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Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 17:06
Killer Wheels
Hi there !
As I'm working on an update for my website, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in some kind of contest where I would make a track for the winner...
The idea is to make a tutorial about "How to make some cool Re-volt stuff", while letting you be part of the project :
You try do design a track (or maybe a car, if you don't like tracks...)
Then every design would be commented and the best ideas would be kept to make a great track from the whole community.
Just a thought anyway. Hopefully someone will be interested !
Greetings, KW
Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 18:26
Count me in. Maybe it'll finally be an excuse for me to get in gear to finish the tracks I've got laying around...
Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 01:43
Hey, that sounds like an exiting idea... Looking at your website you seem to be pretty skilled now (just a shame that there is no trace anymore of any of your previous Re-Volt works...), so a track made by you would likely look good.
I hope there will be worthwhile design suggestions... Maybe you should suggest a closing date for the submission BTW.
Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 02:53
I'm in, but not sure of the time
Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 13:56
Count me in! While I don't quite know how to apply textures and do vertex shading in Blender yet, this would make me more productive than doing nothing. I need the exercise too.
What is the deadline?
Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 22:50
jigebren @ Jun 12 2012, 11:13 PM wrote: exiting
Killa, good luck with your project. I'm not sure I can actually help you with your project, or at least I'm not sure, but I made
this. Maybe it'll come in handy.
Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 06:15
Killer Wheels
Hi again !
Dave-o-rama wrote:Count me in. Maybe it'll finally be an excuse for me to get in gear to finish the tracks I've got laying around...
Welcome aboard, then !
jigebren wrote:Hey, that sounds like an exiting idea... Looking at your website you seem to be pretty skilled now (just a shame that there is no trace anymore of any of your previous Re-Volt works...), so a track made by you would likely look good.
I hope there will be worthwhile design suggestions... Maybe you should suggest a closing date for the submission BTW.
Yes you're right, but as soon as the new website is ready I will restore download links, plus a new track that is ready
And a lot more if this project works...
KDL wrote:I'm in, but not sure of the time
urnemanden wrote:Count me in! While I don't quite know how to apply textures and do vertex shading in Blender yet, this would make me more productive than doing nothing. I need the exercise too.
What is the deadline?
Well, not so worry about the deadline, I think there will be multiple deadlines to allow comments and constructive criticism, and also to let ideas flow ^^
miromiro wrote:Killa, good luck with your project. I'm not sure I can actually help you with your project, or at least I'm not sure, but I made this. Maybe it'll come in handy.
Thanks, that's a great one !
If that project works I will start writing the tutorial. You just gave me the idea of letting everyone add something, to build some kind of "master tutorial", so yours can be part of it, if you wish so.
So, How are we gonna do this ?
Well, the first step is just throwing out ideas about gameplay, like simple drawings, 3D screens... whatever you want.
Just try to think about interesting situations where you would like to drive RC cars
Here's a simple example :
(mouse drawing quality !

That's just to say, anything is okay, as soon as it's understandable (you can add some explanations, a title... that's up to you !)
Have a look to
this post, or you may have a look to the original Re-Volt gallery, there are some pics with drawings that are quite good !
For now, no deadline, but I will set one soon.
Spread the word

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 06:25
Killer Wheels
Hi again,
here are some little drawings showing some ideas for a volcano track !
There must be more before I start a tutorial, but at least it's a start
That's only one idea for now.

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 08:23
Those drawings look great!

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 13:42
Nice Drawing KW. What track name is?
greetings : Nieger33@
Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 14:13
hi KW, beautiful beautiful drawings! If nobody can make the track, I might give it a try. Or everybody create a prm, and we put it togerther
Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 16:20
hmm, I was recreating the plan of an old project (Canary's house) [yeah, the one started July'3rd 2009 with ink and paper and done terribly later].
1st floor's plan:
Here is kitchen+bathroom's reconcept
dohtml not working, so, please click here
But I guess I misunderstood the subject, so I'll be trying to do the main job

