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Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 01:32
Un ptit message pour jigebren posté également sur rvtt :
Dolo wrote: salut !

Je profite de ce topic pour parler de 2-3 trucs que j'ai remarqué depuis quelques temps sur les dernieres alpha disponibles, à savoir la 11.1215 et la 12.0107. Et comme j'ai pas envie de me faire chier à essayer d'expliquer cela en anglais et que toi jigebren tu t'es manifesté il y a peu, j'espère que tu liras ces quelques lignes.

Il y a eu depuis la 11.1215 un certain changement au niveau comportement physique des voitures au niveau des collisions entre elles et même j'irai plus loin, collision entre les voitures et les murs ou obstacles. Or il s'est avéré peu de temps après la sortie qu'il subsistait un bug qui fut corrigé lors de la 12.0107. Elle a effectivement réglé le fameux problème des collisions entre voitures. Mais d'autres différences sont apparues comme notamment la puissances des rockets et la résultante qui en découle à savoir un comportement encore différent. Puis en enchainant les courses, j'ai fini par m'habituer à ces petites différences et celles-ci ne me sont plus apparues si contraignantes, sachant que j'alternais entre parties sans bonus et avec bonus.
Puis depuis quelques temps, je joue principalement qu'avec bonus, et là j'ai fini par me convaincre qu'il y avait une différence notable dans le comportement de la toyeca mais sans savoir réellement ce que c'était, mais les sensations n'étaient plus exactement les mêmes qu'auparavant.

J'ai alors aujourd'hui remis la version 11.0825, et là d'emblée j'ai remarqué une différence assez notable dans la maniabilité de la toyeca au volant. En effet avec les mêmes réglages, celle-ci n'avait pas le meme braquage qu'avec la 12.0107, j'ai donc du remodifié certains paramètres propres au volant afin de retrouver quelque chose de semblable. Il y avait d'ailleurs eu à l'époque quelques remarques concernant la sensibilité de la conduite lors du passage à la 11.1215, j'avais même, si je me souviens bien, modifié celle-ci mais sans que cela me gêne plus que ça.
Et tout en continuant mes tests, j'ai senti certaines collisions plus "normales" contre les murs, bref de façon général, j'ai l'impression que la toyeca ne se comporte pas tout à fait pareil avec cette 11.0825, elle me parait plus proche voire égale de ce que j'ai comme souvenirs du jeu original.
J'ai également remarqué qu'en camera embarqué, puisque je pilote souvent avec cette vue, que les voitures adversaires bouchent largement plus la vue sur l'alpha 11.1215 et 12.0107 (camera embarqué plus basse je pense) que sur celle-ci, ce qui est qd meme un gros désavantage.

Plein de petites différences qui au final me gênent un peu. je trouverais qd meme dommage qu'on commence à toucher au gameplay, alors après je sais pas si c'est réellement le cas, mais bon je préfère évoquer cela et avoir une réponse de la part d'une personne qui participe au projet. Voilà @++

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 04:57
Just to resume Dolo's post:
He noticed a change in the collision behavior with release 11.1215. The 12.0107 fixed the car / car collision, but he was still feeling a change (eg. with firework power). Then he tried with older 11.0825 and felt the toyeca's steering was not the same than with 12.0107, and that the overall behavior was probably closer to what he remembered about the original Re-Volt.
He also reported the in car camera tends to be lower than before.

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 16:38
@Dolo: Can you answer a few questions about your problem?
- From what I understand, you had tried to compare 12.0107 and 11.0825 release in multiplayer. Were both trials made with the same compatibility setting (all-versions / 1.2-only)? If not, you should try a few test races with the newer build (12.0107) in all-versions mode.
- How exactly do you find Toyeca steering different (more / less reactive, etc.)?
- Is there a clear change in firework power every time a 0107 player is shot?
- Do you feel all the difference (between 0825 and 0107) in single-player too?

I've noticed the in-car camera being lower too. It is also more to the front of the car than before, which would produce glitches when the car bumping into walls. Both will be fixed for the next release.

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 23:49
The turning degree is a little shorter in single-player with my wheel on 11.0825 in single player and mutli (like original game i think), bounces on the walls are also little differents in multiplayer but i did not my test with 12.0107 in all version mode. i don't know for the fireworks, i did not advanced test for that, it was just a notice.

