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Posted: 29 May 2012, 10:50
Being a racer who enjoys playing on custom tracks, I was just wondering if the next update would allow the custom tracks that can't be played with the .0405 patch (but seem work fine with the .0107 and earlier patches) to work properly again.
Wargod Fortress is one that comes to mind. With the latest patch the cars cannot pass through the transporter.
Admittedly I know nothing about the process involved with the patches, but no patch should screw up any of the tracks.
Thank you;
Posted: 29 May 2012, 11:10
mmudshark @ May 29 2012, 10:50 AM wrote: Hi
Being a racer who enjoys playing on custom tracks, I was just wondering if the next update would allow the custom tracks that can't be played with the .0405 patch (but seem work fine with the .0107 and earlier patches) to work properly again.
Wargod Fortress is one that comes to mind. With the latest patch the cars cannot pass through the transporter.
Admittedly I know nothing about the process involved with the patches, but no patch should screw up any of the tracks.
Thank you;
Freestoyle by Human also has the same problem. It does not run with the latest patches but works fine with the previous patches. I think SebR reported about that.
Posted: 29 May 2012, 19:55
Or we could make a list of the tracks that don't work and figure out how to fix them.
List of fixed custom tracks (All done by sebr):
Look further in the thread for details on what was wrong and what was fixed for each track.
- June 3rd, 2012
Wargod Fortress
- June 7, 2012
Downhill Jam
Pyron's Realm
- June 22, 2012
Supermarket 3
- July 18, 2012
Isola Verde
- August 13, 2012
Nhood Grimm
The Catacombs
Canyon Run
At Home
- September 15, 2012
The Mines Of Alderon
Bonus! Reversed tracks! Also done by sebr!
Floating Temple
zero degrees
Posted: 30 May 2012, 01:07
About Freestoyle isue Huki and Jig already found why
it's about the object : "object thrower" who can't be used with planet ...
on previous realease and v1.1 the object was loaded only when needed but in last alpha objects are loaded at the start ... we didn't found this isue with previous alpha on freestoyle because this object is on the top of the track and we can't go on it
On Wargod Fortress it's a track'c creator mistake about track zone ( normaly that shouldn't work on previous alpha and rv1.1 but it was working

The Transporter srart on track zone ID 37 and finish on track zone ID 38 ... I move ID 38 after transporter and expand ID37 and now it's work fine

Posted: 30 May 2012, 04:39
sebr @ May 29 2012, 03:37 PM wrote: On Wargod Fortress it's a track'c creator mistake about track zone ( normaly that shouldn't work on previous alpha and rv1.1 but it was working

The Transporter srart on track zone ID 37 and finish on track zone ID 38 ... I move ID 38 after transporter and expand ID37 and now it's work fine
Would you mind uploading that to save everyone else the work?
And everyone else: If you happen to find tracks that don't work with the new alpha, just say the word and we'll get to fixing them.
I know Illusion doesn't work, apparently freestoyle doesn't, and I'll have to go through tracks with teleporters because they seem to be an issue...
Posted: 30 May 2012, 19:09
Sebr is right about both bugs. If there are any more problematic custom tracks, be sure to specify the track's name, and also a description of the problem (does it crash? do you keep respawning at the same place? etc.).
A word about custom tracks using teleporters: both the start and destination of the teleporter should be covered by the same zone, otherwise it is not supposed to work (if it worked in an older version, then that's a bug). Just stretching the zone to cover both the start and end should work (like this,
before |
after). Oh, and it's ok to have other zones covering the same area (in Wargod for example, Zone 38 need not be moved out of the way).
Posted: 03 Jun 2012, 12:42
Thank you all for the answers.
I want to be clear here and I am not complaining about anything. I just want to be able to race all the good tracks.