Posted: 30 Jun 2012, 18:56
Killer Wheels
r6turboextreme @ Jun 30 2012, 09:43 AM wrote: Or everybody create a prm, and we put it togerther
That's the point. I must agree I didn't explained it very well :
we need at first a theme (volcano track, alien track, city track... whatever)
and also some gameplay ideas (like : "hey, what about adding a tunnel here where you could drive on the walls ?")
So we must have 2 types of pics :
some with just gameplay ideas (track path, small sections...), like this :
and some with just environment ideas (jungle, old temple, futuristic city...) :
You can use drawings, 3D, or even pics from movies, internet... Just throw your ideas.
You may also do both in just one image (like I did on my previous post : some gameplay ideas AND a volcano theme idea).
Once we have a good theme and a great raceline, we may start 3D ! And as r6turboextreme said, everyone may try to do something
I'm not sure it's clear enough anyway...
The main idea is : do what you want, and let's see if we can merge your work in a community track ?
And I'll try to make a good tutorial using pics, questions that may be asked while making this community track (and answers too !).

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 03:39
Man, just from the erupting volcano sketch I can tell you're a skilled drawer. It's probably the first time since Acclaim stopped working on Re-Volt that a track has seen such a professional-looking preliminary work.

I bet that for most other track makers (me included) the colored preliminary sketches are rather close to non-existent...
Well, the project is a bit clearer now. It's a bit soon to vote but I like the idea of the volcano (mostly for the red-hot lava flow I guess...).
I'm just concerned that IMO the natural reliefs are not the best grounds for Re-Volt tracks. I mean - maybe I'm wrong though and it's only a matter of taste - that I think I much prefer racing on flat surfaces, like concrete, steel plate or or anything, with some precise traps here and there that I can learn to manage or avoid, than on randomly shaped grounds, where it's hard to predict the car behavior. Anyway, a lava-themed track is still very possible without exclusively using hilly grounds.
About environment ideas, I'm also suggesting a (quite classic) theme I've always hoped to see in Re-Volt one day:
Construction site, with loads of construction vehicles, funny track paths, etc.
Unfortunately, I used to keep suggesting images for cases like that but I've lost them all in my last hdd crash. So I can't provide anything (but Google Images
can ).
Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 08:16
Killer Wheels
jigebren wrote:Man, just from the erupting volcano sketch I can tell you're a skilled drawer. It's probably the first time since Acclaim stopped working on Re-Volt that a track has seen such a professional-looking preliminary work. I bet that for most other track makers (me included) the colored preliminary sketches are rather close to non-existent...
You're right, I really want to make some kind of "professional" tutorial, I know that some people already wrote tons of useful infos, some also made videos !
I just want to merge every great tip into a single step-by-step tutorial, starting from the beginning and resulting in a great track everybody can put something into.
jigebren wrote:I'm just concerned that IMO the natural reliefs are not the best grounds for Re-Volt tracks. I mean - maybe I'm wrong though and it's only a matter of taste - that I think I much prefer racing on flat surfaces, like concrete, steel plate or or anything, with some precise traps here and there that I can learn to manage or avoid, than on randomly shaped grounds, where it's hard to predict the car behavior. Anyway, a lava-themed track is still very possible without exclusively using hilly grounds.
I agree. That's a matter of gameplay

However it's possible to avoid such problems, regardless of the surface type, but it needs more work...
jigebren wrote:About environment ideas, I'm also suggesting a (quite classic) theme I've always hoped to see in Re-Volt one day:
A Construction site, with loads of construction vehicles, funny track paths, etc.
Unfortunately, I used to keep suggesting images for cases like that but I've lost them all in my last hdd crash. So I can't provide anything (but Google Images can ).
Google images are ok

We have 2 themes ideas for now !
Just as an example, if we'd like to see both in the same track, then some kind of factory built on a volcano planet would do it ! (you know, like
that planet in star wars)
Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 00:49
Killer Wheels
Hi again,
since I suggested to mix both ideas, I came up with this little artwork of what the final track might look like :
That's a start...
Plus, here is the first challenge for you guys : there are four cars drawn in the image. For those who want, choose one and try to model it
These images are intentionally small but it's your imagination that can make the difference. You are free to redesign the vehicles !
Please post a work in progress here (
or on the RVL forum) so everyone can follow your work.
The best ones will be added to the tutorial and joined to the final track