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 18:43
Huki @ Mar 18 2012, 12:59 PM wrote:
Dolo @ Feb 27 2012, 11:49 PM wrote:The turning degree is a little shorter in single-player with my wheel on 11.0825 in single player and mutli (like original game i think), bounces on the walls are also little differents in multiplayer but i did not my test with 12.0107 in all version mode. i don't know for the fireworks, i did not advanced test for that, it was just a notice.
Can you try running a few laps in Practice mode with the 0825 and 0107 builds and check for any difference?
Dolo make some tests today with his wheel (no keyboard tests)

With 0107 steering angle of the wheels appears to be shorter than with 0825
And in the same time 0107 look like less sensitive than 0825 with tiny steering, but he have max steering angle faster with 0107 than with 0825 ...
Rv&#045;House french talk wrote: <Dolo> sebr ?
<SebR> oui
<Dolo> je viens de retester et y'a qd meme un différence
<Dolo> tu peux lui dire à huki
<SebR> j'veux bien mais donne moi tout en détailles
<Dolo> c surtout le degré de braquage qui est un peu différent
<SebR> plus lent à tourner les roues à fond ou angle vraiment plus petit ?
<Dolo> par exemple sur la 0.107, pour un coup de volant identique que sur la 0.825, et ben ca braque plus
<Dolo> c léger mais
<Dolo> la plage est plus grande sur la 0.825 j'ai l'impression
<Dolo> et plus petite sur la 0.107
<SebR> clavier et volant où tu testé que ton volant ?
<Dolo> que le volant
<SebR> fait un test avec le clavier histoir d'ètre sur ...
<SebR> je commence déjà à rédiger la réponse pour huki
<Dolo> donc 0.107 = moins de sensibilité sur les ptit coup de volant mais plage de braquage réduite donc roue à fond plus rapidement
<Dolo> 0.825 = plus de précision avec une plage de braquage plus grande
<Dolo> tout ça dans des proportions réduites, c pas énorme énorme mais suffisant pour s'en rendre compte

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 23:22
Huki @ Mar 19 2012, 08:57 PM wrote:@sebr and Dolo: Ok from what I understand, the sensitivity is very low for small and medium steering ranges and it increases very quickly at the end. If this is correct, it sounds like the behavior of Non-linear Steering (you'll find that option in Controller Settings). But this setting should be On by default in all versions, so it's strange that you experience it only in the latest release. Anyway, can you check if you get back the old behavior by turning Non-linear Steering off? And you should probably also test v1.1 (the 1207 patch).
I saw the real difference when i did a clean reinstallation of my revolt. After a format C:, I installed on my old revolt folder (patched by v 12.0107) the patch 12.07, then the patch 11.0805 and to finish the patch 12.0107. It's at the moment that i saw the difference between the 0805 and the 0107. there was even a difference between the revolt v12.0107 without the official patch 12.07 and the revolt v12.0107 with the clean reinstallation. Strange...

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 00:14
Dolo @ Mar 22 2012, 11:22 PM wrote:I saw the real difference when i did a clean reinstallation of my revolt. After a format C:, I installed on my old revolt folder (patched by v 12.0107) the patch 12.07, then the patch 11.0805 and to finish the patch 12.0107. It's at the moment that i saw the difference between the 0805 and the 0107. There was even a difference between the revolt v12.0107 without the official patch 12.07 and the revolt v12.0107 with the clean reinstallation. Strange...
If you've felt the difference even with the same release at different times, the issue is likely not related to v1.2. It could be caused by the non-linear steering setting or it could be your wheel configuration. If you'd like to continue this discussion, don't hesitate to open a dedicated thread...

Posted: 07 May 2012, 01:41
I'm back again and again, but i played today with the rv1.2b11.0208, and i saw again and again a difference about the wall's collision and the car's collision with rv1.2a12.0405. But i think this last alpha is better with the wheel's driving. But not like old version, for example, there is a big difference in ghost town 1, after the last end jump; i slew round many times compared with the rv1.2b11.0208.

Posted: 07 May 2012, 18:19
Dolo @ May 7 2012, 01:41 AM wrote: I'm back again and again, but i played today with the&nbsp; rv1.2b11.0208, and i saw again and again a difference about the wall's collision and the car's collision with rv1.2a12.0405. But i think this last alpha is better with the wheel's driving. But not like old version, for example, there is a big difference in ghost town 1, after the last end jump;&nbsp; i slew round many times compared with the rv1.2b11.0208.
Can you tell us what difficulty mode you were playing in - Simulation, Arcade or Console?
And about steering, any difference with keyboard, or is the problem with wheels only?

