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Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 11:56
Here on ORP I found two topics about a car mentioned by a member (GWC). The car is called Game Center available only in Game Center demo version. Also I found a post where is mentioned the colour of car (red).
If somebody have a image or posses the car please post them here or send via PM.
Thanks for listening me.
Posted: 04 Aug 2013, 06:59
if anyone is still interested, yes Acclaim Studios London did release a number of promo cars for the Demo version of the game. the Game Center car was one of them. it was based on the Aquasonic...however the car was remapped so as to allow putting a readable logo on both sides of the car, to do so they had to make room on the texture page, so the wheels were remapped as well. there is/was a problem with running the car in the full version of the game since it would crash the game(ver 1.1). as it happens I do have the game center car that I have edited the parameters so that it will run properly. the zone however is being reluctant to accept anything from me

Posted: 04 Aug 2013, 19:03
Hey Rex,
Interesting news about this car. Can you post a photo and a link or send them to me via PM? Only if you still posses the car.
Posted: 04 Aug 2013, 20:15
Do you just have the car or also the demo (or even the setup) files?
In any case I would be interested in all of them so it would be nice if you could upload them somewhere (unmodified), thanks

Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 00:18
hm, picture...I gather that this board does not allow folks to upload images(which I can understand, they take up a lot of storage space for one thing), have to see what I can do. the game center car is basically an Aquasonic w/ a new set of parameters and has been texture remapped (Aquasonic skins look icky). I had the cgw demo (which came with the detuned Huma). most interesting things about the demos; 1st demo had a 'missile cam' for the rockets and was very hard to beat the 1 track (nhood1), 2nd demo took out the ghostcar, the missile cam, and the a.i. racing line had been changed to what it is now. also the track was texture mapped differently in the 1st demo. let me cast a glance about the web, there may be a game center car or two lurking about under new clothes. a stock game center car will crash the game though (1.1 and older)
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 00:35
Why don't you just upload the files that you have on a filehoster like mediafire (need to register but its for free) or some other filehoster of your choice?
You can put the in an archive with a program like WinRar or 7zip (both are available for free) to minimize file size and have them all in one file.
Also do you still have the CGW demo (are you talking about the setup files or only the game files)? If yes I would also be interested in that.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 00:42
About photo, you can upload it on and post here the link.
Im pretty sure v1.2 will suport the orifinal parameters of this cars so no more crashes.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 00:57
the 'Aquasonic Red' on the rvzt is a game center car (and will crash v1.1 btw) only difference is the top speed is 36 whereas the original was 33.5.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 01:00
there is no ai section in the parameters (that is fairly to fix though).
almost forgot to mention, that cnet still has the demo listed as available for download (all 25mb).
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 01:24
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 02:03
Rexreynolds @ Aug 4 2013, 08:30 PM wrote: almost forgot to mention, that cnet still has the demo listed as available for download (all 25mb).
The only one I could find on cnet was the gamespot demo (which doesn't have the gamecenter car of course), if you specifically meant the gamecenter demo could you provide a download link?
And thanks for the car, it certainly looks interesting. But I suppose you don't have the game files to it?
I'm asking because we already have a thread (or two) about Re-Volt demos and its cars over at RVL -> ... topic=2196
And we tried to collect all different demos available but gamecenter was one of the demos that where nowhere to be found (at least now we have the car thanks to you).
So if you know anyone who has the gamecenter, ign (that hex edited one from ballisticrules doesn't count) or cgw (I would like to have the setup files of those) demo files don't hestitate to post a link to them

Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 02:42
nope don't have the cnet demo, or for that matter any of the re-volt demos. that was (for me)3 computers and 5 hard drives ago. what you see in the zip file is everything we got at Racer's point. aside from the various bonus cars(AFAIK) the demos were all alike.
the file I posted runs just fine

Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 13:54
Thank you Rex, this car looks incredible. I can't wait to be at home and to test it...(currently I'm at the countryside).
I never thought I will be able to catch this car but it happenend, even if passed 1 year to have an answer. I must thank you a lot for that, Rex.
Btw, here is a list with all my demo cars:
IGN-PC (demo missing, just the hex edited version)
PC Gamer
PC Accelerator (demo missing)
Riva TNT2 (demo missing)
Game Center (demo missing)
If you still know demo cars which are not listed here, please tell me.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:01
think I recall a gamespy car based on the volken turbo...been a while

