethics aside, Win8 is indeed a really fast and streamlined OS.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 04:04
Skitch2 @ Jan 15 2013, 09:48 PM wrote: ahh you all say get rid of win 8 but when you consider that in all other games i get around 20-30% higher frame rates than win 7! I mean i run Far Cry 3 in 3d at a steady 120 fps with vsync on.
I couldn't do that on win 7! I happen to love windows 8

If that is the re-volt advice then i will have to wait until it can be resolved in other ways

cheers guys.
I've read some people got no change in fps and some people actually got worse fps with win 8.
But still show proof of your damn pc using speccy take a screen god dammit show some proof how much it costed gosh do you want me to stab you?
Actually I think you're lying, 120 fps with vsync? That's bullshit you can only get 60-85 fps with vsync cept if you have a 120 hz monitor but i bet you don't even have that kind of monitor.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 04:49
Huki @ Jan 15 2013, 06:44 PM wrote: The ideal solution would be to switch to a modern graphics API, but for now there is a possible workaround that we'll be adding in the next v1.2 release (initially you'll have to use a command line to use this fix, and depending on the feedback we might hard-code it in later releases by detecting the Windows version).
And how much would it cost to switch to a modern graphics API?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 04:56
Well I'm just pissed due to the fact the best pc from my country with a 3770k and a gtx 660 non ti is about 1500$ where the hell you people get the money from. Give me some too.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 19:57
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 16 2013, 01:26 AM wrote:Well I'm just pissed due to the fact the best pc from my country with a 3770k and a gtx 660 non ti is about 1500$ where the hell you people get the money from. Give me some too.
Oh, you're so jealous

. Keep in mind, in other countries price will be different, in my country for example:
i7 3930k (630$) + 2x8gb Kingston hyper-x 1600Mhz ram (can be better ofcourse) (100$) + Intel 480gb ssd (630$) + 2x Nvidia GTX 680 (1280$) + Asus Rampage iv motherboard (430$) = +3070$ ... not counting powerful psu, pc case and other stuffs.
But thinking in other way...if people can buy pretty expensive cars, why not pc's? Also don't forget, they work, that's how they get money, duh.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 22:04
gdfsgdfg @ Jan 16 2013, 12:26 AM wrote: Well I'm just pissed due to the fact the best pc from my country with a 3770k and a gtx 660 non ti is about 1500$ where the hell you people get the money from. Give me some too.
Eastern Europe is 50 years behind. Get used to it.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 22:16
Erm Stab me?? I would love to invite you to try!
If this is the way you members of my favorite game are going then i shall be off for good!
I happen to work hard for my money and i also am very good at what i do!
So to gdfsgdfg love you!
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 23:42
Skitch2 @ Jan 16 2013, 05:46 PM wrote:If this is the way you members of my favorite game are going then i shall be off for good!
Please don't.