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 03:32
Simply awesome! I think I have looked at your sketch for at least 10 minute yesterday before going back to work... Your drawing is very inspiring, and I'm sure it will be of great help when starting to model the track in 3D.
About the idea, I also though that mixing the lava theme with the old Cambodian temple you posted above could give a great result as well. I'm just picturing the RC cars going through a hole between the roots of the big tree, with the lava glowing red lights on the temple walls...
Some crossings seems to be done just for this use...
I just have a remark though, from my own (and little) experience: we have to be aware right at the beginning of the track design that everything will be seen from a RC car point of view. That is to say, we mostly see ground and walls, it's not like a FPS game where we have more opportunity to enjoy the landscape...
For example, in a configuration like in you last concept artwork I'm afraid we would hardly see the beautiful lava landscape which is lower than the road level, and it would be a shame.
Don't know how you plan the future work. Just to say that I'm ready to help modelling & setting the world parameters, collisions and materials using Blender. I can UV map and draw textures as well, but given your skills I'd rather let you handle the textures-designing part...

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 05:58
Killer Wheels
jigebren wrote:I'm just picturing the RC cars going through a hole between the roots of the big tree, with the lava glowing red lights on the temple walls...
That could be awesome !! I would love to see that in revolt !! (a Revolt Temple 2 or something like that !!)
That's my new favorite !
jigebren wrote:I just have a remark though, from my own (and little) experience: we have to be aware right at the beginning of the track design that everything will be seen from a RC car point of view. That is to say, we mostly see see ground and walls, it's not like a FPS game where we have more opportunity to enjoy the landscape.
For example, in a configuration like in you last concept artwork I'm afraid we would hardly see the beautiful lava landscape which is lower than the road level, and it would be a shame...
Hmm that's true

. I didn't have that in mind. Thanks for the tip, master

Point added to the tutorial ^^
Anyway, the idea of these "artworks" is to get a feeling of the atmosphere. That's all about the feeling of the track.
Once this is set, some fake ingame pictures should be realised, just to be sure it will be great viewing from a rc.
jigebren wrote:Don't know how you plan the future work. Just to say that I'm ready to help modelling & setting the world parameters, collisions and materials using Blender. I can UV map and draw textures as well, but given your skills I'd rather let you handle the textures-designing part...
Thanks, any help is welcome. I will let everyone try to do something, for sure !
Don't care about skills. Maybe I can draw a better sketche than someone, surely someone can do better. (Surely, you can code way faster than me

No matter what it looks like, the important thing is : is the final result understandable, is the message clear enough ? That's the main thing, in my point of view !
I'll give some feedback to help in that sense, to everyone.
New theme idea !

Posted: 20 Jul 2012, 15:46
J'ai pas tout pigé mais ça a l'air intéressant !!! Bon courage pour ton projet KW !
Translation (jigebren) : I didn't catch all of it but it looks interesting !!! Good luck for your project KW !
Posted: 05 Jan 2013, 06:45
Killer Wheels
Hi there,
not so much updates lately, sorry about that. I worked on my website to have a central place about customizing Re-Volt.
Even if the game is pretty old now, there's still some people playing it, making new cars and tracks every week... Thanks to them, rv is still alive !
But there are still no real tutorial about track making. Lots of tutorials about AI, import, setting up everything in RV... Nothing about the track itself. Except some raceline masters like Hilaire9, there are lots of people that can make good-looking tracks, but with a not-soo-good flow, or the opposite. That's why I wanted to make this "from scratch to end" tutorial, and wanted to keep it as simple as possible, since lots of informations can be found everywhere.
So, in order to launch the project, I will open my website very soon with 1 or 2 unreleased tracks I created, and I'll try to add a selection of the best tracks that have been created, considering every aspect : raceline, graphism, and AI.
I may do so for cars later, but I think I'll need someone to help me !
I plan to open it in 1 week, but I wanted to add something better, so I came up with this : why not a new community track made in 1 week ?
So here we go, I update this thread.
How to make a community track in 1 week ? Let's keep it simple, something between 100-300m.
At first, we need a raceline. Nothing can be easier : draw a simple top-view of the raceline you want, and suggest it here by posting a screen. The more there will be, the more ideas we can have.
And that's all for now
Some tips :
- try to put in 1 full-speed section, 1 tricky/curvy one and link both with watever you like.
- don't care about heights, start with a flat track.
- draw something cool
See you in a few days !
Note : this is a duplicate of the post I wrote on the RV Live forum (
Posted: 08 Jan 2013, 04:20
Killer Wheels
Hi there.
I started to draw a simple raceline of a track. I will try to write the tutorial along with the creation of the track, but I'm asking for help

