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Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 15:48
You How Find Grand Prix Im Tried To Find This Canned Track!
Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 17:58
You Track Impossibru Find
Track It Developers Lost Or Exist Never
Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 18:06
Yeah. Even after we got a hold of all the DEV stuff that we have, the fact that it's still not there probably means it never amounted to anything in the first place.
Not that this post is going to help or anything...
Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 18:01
Sorry, but which track are you talking about here ?
Who ?, Where ?, When ?

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 18:10
Manmountain @ Apr 10 2013, 09:31 AM wrote: Sorry, but which track are you talking about here ?
Who ?, Where ?, When ?
Just a noob and his nonsense topics. ... r&mid=1203
Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 18:19
So no real lost track ? as it never existed.

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 19:45
As one
RV Wikia article tells, it was a canned track. So he simply created this topic to ask where you can find/download it, but just in very bad Eng
rish like he does that every time.
Some things about this track existence were found in game source code.
Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 20:03
VaiDuX461 @ Apr 10 2013, 03:15 PM wrote:Some things about this track existence were found in game source code.
Things such as ?

Anything that can be used or worked on ?
I am just interested as I really like Racing circuit styled tracks and would have liked to have seen Acclaims idea of an RC Grand Prix track.
If these questions/thoughts have been answered before, then I'm very sorry. I've got over three years of catch up still to do.

Posted: 10 Apr 2013, 20:46
I gave link already to RV Wikia in previous post.

All known info about that track is in
Canned Track article.
Name: Prix 01
Folder name: prix01
Some meshes of track were found and named as "TEST"
Small text note founded in source code - "urrrgh.. you said.. Grand"
I got a chance to play in Re-Volt, it was made to be playable in game by one person. As I understand, he exported all meshes founded in source code to w/ncp format (maybe with some modifications, I don't really looked or checked original files). I don't know if he shared it already with community or not. I have that file, but I don't think I can share it with you, cuz its not mine work and not asked for permission to do it, sorry. Plus, I got that file from other person.
It looks very unfinished, plain green floor without any environment.
Pic from RVWikia
Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 01:04
VaiDuX461 @ Apr 10 2013, 04:16 PM was made to be playable in game by one person. As I understand, he exported all meshes founded in source code to w/ncp format (maybe with some modifications, I don't really looked or checked original files). I don't know if he shared it already with community or not. I have that file, but I don't think I can share it with you, cuz its not mine work and not asked for permission to do it, sorry. Plus, I got that file from other person.
I admire your morals on copyright of other peoples work, but sharing what ever you've got only helps the community grow and expand, IMHO.
The track looks familiar though, it's not the original AMCO beta test track by Smeg ?
Thank you for all the links, most appretiated.

Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 12:54
Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 16:17
is unfinished the Grand prix canned track?
Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 19:03
Prix 01 canned then . Release uncanned when. Hands it on I would. Models 3d to up vamp it.
hehe... I just had to!
Posted: 13 Apr 2013, 22:30
At first looks, I would say the track is too big for stock speed cars, that is if it was intended for release with the original game. It needs faster speed cars or a reduced scale, IMHO.
But it would be good if someone could develop this track to a unforgetable creation.