Just ignore the jealous comments...
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 23:48
Skitch2 @ Jan 16 2013, 05:46 PM wrote: Erm Stab me?? I would love to invite you to try!
If this is the way you members of my favorite game are going then i shall be off for good!
I happen to work hard for my money and i also am very good at what i do!
So to gdfsgdfg love you!
So where's the speccy screen shot??
Speccy is a simple tool that shows what stuff you have in your pc, install it, open it press the god damn print screen button. open paint paste it save it go to imgur and upload then post the link here.
Its hilarious how you have such a good pc as you claim and yet you are a total fail, there's probably a million people who would die to get a better pc, And weak people like you do almost nothing to get it. I have over 100 games on steam that I got for free on this 2004 pc. And I'm sad because I cannot play gta 4 when I can install it at any goddamn time.
Oh and leave if you're that much of a bigot with a huge IQ. I will sure won't miss you. Asshole.I bet instead of toilet paper you use money for your filthy bottom.
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 01:21
LOL, if he has good pc, doesn't mean he's rich. Maybe he saved money for long time.
And I don't get why you need proof, he wouldn't lie of that, plus it's topic about game running on win8, not about his really cool pc specs.
If you work, save money for long time, you can buy even better pc than this (no offense here, pc is enough already for latest games on max settings).
Your last post just shows that you're jealous, nothing else. As myself, I still have and use 2001 hardware, which runs Re-Volt with some problems now and I not ranting here about "how my pc is bad and his one is much better, but I don't believe, so I need proof, blabla...".
It looks like that he's the only one who has that kind of pc, in some countries people don't have pc at all, so enjoy what you have.
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 02:05
Gdf are you completely out of your mind??
Let me introduce who you're talking to.
He's an
Artist, and irl a
great musician. It's completely normal for him to have that computer, or a better one next year if he wants too. This is why people work hard for.
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 02:40
Dont like the way this is going off topic but just to add!!
I am pretty much rich dude not that its any of yer bees wax!
plus read my comments properly! I said i run games in 3d!! If you know anything about Gaming youll know that to run scopic 3d you HAVE TO HAVE A 120hz MONITOR!!
If i posted the specs of the lap top i am writing this post on your likely to poo your underpants so ill also keep that to myself.
@Phantom Thanks mate and i have my first UK tour starting in March as i am promoting the EP that's just been released on itunes!
Mike Fox Heart Demolition.
I still want to make tracks but because my old PC is now long in the bin, i need to find a way to get the game running smooth on y gaming rig!
I have so many projects i want to attempt now 1.2 is fully up and running i hope i can solve it!
See ya soon
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 03:03
Hi Skitch2,
Just picked this post up from RVhouse.... Just like to take it off topic again if you dont mind.
I would love to thank ya (apart from all the nice tracks you made) for the muse_bat (unreal tourny) battle track. It is the first of all the custom tracks that actually serves its purpose for tag. High speed full contact battle tag !!!!
PS: gdfsgdfg, you might figure it out some day but.... you are a failure to mankind! It is absolutely pointless to further comment on your dumbass form of typing...
PPS: thanx again skitch

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 03:09
deleted post
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 04:17
The banhammer has fallen again.
gdfsgdfg is given 1 week to be as rude and disrespectful as he like, but in another place...
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 12:25
@halo_one Thanks dude and i had actually forgotten about that bat tag lol
i used to lan it up with my mates and have a blast

I think i will invest some time into freshening up the tag idea soon!
Don't worry too much about mr offensive peeps he will calm down eventually lol I just got a ragg on when he said that he wanted to stab me lol.
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 13:33
I don't actually have anything meaningful to add to this topic but it's awesome to hear you plan to create more tracks, Skitch. Can't wait for those in the future.
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 23:03
Skitch2 @ Jan 16 2013, 05:46 PM wrote: Erm Stab me?? I would love to invite you to try!
If this is the way you members of my favorite game are going then i shall be off for good!
I happen to work hard for my money and i also am very good at what i do!
So to gdfsgdfg love you!
Don't worry, those were just his hormones speaking.
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:11
Skitch2 @ Jan 17 2013, 07:55 AM wrote:@halo_one Thanks dude and i had actually forgotten about that bat tag lol
i used to lan it up with my mates and have a blast

