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Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 23:46
I have banned Abc from RV House due to numerous reports of deliberate disruption of games, and continuing doing that despite my warnings.
So unless you have disabled "Global ignore" from RV House, you won't likely see him in RV House.
Unfortunately this is not a foolproof ban. He might be able to join races using join by IP. You let me know if he still continues to be an unbearable problem. Post in here or PM me. But the unfortunate fact is, that if the problems continue, they might be of the sort that can't be solved by RV House changes alone. We might need to change Re-Volt to disallow joining by IP to lobby games, or something of the sort. But let's see how well the current ban works and not overwork it.
Thanks to Abc for being helpful in testing the current solution, and also to RV House users who happened to be there and gave input.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 00:14
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 01:01
Haven't logged into here for a while, logged in just to make this post and inform you guys he has also been banned from RVL.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 01:49
As an appendix, this ban is consent to community opinion... so if you feel like abc should not be banned let it be known here.
Meanwhile the ban stays until there is show of regret and/or reversal of community opinion.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 01:50
Champagne for everyone!!
Thanks to Abc for being helpful in testing the current solution
haha, loved that part

Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 02:08
Balint12 @ Jan 7 2013, 09:20 PM wrote: Thanks to Abc for being helpful in testing the current solution
haha, loved that part
I know it's hard to believe, but he was actually very co-operative and helpful in testing the the ban I had put in place... No joke this time!
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 19:28
At least we found a way te prevent him from joining in. Just open a room in RVH and put ALL VERSIONS only. This won't support late joining, and when he joins the first race by IP, just kick him out. Thanks to Phan for this brilliant solution.
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 21:16
kajeuter @ Jan 8 2013, 02:58 PM wrote: At least we found a way te prevent him from joining in. Just open a room in RVH and put ALL VERSIONS only. This won't support late joining, and when he joins the first race by IP, just kick him out. Thanks to Phan for this brilliant solution.
Well, that's not the best solution (I mean, it indeed prevents him from joining the room, but it has its negatives too), as the ALL VERSIONS setting, disables many new 1.2 features including late join, which is one of the best and most important features in 1.2. If it's disabled, you can't change your car, and crashes are final (at least for that session), it quickly leads to few-player rooms, cause people are leaving, and there's not a stream of 'backups'.
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 01:15
So is he still a problem?
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 02:22
arto @ Jan 8 2013, 08:45 PM wrote: So is he still a problem?
Haven't been on RVHouse since then, I dont know.
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 02:34
arto @ Jan 8 2013, 09:45 PM wrote:So is he still a problem?
From almost whole today chat in RVHouse, people didn't complaint, so I think he's not done anything (today). Although, he's still joins to RV House, but not talking, cuz nobody can see him (except me) duh.
Yesterday was funny to read his "revenge plans" ("When I learn programming, you will see"...) which I'm pretty sure won't happen, cuz he's too dumb to learn any programming language.
[Edit]: Too bad, he was bad again.
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 03:38
I've decided to not use the global ignore list just so I can keep an eye on him. He "plans" to create a lobby launcher of his own so he can still join races somehow. HAH, the prat.
Posted: 09 Jan 2013, 17:42
Posted: 10 Jan 2013, 02:49
Abc attacked again and ruined today's championship. First he joined using the name of
We could finish the races later thanks to the
all versions mode.
Here's a screenshot:
And Benvoliosaythat's quote:
benvoliosaythat @ ReVoltRace wrote:hey ABC .. i contact your parents before the end of week end .. i ll explain them also , the next time its your police station .. if you dont want stop .. then we pass to action
Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 01:01
I can hardly understand his motivation. Like... he's home from school, he has nothing to do, and he thinks in himself 'Why dont I ruin some races on RVHouse?' Thats weird.. o_O
Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 01:41
I'm such a big consumer of Argentinian red wines, that I think their police will listen to me if I complain.
Let's see how he behaves.
Posted: 11 Jan 2013, 02:15
BAN abc, deny access to the following IP ranges in your router or firewall inbound settings: - and -
I think the first range will do but beny told me to add the other range too.
Not all routers are the same and don't always use the same terminology. If you have any trouble with the settings, please contact me in the RV House.
This is meant for people who have a static IP, which ABC knows.
Posted: 09 Jul 2013, 19:45
To celebrate the arrival of new RVZ server, I have pardoned the hardened criminal we know as Abc. Like each new sunrise is a chance for the day to be better than crappy yesterday, so is this a chance for Abc to redeem himself.
He has pledged to be a changed man. Now as a mature adult reflecting on his past mistakes in solitary confinement, he has found the young boy that he was to bring shame to his family and most of all to his current self.
I for one want to believe that.
Please welcome our dear old friend Abc warmly back to RV House. Give him hugs and kisses, shower him in flowers. Show him your love and forgive him his sins.
But lest he be foolish enough to fall into his past race ruining shenanigans and other tomfoolery, then he will find himself much weeping and gnawing of teeth again. You let me know how his rehabilitation goes.
Posted: 09 Jul 2013, 20:16
arto @ Jul 9 2013, 03:15 PM wrote: Please welcome our dear old friend Abc warmly back to RV House. Give him hugs and kisses, shower him in flowers. Show him your love and forgive him his sins.
I propose to ABC, for his come back, to KMA !
Posted: 09 Jul 2013, 23:07
arto @ Jul 9 2013, 11:15 AM wrote: Now as a mature adult reflecting on his past mistakes in solitary confinement...
This just made me burst out laughing.
Anyways, all the good for you Abc. Wish you good luck in your rehab.