- I need someone to help me translating everything, I don't want too many mistakes
- Someone who actually knows about Blender (I've never understand anything in that software)
- Someone who knows about Jigebrens great stuff (plugins / tools he made)
- Someone who knows Gimp (I never used it)
And of course, anyone that play or create in re-volt, just to help and support
You can pm me if you're interested, or simply leave a little note below !
I will also try to make the car I posted earlier :

That could make a bundle ?
If I do this, maybe I will also start a very basic tutorial for custom cars ? Maybe later, anyway

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 21:11
Killer Wheels
Hi there !
Does some of you knows which tracks have these problems ?
- can't climb somewhere with slow cars like Phat Slug
- too small/sharp turn for hi-speed stock cars
- reposition of the car too close from a jump (can't reach minimum jump speed with slow cars)
- getting lost in a track !
- bad positioning of the pickups
- bad 3D modeling
- bad textures
- bad lighting
- bad AI
- big collision problems
Also, if you know the best opposite (e.g. very good textures, very good AI...). The idea is to take screens of things to avoid and vice versa, based on existing tracks
Thanks for any of your help !
Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 00:41
Killer Wheels @ Jan 14 2013, 04:41 PM wrote: - can't climb somewhere with slow cars like Phat Slug
I think Re-Ville has this issue, above the greenhouse window, at least when driven by the AI...
PS: BTW I've not commenting much on this project lately because I know I wouldn't have time to actually help you, but I'm really looking forward to see your website running again.

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 18:55
Killer Wheels
Thanks a lot Jigebren
The site is already online but in maintenance mode because I still have some things to translate. It should work for a first opening, so as soon as I finish translation it will be opened again (without tutorial for now, but that's planned)

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 19:26
KW wrote:- too small/sharp turn for hi-speed stock cars
Most lego/lego extreme tracks have sharp turns that most superpowered cars can't take.
KW wrote:- bad textures
KW wrote:- bad AI
Bad AI. Well,
most of them have bad AI. Pretty much all the ones I did AI for have bad AI
KW wrote:very good AI...
I didn't make the AI for
this track, but it turned out very good in my opinion.
KW... or at least he implied it wrote:very good 3D modeling
Most of human's tracks are awesome when it comes to 3D modeling.
Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 19:56
Dave-o-rama @ Jan 15 2013, 03:56 PM wrote:KW wrote:- bad textures
In my opinion
this one is worse than yours.
Oh yes, I forgot to say it's worst in ALL aspects.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 02:53
VaiDuX461 @ Jan 15 2013, 11:26 AM wrote:In my opinion
this one is worse than yours.
Oh yes, I forgot to say it's worst in ALL aspects.
And don't forget
this one.
When it comes to excellent texturing,
dylan's tracks come to my mind, and also
this and ofcourse
Another example of magnificient 3D modelling can be
- reposition of the car too close from a jump (can't reach minimum jump speed with slow cars)
Sckyscrapers is the case. Volken Turbo and Phat Slug can't finish a lap there for not having enough acceleration after reposition to cross the first ramp.
Ghost Valley X, if cars reposition before the first ghost they get trapped in the bubble forever.
- can't climb somewhere even with pro cars
Mountain Climb
- collision problems
Middle section of
- 3D modelling
3D modelling problems in
this. Specifically size proportions here.
- bad texturing
Some tracks have the issue of showing lines in the floor texture, probably due to bad mapping. For example
Double Oval Drome and
-Tracks with Bad Start:
Glacier Cliffs. In 12 cars races, the cars starting last fall into the void.
Opera House. Cars repositon themself right after GO signal.
- bad AI
Lego Hood Playground. Wrong placement of the AI nodes.
Holiday Camp has an issue you not listed, light cars as Sprinter XL or R6 Turbo can't finish a lap there.
I forgot to say that when it comes to good flow, the best examples can be found in RickyD's and Dave's tracks, particularly
Ruin Of Revoltera and
Cold Steel, which is a piece o art when it comes to flow.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 03:02
Phantom @ Jan 15 2013, 11:23 PM wrote:Tracks with Bad Start:
Glacier Cliffs. In 12 cars races, the cars starting last fall into the void.
Opera House. Cars repositon themself right after 3,2,1,GO.
These tracks are fixed already, if you don't know. Look those in RVZT repacking topic.
Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 03:52
Killer Wheels
Ow yeah, lots of great examples
I already tried a good part of the tracks, I will continue in order to take good pics. I must admit that's somewhat funny to discover only problematic tracks
Thanks a lot for all the ones you listed already !!
Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 01:49
Shameless self promotion for good AI tracks:
Insanity &
ToyVolt. Surely not the best, but kinda good if you ask me.