Fixing the tracks so they work with the latest patch would be great.
Will there be notification when a track has been "fixed"?
Are Wargod Fortress, Illusion, and Freestoyle going to be the first ones?
(Freestoyle just crashes my Revolt as soon as it loads with the .0107 patch.)
I'm going back to the .0405 patch and plan on racing a lot of the tracks that I missed while I wasn't playing Revolt (5 years I think) and will post any problems I run into.
Thanks again;
Posted: 03 Jun 2012, 20:11
Posted: 06 Jun 2012, 09:53
Thank you kindly.
Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 00:31
do you find new bugged tracks ?
Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 03:31
sebr @ Jun 6 2012, 03:01 PM wrote: do you find new bugged tracks ?
Downhill Jam and
Pyron's Realm are in need of fixes. Everyone keep their eyes peeled though, because tracks with teleporters seem to be the bugged ones here...
Posted: 08 Jun 2012, 02:00
Downhill Jam update for last beta, 2 bugs
- teleporter ...
- bad start for ai-cars 9 to 11 in single player mode ...
working on Pyron's Realm ...
Édithe quand tu nous tiens ...
Pyron's Realm update for last beta, 2 bugs (no wolfr4 files)
- teleporter
- ai-nodes : now all car have a tiny chance finish race, but still need big improvement

Posted: 20 Jun 2012, 12:53
Supermarket 3 by kilo won't even load properly. I get a lot of "cannot load..." errors but get to the start. Once the race starts all cars just freefall.
Posted: 21 Jun 2012, 00:25
Supermarket 3 work fine for me
don't forget that there are missing files in the archive, but a "Install.bat" was added by Kilo to copy them from market battle ... (56K modem time, everybody was looking for tiniest zip files ;-) )
Code: Select all
rem Installation of Supermarket 3
@echo off
copy ..\markar\markar.w supermarket3.*
copy ..\markar\markar.ncp supermarket3.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3a.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3b.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3c.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3d.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3e.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3f.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3h.*
copy ..\markar\* supermarket3i.*
Edit : not Supermarket 2 but market battle thx VaiDuX461
Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 07:58
Thanks sebr.
I remember when kilo released that, but forgot about having to run the install.bat. The lazy bugger could have included a readme.
Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 13:26
sebr @ Jun 20 2012, 09:55 PM wrote:..."Install.bat" was added by Kilo to copy files from
Supermarket 2 ...
Code: Select all
copy ..\markar\markar.w supermarket3.*
You mean, Supermarket Battle?
I remember Supermarket 3, its like a battle, but added: ai nodes, pos nodes, objects, a sand wall... to make it raceable.
Edit: Np, sebr.
Anyway... A lot of dave tracks have custom files (wolfr4), that needs to be converted to v1.2 custom format, or he already done it?, but there isn't updated at rvzt.
Edit: You can get updated tracks
Posted: 22 Jun 2012, 19:01
VaiDuX461 @ Jun 22 2012, 03:56 AM wrote: Anyway... A lot of dave tracks have custom files (wolfr4), that needs to be converted to v1.2 custom format, or he already done it?, but there isn't updated at rvzt.
These are the ones that got updated. There were more that had trivial stuff like new loading screens, that I didn't bother with because they really weren't worth the trouble.
People wrote:Supermarket 3 and it's pain in the neck-ness to install
Maybe someone should download that track, install it, then upload the installed version to save everyone the trouble of playing with .bat files.
Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 01:43
Dave-o-rama @ Jun 22 2012, 02:31 PM wrote:
People wrote:Supermarket 3 and it's pain in the neck-ness to install
Maybe someone should download that track, install it, then upload the installed version to save everyone the trouble of playing with .bat files.
=> SuperMarket 3
Anything else ?

Posted: 18 Jul 2012, 09:30
Re-Volt 0405 crashes for me and for mmud when driving on
Isola Verde.
For me, it does right before the slide part (pretty close to the end of a lap).
For mmud, at the spot where you can go either left or right around the tower.
Posted: 18 Jul 2012, 14:53
Phantom @ Jul 18 2012, 09:30 AM wrote: Re-Volt 0405 crashes for me and for mmud when driving on
Isola Verde.
For me, it does right before the slide part (pretty close to the end of a lap).
For mmud, at the spot where you can go either left or right around the tower.
I posted the same problem some time ago. ... p=10642832
Posted: 19 Jul 2012, 00:10
Already fix but never realeased
Isola Verde

Posted: 19 Jul 2012, 09:17
Thanks once again Sebr

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 20:38
Alpha 12.0802 red X bug fix
Nhood Grimm
After the start line you have to go downstairs and on the middle of the lap you are suposed to jump over it in reverse way. But Pose Node ask you to go downstairs againe before go back to normal way

