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Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 10:13
I would like to be able to play the Re-Volt tracks seamlessly like they used to be played with the CD. I no longer have my Re-Volt CD, but I do have all 14 of the soundtracks for the game except for the [data] track that is normally the first track (I assume this is information that tells Re-Volt how to use the sound files, but I don't know for sure). Running a CD with just the .mp3 files does not work. Does anybody know if a non-original CD will work if I had the [data] track, and, if so, is there a link to download it somewhere? Or is there some other workaround for the problem?
Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 15:41
I recommend downloading full game disc image. (Search in google)
Extract it from archive (if need) and burn it using better cd/dvd burning software like "Nero Express", make sure to select "Burn image to disc" or something similar, not make data cd or music cd.
Good luck.
Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 17:26
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 5 2013, 11:11 AM wrote: burning software like "Nero Express"

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 04:19
or mount and use
(with MagicDisc or DAEMON tools)
btw, what version of revolt? (USA 1.00? Gateway?)
Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 07:59
I use the most recent alpha build of 1.2 to play. Going to try VaiDu X461's suggestion then I'll post again.

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 09:43
My CDs are too small to hold the .nrg file in the zip. Will Re-Volt still recognize the soundtracks with just the soundtracks and no other Re-Volt stuff? And I can't figure out how to extract information from the .nrg file itself to test it out...

Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 16:37
Mandolin @ Jan 6 2013, 06:13 AM wrote:My CDs are too small to hold the .nrg file in the zip. Will Re-Volt still recognize the soundtracks with just the soundtracks and no other Re-Volt stuff? And I can't figure out how to extract information from the .nrg file itself to test it out...

It shouldn't be like that, unless you got unlucky cd (less space than 650mb).
So, that cd image (where i gave you) is .nrg? I think you using from other downloaded place. From my experience version with .nrg extension just takes ~150mb
without soundtracks.
If it takes ~650mb It will have soundtrack. As i said earlier just need to "Burn image to disc" select image file and start burn, if not enough space for disc then try to use other cd.
Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 17:38
What Vaid said is correct. He gave you my .NRG Disk Image, which can be perfectly burnt using the always helpful Nero.
The Re-Volt CD contains 150mb approximately of game files (Data section) and the rest are the HQ soundtracks (Audio section). In total it is around 650MB so any 700MB CD must handle it. In case it asks for Profile when burning, select Mixed Mode CD.
@Vaid, after he finishes with this please remove the link of the disk. Just in case our WeGo's friends are lurkying the depths of this forum.
Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 18:17
Ah, so your file was in .nrg (Nero file) format, i never opened archive lol. Btw, format is especially for Nero burning software (although other programs can also support it, for example UltraISO, really good program), so its best to use with it.
I have .bin, .cue format (more popular in my opinion), but it shouldn't be very much difference, just 2 files.
But mine is a bit modified by me (includes various patches and other bonus stuff)
@Phan: Check post again
Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 04:49
Actually the only CDs I have right now are cheap CDs that hold less than 650 mb. I guess I'll just have to go out and get some new ones.

Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 06:58
I have the link! (pretty good to have it)
link deleted for the 2nd (and last) time
Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 10:46
Abc @ Jan 6 2013, 10:28 PM wrote: I have the link! (pretty good to have it)
We Go interactive CLICK HERE!
Stealing my re-volt link and posting it just for being annoying, right after I said NOT to post it. He is trying to call the attention of WeGoInteractive with the only intention to perjudicate the forum and their people in the meantime.

Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 00:09
Phantom @ Jan 7 2013, 06:16 AM wrote:Stealing my re-volt link and posting it just for being annoying, right after I said NOT to post it. He is trying to call the attention of WeGoInteractive with the only intention to perjudicate the forum and their people in the meantime.
Don't know if you're right... anyhow I've been itching to do it for quite a while now, so I just gave him a 2 weeks suspension from ORP.
Seeing how he seems to behave on RVHouse as well, it sounds entirely justified to me. But I'm not on RVHouse myself to see it, so if you disagree about it feel free to contact me.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 07:49
I got a bigger disk and everything works now. Thanks!
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 12:06
Well, I said it did. When I started playing again after my post, all the sound started going dead when I loaded any custom track (stock tracks work fine). All the music, car and world sounds, menu sounds and everything went away until I went back to the frontend. Anyone know what the problem is?

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 04:50
Mandolin @ Jan 16 2013, 12:06 PM wrote:Well, I said it did. When I started playing again after my post, all the sound started going dead when I loaded any custom track (stock tracks work fine). All the music, car and world sounds, menu sounds and everything went away until I went back to the frontend. Anyone know what the problem is?

Sounds like (err, no pun intended) this issue
here. If that's the case, Cat has posted a quick solution at the end of the thread. Are you using similar hardware as the rest of the reporters by any chance?
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 12:31
No, I'm not. I'm running Windows Vista on a Lenovo 3000 N200 laptop with Intel Celeron and Realtek High Definition Audio speakers. But, the fix worked.

I don't even have to manually adjust the volume every time I play a race after the first time I did it.

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 16:32
Mandolin @ Jan 17 2013, 04:01 AM wrote: and Realtek High Definition Audio
Cat has the same.
Mandolin @ Jan 17 2013, 04:01 AM wrote: I don't even have to manually adjust the volume every time I play a race after the first time I did it.
Why for some people it is fixed by just raising up the volume once? For me I have to do it manually everytime I restart revolt.
Did you test after restarting revolt or pc if the volume mutes again ?
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 16:47
I have the music whithout any CD and it's working perfect.

There was a patch but I wonder why everybody forgot about it.

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 18:07
RacerBG @ Jan 17 2013, 01:17 PM wrote:I have the music whithout any CD and it's working perfect.

There was a patch but I wonder why everybody forgot about it.

Because track can only use 1 mp3 file, while redbook can use more than 1 music. For example stock tracks uses 1, 3 or 6 music tracks.
Also, you can't hear credits (it will run ghost town music if mp3), championship win/lost music without cd.
Actually, some ppl don't like playing with music at all, so they don't use any game music.
Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:48
Phantom @ Jan 17 2013, 12:02 PM wrote: Did you test after restarting revolt or pc if the volume mutes again ?
Yeah and it didn't. I saw where you had that problem... maybe Huki could include a command line in the next 1.2 version that forces Re-Volt volume to run at full volume (or at the same volume as the main volume)?
Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 03:21
Wow, I can be a complete idiot sometimes. I didn't even have the disk in my computer when I was testing it out.
I have the same problems, sound muting after loading every track. And here I was thinking I got lucky.
But I would think there would be an easy fix for some this simple. Any other ideas?