. one thing you have to remember is, that quite a lot of us only had dial-up back you all may be looking for demos that don't exist. think that there were some promo cars w/o demos(not sure), this would be more likely with web site sponsors, magazines had cover disks.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:14
A Gamespy car???? That is incredible.... Btw, all demo cars where based on remaped Aquasonic and Humma, but based on Volken Turbo...That is something new...
Ballisticsrules did a Gamespy car based on Aquasonic. I think it's available on RVZ...
Do you have a picture of this car or a clue about it's looking and parameters?
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:45
as I recall it was done up in game spy colours (green/black), at the time I was not impressed, considering that we were all complaining about the 'slippery' tracks that might have something to do with my impression. quite likely it had a stock volken set of parms (was not impressed with it either

). and if you really want to go on what could be an aquatic waterfowl chase...msn gaming network had a contest for folks to come up with an rv car for them. I didn't keep my entry (least not quite) I modified mine for 'Re-volt headquarters' car. always thought that contest was kinda fishy...the 'winner' submitted 4 cars a week after the full version came out and none of his submissions were rookie cars(one was the UFO!)
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 15:53
Interesting the fact about MSN contest.
I have a question: Gamespy was developed by Acclaim Studios or is a fan-made car?
Do you still have it?
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 21:39
What is this link to ?
I have a Demo version on my site, but it has an 'Acclaim' car which is the Humma.
I would like to know if anyone has the Demo version with the single parameters file.
Posted: 05 Aug 2013, 22:05
Manmountain @ Aug 5 2013, 05:09 PM wrote: What is this link to ?
It links to only the Game Center car (no demo files) but considering its impossible to find it anywhere else I think its quite "valuable"
If you follow my above link to the RVL forum you will also find the Gamespot, PC Gamer and CGW demos (the IGN demo there is just an hex edited acclaim demo) and the Rolling Demo (which is basically just the -gogodemo mode in the current version).
Two or three of those demos have a single CarInfo.txt in it, it was basically included in all of the earlier versions.
Posted: 06 Aug 2013, 02:26
as I mentioned earlier...3 boxes and 5 hds ago I started playing re-volt...I am still missing one or more of my early cars that didn't get archived.
link was/is to the game center promo car.
I found the 'all-in-one' parameters list useful

Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 19:33
I still didn't received an answer at my questions:
1. Is Gamespy an orginal car (developed by Acclaim) or is just and fan-made car made during the MSN Network Gaming contest?
2. Do you still have it? Or a photo of it?
Posted: 20 Aug 2013, 19:58
It's fan made.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 02:27
Here's the car posted -> ... topic=1849
Its a decent repaint, its quality is a bit below the stock cars so you can easily see that its a fan made repaint.
I also have a 3dfx dedicated SpinterXL which actually looks pretty good (also fanmade, found it on a magazines disk) but it has overpowered parameters.
And there are also some brand-dedicated repaints recently made by other users, I think RV_Passion made some (with fitting box art) so you might want to check that out too if you like that kind of stuff.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 11:45
Oh no, the question wasn't about the Gamespy made by Ballisticsrules.
I asked about the Gamespy based on Volken Turbo mentioned by Rex.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:49
Oh I see. Well I wasn't interested in playing online at the time so I know nothing about any MSN Contest.
Either way its very unlikely that there ever was a GameSpy demo so yeah that car was probably fanmade (or at least not done by the original devs).
And it will also be hard to find it nowadays, its probably collecting dust on someones harddrive if it even still exists.
Posted: 21 Aug 2013, 13:52
Kenny @ Aug 21 2013, 09:19 AM wrote: Oh I see. Well I wasn't interested in playing online at the time so I know nothing about any MSN Contest.
Either way its very unlikely that there ever was a GameSpy demo so yeah that car was probably fanmade (or at least not done by the original devs).
And it will also be hard to find it nowadays, its probably collecting dust on someones harddrive if it even still exists.
Well I'm still hoping Rex will come and enlight us with additional infos about it. Who knows maybe it will be a Acclaim concept.