Now you can jump without any Red X
The Catacombs
If you go down to the guillotine (instead of straight upstairs) you get the red X because of bad link on 2 pos node too much close, delet one and re-made links
Canyon Run
Shortcut way not set with pos node, with the last Alpha you become too far from normal way => red X
Add Shortcut way with pos node (but not with ai node) so you can use it but Ai cars can't find it as before
bonnus : you can now drive it in reverse
Didn't find anything wrong on At Home

No new red X ... realy need to know how you get it mmudshark

Posted: 13 Aug 2012, 21:22
Quake! has been affected by the patch too now...
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 02:20
sebr @ Aug 13 2012, 04:08 PM wrote:Didn't find anything wrong on At Home

No new red X ... realy need to know how you get it mmudshark

sebr, when I take the shortcut through the window, jump down the stairs, then as I'm going up the ramp out of the garage I get the X. If I do not use the sc I do not get the X. I tried it in Time Trial and it does the same thing.
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 03:11
Skarma @ Aug 13 2012, 04:52 PM wrote: Quake! has been affected by the patch too now...
Nice find Skarma : it's a track zone missing ... And now I can say that the last build introduce a new bug => we can't have 2 track zone with the same ID, the first work the secound not even if it linked to the first
And 3 new link : no bugfix only custom track that I add reversed way
Floating Temple
zero degrees
edit : mmudshark I'll take a look at your shortcut as soon as possible (first I need to find it

edit : If I'm right the shortcut is here

It's exactly the same thing as in Canyon run =>
at home
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 05:17
also petro volt haves problems, two places: car looby(unsure) and the gas pumps.
many tracks need cam
EDIT: can compile a list of bugged tracks and with fix dl link please? to have it in order
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 05:58
@sebr: Oh thanks for fixing these tracks (yep, there were no posnodes for the shortcut/alternate routes). But I've already removed the recent changes that were causing these issues, So if you find any more problematic tracks, just wait for the next release and they should be working as before.
sebr wrote:And now I can say that the last build introduce a new bug => we can't have 2 track zone with the same ID, the first work the secound not even if it linked to the first
Ok, the next release should fix this one too...
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 06:41
Abc @ Aug 13 2012, 07:47 PM wrote: EDIT: can compile a list of bugged tracks and with fix dl link please? to have it in order
Done, check my first post in the thread.
To the admins/mods/mmud: Would someone mind editing that list into the first post? Lest we expend any extra brain or scrolling power...
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 06:51
Huki @ Aug 14 2012, 01:28 AM wrote: @sebr: Oh thanks for fixing these tracks (yep, there were no posnodes for the shortcut/alternate routes). But I've already removed the recent changes that were causing these issues, So if you find any more problematic tracks, just wait for the next release and they should be working as before.
sebr wrote:And now I can say that the last build introduce a new bug => we can't have 2 track zone with the same ID, the first work the secound not even if it linked to the first
Ok, the next release should fix this one too...
Happy to read that, it just funny to find what goes wrong and fix it ...
Thx Dave

but you forgot At Home link in your list under the picture
And a new one =>
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 09:45
Thanks to;
- sebr for fixing the tracks
- Dave for putting the download links in one spot
- Huki for the ongoing work.
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 10:02
Thanks a lot + add fix info (what changed,etc) it's useful

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 15:17
Hello. My Slide & Tunnel track is getting X. but it was OK.
but well done. I dunno that came in the X.
my link :
greetings : Nieger33@
Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 21:04
I check your track this morning Nieger33@
It's not a last Alpha bug but a mystake from you
All track zone must be linked each others and have folowing ID from 0 to maxi 255
But in your track you have for lasts ones ID 36, 37 and 32 (=> red X), 33 (=> red X) and 0 at start line ... Other mystake: all the racing line not inside tracks zones => red X
look at ID30 to 31 and ID 37 to bad 32
Look at your track zones mistakes
here is corrected track zones
I can't understand how your track work before
I don't made a new package yet because i'm working on bad outside tunnel texturing ... I don't do this for you, i'm lerning how to do it with Jig Blender plug-in and I think your track is a good start for this training

Posted: 14 Aug 2012, 21:40
PetroVolt and At Home added to my post.
Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 02:48
Dave: sebr: is this whole track with fix or just fix?

Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 14:05
Thx SebR. I can't wait

. Give me download Link. please? I adding SFXs in custom Folder and i submit my track.
greetings : Nieger33@
Posted: 15 Aug 2012, 16:11
Abc @ Aug 14 2012, 10:18 PM wrote: Dave: sebr: is this whole track with fix or just fix?
It's always full track, exclusively for revolt 1.2 (no wolfr4 or v1.1 downgrade) ...
@ Nieger33@ : Your "slideS.taz" (file deleted)
Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 02:07
Abc found a new bug on At Home track
all AI cars get stuck around the 3 barrels
cause : strainge track zone

(the ID15 was a little too big)
I uploaded a new zip file, the old link still valid

Posted: 15 Sep 2012, 21:38
The Mines of Alderon still doesn't work.. The AI gets stuck when they try to climb on the plank to the boat, they instead go around in circles clueless.

Posted: 16 Sep 2012, 00:51
The Mines Of Alderon
New track zone probleme ... set just upper of the floor ...
only fix red X on U turn ... pos node too far from short U turn
don't find any bad repositionning

Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 22:57
Big thx to Jig's blender plug-in
Here are some Lego based tracks (and others) with updated track-zone for low COM cars (Bimota-tesi, Bird, Bike...)
aperture laboratories
aperture laboratories 2
barbie world
boogie beach
bossa nova
castle keepers
more will come

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 20:16
do you remember this on Christmas Lights ?
I don't know if someone already find the solution : Removing all pure black on skymap and everything become ok
Christmas Lights
Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 20:33
That effect looks like water hitting the camera like in most games like gta for example would be nice on toytanic 2.
Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 22:16
sebr @ Oct 21 2012, 08:16 PM wrote: do you remember this on Christmas Lights ?
I don't know if someone already find the solution : Removing all pure black on skymap and everything become ok
Christmas Lights ... topic=1691
Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 22:37
One question, is anybody actually goint to start re-submitting these fixed tracks ?
Because all these tracks hidden in the forums and not where they are supposed to be (in RVZT), is not a good plan.
Same for all the Battle Tag levels in Revolt Live and the PhoenixR3 tracks converted to v1.2 format.
Posted: 02 Nov 2012, 09:55
I am having a problem with GBA Rainbow Road. I can race it offline but it crashes each time in multiplayer whether I host or try to join someone else.
I didn't have any problems with this track until recently.
The track starts to load and then my revolt crashes back to desktop. Rafster's revolt crashes on this track too, but he doesn't get an error message. Other racers have no problem with it.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: revolt.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 502c0765
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16915
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ec49caf
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00028c1c
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: e8ad
Additional Information 2: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863
Additional Information 3: e8ad
Additional Information 4: e8adce1c2b9e7be834b4063ac3c53863
I installed the previous .0802 patch and tried it again. Single player crashed the first time but worked the second time I tried it. Multiplayer still crashed revolt but a different error message this time.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: revolt.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 501a97e5
Fault Module Name: StackHash_e98d
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: ffff0001
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 4105
Additional Information 1: e98d
Additional Information 2: e98dfca8bcf81bc1740adb135579ad53
Additional Information 3: 6eab
Additional Information 4: 6eabdd9e0dc94904be3b39a1c0583635
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:14
I try it online alone and :
if i select rv 1.2 only => crash (with no error message, win XP)
if i select all rv versions => no crash ...
And if i don't use Rv-House (ony revolt multy-player menu) => no crash ...
Rv-House bug ????
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:17
sebr @ Nov 3 2012, 02:14 AM wrote: I try it online alone and :
if i select rv 1.2 only => crash (with no error message, win XP)
if i select all rv versions => no crash ...
And if i don't use Rv-House (ony revolt multy-player menu) => no crash ...
Rv-House bug ????
Does this track ever crash with 1207?
Posted: 03 Nov 2012, 02:47
Huki @ Nov 2 2012, 09:47 PM wrote: sebr @ Nov 3 2012, 02:14 AM wrote: I try it online alone and :
if i select rv 1.2 only => crash (with no error message, win XP)
if i select all rv versions => no crash ...
And if i don't use Rv-House (ony revolt multy-player menu) => no crash ...
Rv-House bug ????
Does this track ever crash with 1207?
no crash for me with rv1.1 patch 1207
EDIT : with last Alpha no bugg