Posted: 19 Jan 2013, 06:32
Killer Wheels
Hi there !
I've encountered a small issue I have to fix before I can open my website, that's bad because I'll be off for a few days, so I'm sorry to delay the "opening". Hopefully it should not take much time, so as soon as I can, I'll fix it, open it and release a new track, as promised
Stay tuned, and thank you all for your support !
Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 05:34
Killer Wheels
Hi again !
I finally managed to fix a few more things, and this time my website is open ! And as promised, you'll find a brand new track, damn yeah.
I just hope you'll enjoy it, and help me improve it as I have a lot of cool features to add I'm still working on
So check it out here :
NawaKiwi, and feel free to leave your thoughts directly on the website, and of course, to share.
Thank you all !

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 08:35
Checkup Cactus Volt link again in top downloads. It gives me a 404 error. I'm not sure if you deleted my comment from the other day or not, I can't remember what I wrote now, sorry.
Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 18:38
Killer Wheels
That was a little bug since the track will show up in a few days

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 22:05
I'm really glad that your website is up and running again, including the old content. I have to say I always found the 2011 concept-arts for UT3 very inspiring...
So far the site looks good to me. I can use it with scripts disabled and it works flawlessly. I like that.
The only glitch I can mention is the way the banner is used. The wider the page is, the more pixelated it becomes, and it soon looks a bit ugly. Maybe you could use a fixed height and let the right of the image vanish in the background with a black gradient, something like that.
PS: I'm commenting here instead of the website directly since I find it more comfortable to be able to edit my messages...
Posted: 01 May 2013, 01:42
Killer Wheels
About the missing "edit" button, yes that's a big lack. I put it on top of the todo list.
About the artworks... well, I didn't know these were inspiring, but thanks !
And finally, I forgot to change the header default images. I already tried different solutions and this one should work great. You may notice that they are not pixelated on the tracks pages

Posted: 08 May 2013, 18:09
Killer Wheels
Hi again !
I'm finally starting to write the tutorial ! But I don't know anything about Blender, so I'm looking for someone to help me on this.
While I'm working with 3Ds max, I need someone to do about the same things in Blender, so the tutorial would be accessible for both softwares.
If you're interested, please contact me !

Posted: 19 May 2013, 18:21
I would like you to add a little tip in your tutorial that I think it's pretty important.
Don't name your track with a title that is not well-related with the ambient of the track.
I've seen a few times very simple lego tracks (these are just imaginay example names) with titles like "Dark Forest", "Japan, Tokyo City", "Jurassic Park", but the track itself has no relation with their names, and this is discouraging for the downloader.
If you name it Dark Forest, people will expect to see at least some vegetation, wood, lack of illumination or rain probably, but not a simple track in daylight with toys over the track for example for example.
The name must fit or have some logic with the content of the track.
Don't name your track incoherently because this will pull the grades of your track down and people's expectations as well.
Also, if you are going to make a track and name it "Japan", take the time to investigate a little about Japan and imagine what kind of things the racers expect to see in the track with that title. Don't deceive people by comminiting mistakes like these.
Posted: 22 May 2013, 02:17
Killer Wheels
Well you're right about this, but it's more likely to the creator of the track to decide.
Everyone creating something should do it by pleasure before satisfying everyone else.
Once you try to "level up", ratings become more important, as well as screenshotS, and I added an "S" there because I think that's a missing feature on RVZT. I added it on my website though, so I'll try to put some of the best tracks out there with both author image(s) and ingame screenS (wich I think is more important than the title).
If the title have nothing to do with the track itself AND it disappoint the player, the track will finally be given a less good rating, and it sounds logical, after all.
Anyway, let's get back to where it started : thanks for the input, I'm planning to explain a few things about final presentation.
Every idea is very welcome, so I'm taking it into consideration !

Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 19:04
Killer Wheels @ May 8 2013, 10:39 PM wrote:Hi again !
I'm finally starting to write the tutorial ! But I don't know anything about Blender, so I'm looking for someone to help me on this.
While I'm working with 3Ds max, I need someone to do about the same things in Blender, so the tutorial would be accessible for both softwares.
If you're interested, please contact me !

i'd like to learn some blender, maybe i can try some small track edits on your concept, and let you know how it goes?
Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 05:08
Killer Wheels
Hey SkinupTruk,
I'm sorry I didn't see your message earlier.
I'm still working on it, slowly but surely. I've started the 3ds max track already, and SebR was doing some Blender stuff.
Would you like to try making the Blender track from some reference images ? (Note that if you do that I will help you in that way, and probably let people give feedback to help too.
What do you think ?
Posted: 14 May 2014, 16:51
Killer Wheels
Hey everyone !
I need help !
Yesterday, I tried a few tracks from RVZ (very old ones ^^), and I was wondering... How you guys do rate a track, or a car ?
I realized that the rating system on RVZ has no reference criteria, so many times it ends up like new creations have better grades than classics, even if they are of a slightly lower quality. That's this "slightly" difference I'd like to have reference for.
I made a very first version of a track rating system some time ago (
check it here !), but I realized that it is not as easy to use as I wanted, so I'd like to make a better one according to how you'd like to vote.
- How do you make a difference between a "hard" track and a "bad/undriveable" track ?
- What are your own criteria for track rating ?
- Do you think playability is more important than graphics ?
Posted: 14 May 2014, 23:21
A hard track is for me a track where you must be stay really focused when you drive throught the track or a track that hardly forgives driving errors. But you should actually be able to traverse the track without problems. Hull Breach 3, for example, is really a challenging track and is difficult to drive but with practise is it no longer a major problem.
For me is a bad/undriveable a track that has no challenging, more fun destruction difficulty. For example: defective track overview, stupid placed obstacles, bad placed spawn points, sections where not all vehicles coming through, bad 3d-modeling.
For me, the playability is paramount. The graphics rather secondarily but they should be suitable for the track and to the overall image.
In any case I rate the tracks and cars after the overall picture.
Posted: 15 May 2014, 13:00
After checking the reference link you provided, I'm again impressed by the quality of your site KiWi, and the clarity of the content that you display on it. I mostly agree with everything written on it.
I believe that a hard track is the one that is easy to win after some practice and is enjoyable to play, but still challenging to master for a long time. For example tracks like jailhouse rock, venice, metrovolt and hull breach 3. Most people can win a race after some practice on them, but another difference is to find all the tricks of the track. That is the kind of track I consider challenging.
An unraceable track on the other hand will mostly be the one that's a constant pain to even win at, either because of an unclear path or also because of an excessive amount of silly and non logical objects plus issues like teleporting and bad reposition triggers. Those, convined with boring theme, make that kind of tracks worthless the effort.
About graphics and playability, I think it's a matter of both things. Playable tracks there are many, but playable tracks that convine a good theme, clear raceline, well-placed obstacles, shortcuts and convincing graphics, there are few. Personally I tend to give graphics a lot of importance.
Some of the old classic tracks may not be at the top of RVZ
(where they deserve) only because the old grades were deleted and people don't want to grade old tracks again. With the attention placed on newer tracks, it is common that these are flooding the ranking and the classics are being left behind a bit. And also many tracks still haven't reached the minimum amount of votes to be in top graded section yet.
Posted: 17 May 2014, 04:59
Killer Wheels
Thank you for the feedback already given. I'm actually working on my website and just finished the upload system for tracks

(will be online in a few days)
I want to start uploading community tracks that seems to be at least fun to play and no too bad visually, so there will be a lot less than in RVZ (my goal isn't to replace RVZ at all).
I started downloading and testing first tracks from RVZ, and I'll keep doing so until I have tested all RVZ tracks
So I'll probably upload some RVZ tracks on a per week or month basis, adding a little comment about how I choosed the track.
But I also want every top track on the website (such as classics !).
So I started a top test list, so far there are :
Jailhouse rock
Hull breach 3
Namco Racer
Fools Mate 2
RV Temple
Of course I already raced these tracks, but never did it from an "as-objective-as-possible" point of view.
If you want to contribute (like Phantom, RV_Passion and Nero already did !), just give me 1 track name / week, with positive and negative points you found in, and I'll test it too to add it on the website.
Of course I'll take your arguments into account to decide !
Thank you all