I think i will invest some time into freshening up the tag idea soon!
Don't worry too much about mr offensive peeps he will calm down eventually lol I just got a ragg on when he said that he wanted to stab me lol.
That is good to hear; does it mean you are going to make some more levels? If so, I would like to be a beta tester, if you like. I, for one, know what makes a good track and what not.
The idea is pretty much that the track needs to be fast (like garden tag) and walls and platforms need to be jump-able with (double) jumps (museum and supermarket). It's good to have a number of ramps that get you to higher levels or over high walls (neighborhood).
But more importantly, all places in the track need to be reachable by more than one way by either driving or (weapon) jumping; this makes it harder for people to camp-out. On the other hand, a big room with obstacles, like the shop part of the supermarket battle is a nice way to trap yourself. In these closed off areas with just one entrance you can really have stunning action; this is where skills are really important to shake off your opponents by tricking and outsmarting them.
I don't know if I have ever played with you but I can show you all the jumping possibilities that I have figured out over the years. However you might already have seen it all...
Anywayz, keep up the good work.
greetz, halo_one
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:23
halo_one @ Jan 17 2013, 08:41 PM wrote: That is good to hear; does it mean you are going to make some more levels? If so, I would like to be a beta tester, if you like. I, for one, know what makes a good track and what not.
If you make tag tracks (which I'd be most grateful for) I'd be love to be a beta tester too, I know that jumping stuff almost as much as Halo, and y'know, two is more than one
This is going terribly offtopic though... I know nothing about windows 8.. o_O
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 04:57
ok! I am a bit out of the loop as far as Re-Volt goes.
Could somebody please tell me how to run it in windowed mode?
I know you have to run a command line (-windowed ) but i have no idea where to write it lol.
If it works i will be starting to play around with track ideas again! I am hoping that i can get the jist of 1.2
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 08:04
Skitch2 wrote:Could somebody please tell me how to run it in windowed mode?
I know you have to run a command line (-windowed ) but i have no idea where to write it
Right click to your Re-Volt shortcut and go to
Properties (don't do this directly to revolt.exe). In the
Shortcut tab you will see a line called
Target. At the end of it add a space and write the command "-window". This way:
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Acclaim Entertainment\Re-Volt\revolt.exe" -window
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 10:06
Balint12 @ Jan 18 2013, 01:23 AM wrote: halo_one @ Jan 17 2013, 08:41 PM wrote: That is good to hear; does it mean you are going to make some more levels? If so, I would like to be a beta tester, if you like. I, for one, know what makes a good track and what not.
If you make tag tracks (which I'd be most grateful for) I'd be love to be a beta tester too, I know that jumping stuff almost as much as Halo, and y'know, two is more than one
Thank you Skitch for making your return to this game.
I too would love to be a beta tester for your Battle tag tracks. I am not as good as Balint and Halo but I do know some jumping.
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 16:47
Thank lads and lasses!!
Yep widow mode worked like a charm lol
was cool to see my frame rate pass the 2k mark too lmao!
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 19:47
Skitch2 @ Jan 18 2013, 12:17 PM wrote: Thank lads and lasses!!
Yep widow mode worked like a charm lol
was cool to see my frame rate pass the 2k mark too lmao!
But hey, the frame rate is not shown on this picture, this is not a valid proof!!

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 20:50
with my win8 computer
revolt = 30fps
revolt -windowed = about 150fps
@huki and Jig : i'm ready for beta testing if you need it

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 08:01
Ohhhh me thinks it's time I had a revival

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 23:50
Hey Big sis lol
All we need now is Silverload, Antimorph, Scloink and LB for a full house!!!
Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 06:53
I'm just amazed I could still remember my log on

