Not much is know about this and much of the info about it is in weird korean websites, and I suppose most of us are at least a bit curious about what WeGo has planned for Re-Volt in the future. So as much informed everyone in our community can be about this subject, the better we can react to whatever happens in the future, so let's try to fill in this thread with everything we gather about them.
So the first question is.. what do WE know from them?
Well, for those that don't have a clue about what they are yet (probably most of you), we know that We Go Interactive Co.,Ltd is a Korean company that purchased all the Intellectual Property related with Re-Volt among other games in July 2010 from Throwback Entertainment (which had acquired Re-Volt in 2006).
We also know that they released an iOS version titled Re-Volt Classic in October which is basically a Dreamcast version port for iPhone & iPad, which they updated later.
We also know that they released a Free version of Re-Volt Classic in December which is pretty much like the Demo version of Re-Volt.
For the iOS release, they worked together with BigBit, our dear Nick Baynes's own company (Nick was one of the original Re-Volt developers). BigBit only has rights related to the iOS port so it's not implicated in other platforms process.
Future Plans (these might be a big lie from them but intentions are intentions):
• The company is expecting to make some sort of "resurrection" of some racing games from 1990s but the developers are focusing on Re-Volt at the moment.
• WeGoInteractive is cooperating with the Korean company LG Electronics to make Re-Volt an App for LG's Smart TVs in the future.
• An Android version is scheduled to be released in the first quarter of 2013. It is supposed to have a system that allows you to add friends via Facebook in some sort of Social Network feature.
• According to Roy Park from WeGo, after the mobile releases it is also planned to continue with PC, XBOX and PlayStation Network in the long future.
The final goal of WeGoInteractive is to make a multi-platform experience for Re-Volt.
Company Specifications:
Name: We Go Interactive Co.,Ltd
CEO: Roy Park - click to see pic.
Number of employees: 14 - click to see pic.
Main Focus: a multi-platform game.
Location: Seul, South Korea.
Founded: March 2009.
Nice article . About "resurrection" it show's on last photo somewhat better (i MEAN better) looking Toys in the Hood track. About Android release on 1st quarter of 2013, didn't knew that, thought it was dead .
Posted: 02 Jan 2013, 10:30
and they replaced Acclaim,
they got this cuz arcade machines, and they love this stuff
Posted: 02 Jan 2013, 22:01
Last pic looks like a neighbourhood in Miami or something.
Posted: 02 Jan 2013, 22:34
Either a complete new level or an HD version of Toys in the Hood (I believe the first one)
Also if you look close on the first picture of this thread you'll notice the probably same level from a different view but also what seems to be a greater detailed AMW and some other car that looks a little bit like one of hi-bans creations (but I doubt it's a stock one).
Of course those pictures could be "enhanced" but I'm somewhat optimistic here.
But I'm far more interested in the tools they work with. Like the editor that you can see in the picture, I want that
Oh btw, nice research Phantom!
Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 05:17
Kenny @ Jan 2 2013, 02:04 PM wrote: Also if you look close on the first picture of this thread you'll notice [...] a greater detailed AMW and some other car that looks a little bit like one of hi-bans creations (but I doubt it's a stock one).
And the buggy looks almost identical to this old Dust Mite wallpaper:
Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 05:44
Aww, well it actually doesn't surprise me (considering what they did so far). Still wondering about the track but I guess that's also "visually enhanced"
Phantom wrote:Sorry to break down your optimistic feelings but the enhanced AMW looks more like Pirog's AMW from Re-Volt RC Stories project than a whole new car to me.
I totally forgot that mod so I didn't think about the possibility that they could be the same. The same goes for the Dust Mite.
Also I was thinking about Dust Mite being a new car, not AMW.
Anyway, I believe I said it some time before but I'll gladly say it again:
WeGoInteractive doesn't seem like a developer/game creator to me. If one does a quick google search about them he'll mostly stumble upon some game shipping and selling stuff, nothing about games actually being created by them.
BigBit on the other hand are presenting themselves as game developers though my impression is that they focus on iOS (or portable) stuff which makes them moreless uninteresting for me. Sure, one of the original devs from Re-Volt works there (Nick Baynes) but I believe he also wasn't involved in every development aspect of Re-Volt.
So unless we don't hear anything about WeGoInteractive working together with some other game studio I don't expect any PC/console related news soon (which means at least two years for me).
Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 06:20
i think i saw this somewhere else......
on RRR
Posted: 06 Jan 2013, 08:02
And, if you looks closely, the Acclaim logo at Humma's car was deleted... Resource.
According to WeGo's Facebook, Re-Volt for Android has been released in South Korea this week.
New features supposed to be added are Per-Track World Ranking, a touch-based multiplayer mode, and a button to recommend the game to friends.
Re-Volt for Android specifications by WeGoInteractive in RVR Forum: wrote:The Android version of this time is the same as iOS version with all contents, & racing but the functions added here are as follows.
1. Application of Global Ranking System
Each 14 track has global ranking system and each player can compete against world-wide players with best records. Also worldwide ranking is to be updated by every week to have equipped with a competitive element.
2. Application of sharing function by using SNS
Applied a system capable to share the game information by using SNS services such as Facebook, Kakao Talk, Linkedin, WhatsApp etc.
Besides, it was released at Tstore in Korea as on April 16th, and demonstrated its fame in the past being ranked as top among entire paid app at present.
Also in the first half of this year, additional versions are to be released which include multi-play function, challenge mode etc.
And lots of unofficial bug reports about the lousy hackjob they seemed to make. There.
Posted: 09 May 2013, 13:31
Confirmed, WeGoInteractive has a channel on YouTube. And the video I posted some months ago which was a low quality advertising spot in korean using Re-Volt 1.2 Beta was recorded by them.
Sorry for those that still believe that it's a fan-made video, but basing that most of the things they do are a bit crappish, the video clearly seems to be made by WeGo.
Now they've uploaded the english version this week:
Look at the funny detail, they stamped a small RV logo to hide the version 1.2B this time but the video is still the same. Unbelievable..
Posted: 09 May 2013, 16:44
Killer Wheels
I agree with Phantom from the beginning.
As far as I see, they only took an existing game, sold it and used community content for advertising. Speaking by itself about the state of mind of the guys owning that company...
Next step, custom tracks that don't have a proper ReadMe file associated will be sold too ?
Yeeaaah WeGo what a great team
Posted: 09 May 2013, 19:01
Huki already noticed the same video posted by a WeGo members:
Though it's actually our last Beta running, if you pause at the first intro image you'll probably notice some nice WeGo edits...
jigebren @ May 9 2013, 10:31 AM wrote: if you pause at the first intro image you'll probably notice some nice WeGo edits...
Posted: 09 May 2013, 19:27
jigebren @ May 9 2013, 07:01 PM wrote: BTW the same guy also posted the edited one with the nicely unfitting intro and the Re-Volt mask logo.
What if they stole even the intro from somewhere.
Shameless company. They don't even give credit to Jig and Huki for the 1.2B patch.
Posted: 29 May 2013, 23:54
Damn what a-holes. Removing the acclaim logo from humma that truly pisses me off. I bet they will change it to we go interactive instead.
Oh well we can't do anything until they release a PC version of the dreamcast version or who knows maybe they actually want to give us that unity version which might end up being bad.
Posted: 27 Aug 2014, 05:19
When a legal case come against us we will die, so go figure, unless they're letting us be (they "stole" huki's beta because technically its THEIR property), in that case, give us the source code WGI!!! their site is private