Posted: 18 May 2014, 03:39
By looking at your top tracks list, I see you're looking for must-have classics with awesome graphics and without bugs or design problems, then that is what I'm going to suggest. Since I won't have time to post 1 track per week, I'll throw them all in one post and you decide later.
I don't think you should worry for as-objective-as-possible reviews. Every kind of choice or selection will be subjective in the end. I'll make my suggestions from my own point of view, so these are from my personal must-have list:
Rooftops - Acclaim's awesome quality. Definite a must-have. No objections.
PetroVolt - All the 3 Gabor's tracks are for me the possible 3 best custom tracks ever made.
Medieval Mayhem - Skitch's masterpiece for me.
The Felling Yard - Another excellent, easy-to-win and fun-to-play track.
Holiday Camp - I don't need to say much. It's epic. Only objection is the water zone.
Mamba - One word -> FUN
NEO-CLASSICS (Post 2006-era):
Road in the Sky - Yay, first time I raced this track I fell in love with it, graphics are astonishing, I guess no track has beaten the feeling that I get when driving on this track. It's gorgeus.
Chilled To The Bone - The perfect ice-world for me. Only objection is that isn't good for some cars.
Re-VoLectriX - Easy track with good flow and it suits perfectly for re-volt cars. Only objection: very easy.
Winter Park - Probably the most convincing and realistic winter track. Great graphics, and great difficulty too.
AMCO Bitume - Both amcos are for re-volt what a ring is for a finger.
Hallows Eve - High difficulty convined with high quality graphics. It's the best terror themed track for me.
Biohazard Factory- I first got this track back in 2009 I think from your site. Those graphics dude! It's a superb track with a very original ambient.
Cactus Volt - Best Wild West track and Best Dirt track.
SS Highway - The first 1.2-era track that managed to be #1 in the old RVZT Top Graded. This track is a true masterpiece that shows the true power of the 1.2 patch.
Fiddlers on the Roof - Same as above, it's another example of the 1.2 power, I never thought a track could match Rooftops quality but this one makes it the perfect combo.
Road America - There are many Grand Prix style tracks and all are great (GP1, GPX, Hockenheim Ring) but this one is the most realistic and fun for me. Download available in
RVL only.
Moon Dawn - A stunning futuristic track with awesome 1.2 features, excellent design and realism. It matches the essence of a classic track for me.
Rally ZX SS2 - The newest jewel in my collection, it's
my precious a the moment.
Probably it's an obsession with good graphic tracks that I have, but these and your choices would be the ones I would include in a top list.
Drivers School
Yabba Dabba Doo
WW2 Artic Air
Zero Degrees
All these 5 tracks are excellent, really fun, and challenging tracks aswell. I would include them if I were you, but the only difference is that the graphics are a bit more common/standard and not as wonderful as the other classics, I'm particularly talking about Re-Ville and Drivers School here and I know you'll see my point if you compare it with Quake for example. About Zero Degrees, and Artic Air, I love these ones, but again the ice is always some kind of a problem for some cars.
Posted: 19 May 2014, 04:58
Killer Wheels
I must admit every track you listed are very great.
The only bad point for Holiday Camp makes me think it would be great to make a Holiday Camp Enhanced, where the only difference would be the strength of the water effect... To meditate.
Thanks for the list, it's very motivating. I'll try to make the upload system work during the week

Posted: 28 May 2014, 04:44
Killer Wheels
Hi !
I started to ask authors before uploading anything, but since there's a lot to do (and a lot of authors !!), I make an announcement here :
if you're a track author, and don't want me to upload anything on the website, please just let me know ! If I already have without contacting you, I apologies. Again, just let me know and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Thank you

Posted: 29 May 2014, 15:22
Hi all!
You can use my creations in anyway you like if it helps. I have no restrictions at all.

Posted: 29 May 2014, 17:14
Killer Wheels
Thank you Skitch2 !