Posted: 22 Jan 2013, 19:52
Well, LEGO Island is a Pretty DARN Old game
and it was tested to RUN FINE on Win8
If that old game can run on Win8
I certainly bet Re-Volt can run perfectly too...
Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 03:36
There is a problem when Re-Volt is executed in windowed mode: there are two annoying borders on the top and on the bottom of the screen: ... uncher.jpg
However, I created a launcher to remove the borders, the result is this: ... uncher.jpg (There is still a black border on the top of the screen, but at least it's less annoying than before.)
To work properly it must be run with Admin rights (or with compatibility for XP SP3), and .NET Framework 4.5 is required. (it should be pre-installed in Windows 8)
It passes additional command line arguments to the game executable.
Download link:
Antivirus scan if you don't trust it: ... 358890344/
Posted: 23 Jan 2013, 04:05
Windows8 haves worse compat for older games: no DOS FS apps, extremely slow rendering on fullscreen than windowed (tested with ZSNES),
Supersecret: that's really normal, since 0.00 -window haves window borders like normal window
Posted: 03 Feb 2013, 09:06
Ready as beta-tester for re-volt for Win8, anytime
EDIT: Sharing some specs...
x64 version
Notebook, with i3 processor (doesn't sure, which version)
Intel HD Graphics family (downloading driver)
FPS result posted soon
Skitch2 wrote:hey guys!
I have windows 8 pro 64 bit.
PC specs are...
16gb ram
Intel 480 gb ssd
2XNvidia GTX 680s in sli
ROG Asus Rampage iv extreme mobo
Oh my.....
EDIT3: Snapshot:
Kenny wrote:How smooth is it with -window mode enabled?
Smooth enough...
Huki wrote:It's the way Windows 8 handles DirectX 6 class games. To be specific, it's an extension of the "can't flip display buffers" issue introduced in Vista - Win8 can flip the buffers alright, only at a frigging slow rate.. @_@
So, that's true why Re-volt on Win8 is laggy...
Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 05:54
Hmm I seem to have the FPS issue only in the front end... The thing i'm having problems with on Windows 8 is NO SOUND? Can anyone help with that issue?
Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 15:26
gel_lr34 @ Mar 23 2013, 09:24 PM wrote: Hmm I seem to have the FPS issue only in the front end... The thing i'm having problems with on Windows 8 is NO SOUND? Can anyone help with that issue?
When exactly the sound stops working? Frontend? Custom Tracks?
Does it mute for music only or Sound effects too?
Can you try " -no3dsound" commandline?
Also, when the sound is muted, check your volume mixer and if Re-Volt is muted, try to increase it.
@Pranav: Ask Cat, it's his task bar.
Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 18:56
Phantom @ Mar 24 2013, 03:26 PM wrote:
[offtopic]Could you help me remember the name of the game I see on your taskbar, the helmet icon.

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 20:27
Pranav @ Mar 24 2013, 10:26 AM wrote: [offtopic]Could you help me remember the name of the game I see on your taskbar, the helmet icon.

Road Rash PC. It's MY taskbar.
Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 23:29
Cat @ Mar 24 2013, 08:27 PM wrote: Pranav @ Mar 24 2013, 10:26 AM wrote: [offtopic]Could you help me remember the name of the game I see on your taskbar, the helmet icon.

Road Rash PC. It's MY taskbar.
Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 03:05
Thanks guys! that did it

I'm glad other people are way more computer savvy than I
Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 09:24
crap on it..., I decided to take all my cars and tracks to RV from the old PC and now i'm crashin' like crazy... was able to play it earlier. (I figure either too many cars or track) but I do have TMMCC... but no effect...

Did I maybe get the wrong 1.2 patch (I got the latest alpha version, whatever it is)
Sorry for all the noob questions, but this happens everytime I get a new pc... something stupid happens!
Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 13:58
Some old cars have incompatibilities with 1.2. You will have to drag and drop one by one to see which one is the cause of the crash. Also this will be useful to identify the wrong car/track and fix it.
Btw, which of the things I told you made the change precisely? the commandline or the volume thing?
Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 09:32
gel_lr34 @ Mar 25 2013, 04:54 AM wrote: I decided to take all my cars and tracks to RV from the old PC and now i'm crashin' like crazy... was able to play it earlier. (I figure either too many cars or track)
How many cars/tracks you were just add?
Posted: 22 Jun 2013, 04:42
let me point it out really easy..
just want to play revolt full screen in win8...
and I will be very great full
there is more exciting pooh to do than converting dx6 to dx-microsuck-xxx
still one hell of a job..
good luck and thanx
HALO ONE, the two and only
Posted: 10 Jul 2013, 16:10
About the compatibility with Windows 8, maybe we have to wait until Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) gives its final release in August. It is said that will bring compatibility with some old 32-bit applications and the classic start menu back, not sure if this covers DirectX 6 apps, I really hope so.
There's a preview available if anyone is intersted: ... w-download
Posted: 10 Jul 2013, 17:45
good news, do you already try it ? will win 8.1 free ?