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Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 03:58
I heard mention of this on Jigebren's WolfR4 site - is this a hidden panel in WolfR4 or a parameter switch to the 1207 main executable ? How do you activate it/syntax and what is it ?
Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 18:37
use command line "-window" to Re-Volt 1.2 (WolfR4 is obsolete)
In frontend, you'll see Edit mode, that's the hidden dev panel for you
Posted: 27 Jun 2012, 23:27
KDL @ Jun 27 2012, 10:07 AM wrote: (WolfR4 is obsolete)
It can automate options, cheats, has the "Refresh Cars info" (which helps me alot as a car maker) among other things that 1.2 still doesn't has.
Posted: 28 Jun 2012, 06:57
The DEV panel is actually a WolfR4 feature, and as stated on my website:
"Only initiated insiders know how to get this panel.
The fact is that this panel allows (among other things) to activate the DEV mode of re-volt v1207. There's no command line switch (or any other way) to get this mode in v1207 BTW.
I have not yet decided whether or not I'll make this hidden panel public or not now.
I'd gladly hear the point of view of the few people that know it already (here or through PM)...
<offtopic> And about WolfR4 alleged obsolescence... Well, it's still the best way to launch the original v1207 on modern Windows, and several other features can still be quite convenient for advanced users / track or car makers.
Posted: 28 Jun 2012, 21:45
Well, the Dev panel is a lifesaver for me, at least. It’s the only way to have mouse cursor show in-game for V1207, and my laptop needs it in windowed mode.
Other than that – WolfR4 is not obsolete as long as there are options that V1.2 doesn’t yet have. And as long as V1.2 is still distinctly beta.
Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 20:49
Having access to the Dev version in 1207 could always come in handy (for the gazza modes, mouse pointer and such), especially for people who continue to use Wolf. So I wouldn't mind seeing it published.
Offtopic, @Cat: The "Refresh Car Info" feature has existed in v1.2 for more than an year now. In the latest Alpha the shortcut is Ctrl + R in -dev mode.
Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 04:12
Ok, I wanted to be sure there is no reason not to make it public now.
So, here's the trick to unhide the DEV panel (I'm quoting the message I had sent so to some - very few - beta-testers). Enjoy it...
WolfR4's DEV panel activation wrote:There is a little hidden feature in WolfR4, the DEV panel:
- In the 'Options' tab, click once on the 'Track/Car makers' tab to select the tab.
- Click a second time on this Tab to put the focus on it ('Track/Car makers' should now be bordered with a dotted line).
- Press once the [Tab] key.
- Press [Space] key.
It will activate the hidden 'DEV panel'.
For example in this panel, you can check the 'Version' option and select 'DEV' in the list below. It will turn re-volt into something very similar to a DEV version. There is some interesting/fun options in this mode (I may try to document it one day).
Keep in mind that the settings in the DEV panel are not saved/restored.
Also, it is not meant to be user friendly, so you're using it at your own risk...
Have fun with it.
I've also made the post title a bit more meaningful (added WolfR4 mention).
Posted: 02 Jul 2012, 23:08
Thanks to all of you for your replies, didn't mean to stir things up necessarily, being new on the site