Posted: 07 May 2012, 21:26
Huki @ May 7 2012, 01:49 PM wrote:
Can you tell us what difficulty mode you were playing in - Simulation, Arcade or Console?
Everyone uses Arcade especially online i already said before.

Posted: 07 May 2012, 22:28
gdfsgdfg @ May 7 2012, 04:56 PM wrote:
Huki @ May 7 2012, 01:49 PM wrote:
Can you tell us what difficulty mode you were playing in - Simulation, Arcade or Console?
Everyone uses Arcade especially online i already said before.
Dolo and me use Simulation many times ...

Posted: 07 May 2012, 22:38
Well okay there are no collision issues on simulation anyway i don't know if the cars act different since i have never used sim in the past and I'm blind at noticing things.

For one thing i know that some cars especially when boosted are able to "wall-run" mostly happens when you're getting bombed in the process and getting sticked to a wall while holding forward. Once again i don't know if this happens in 1.0.

Posted: 07 May 2012, 23:26
@Dolo: The spinning out after landing was really hard to reproduce but I got it once so far. Now, these are the kind of issues that are difficult to compare between two versions. So you've spun out once and you were using the new version at that time, and didn't spin out when you quickly tried the old version. No one can't conclude from that there is some flaw with the new version. What we can do is check all the changes we have done in v1.2 so far, and I've checked them, and double checked them, and gone through every line of change since the official beta. There are no changes to the collision that can cause any problem.

For wall /car collision differences, I can only advise you to check which mode you are playing in (Simulation, Arcade or Console).

There have never been any changes in steering either, so it could only be a problem or incompatibility with your wheel. You can easily confirm this by trying old and new versions with the Keyboard. If there are no differences with keyboard, the problem is not with re-volt.

Posted: 08 May 2012, 01:13
I don't really know how difficulty levels work these days, the only thing I noticed is that simulation has a weird car-car collision, so we usually use arcade online, but I'd like to know if arcade is exactly the same as simulation used to be (in earlier versions, like 1.1)? Asking, because an old player (speedy3000) said arcade has a strange car-wall collision (though according to him, he hasn't played for a long time), and this made me wonder...

Looking forward to see the no car-car collision thingy, cause dolo is a damn pusherrr!! :D

Posted: 08 May 2012, 05:37
I do my test only on arcade mode. On tw2 for example, the toyeca bounces better against the walls, there is less loss of speed, less friction, it's more fluid.

Posted: 08 May 2012, 18:58
Dolo @ May 8 2012, 05:37 AM wrote: I do my test only on arcade mode. On tw2 for example, the toyeca bounces better against the walls, there is less loss of speed, less friction, it's more fluid.
Ok, if you can do a little test, it could help us figure out the problem.
- Make sure you have the new re-volt version (12.0405) installed, then create a new room in rv house in all versions mode. Launch yourself and try a few races. Let us know how the collision is in this mode.

Posted: 09 May 2012, 15:03
Anyway well one thing that i really want fixed is the big invisible collision on bertha balistics and panga i guess.

I mean look at this (its probably even bigger than that)

And I said before this bug is present in the 1.0/dreamcast version too if i am right I find it really annoying.

Posted: 14 Oct 2012, 02:56
The collision bug is always present on the last alpha in multiplayer mode. All impact (rockets, cars's collisions, walls's collisions...) are multiplied by 10. Why ? And there are too many stars during a picks races ! I did a clean installation to be sure that the problem did not come from me. Try to play with revolt 1.1, it's different. This patch RUINS the gameplay, ruins the fun !

Posted: 18 Oct 2012, 15:19
I remember clearly how the fireworks used to be. An update changed collision impact to more sensitive collisions.
I will be doing a few tests (with video) to check the difference. I will report soon.

Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 02:59
Stingox @ Oct 18 2012, 03:19 PM wrote: I will be doing a few tests (with video) to check the difference. I will report soon.
Ok, I'll wait for your report then..

Posted: 19 Oct 2012, 17:35
Dolo @ Oct 13 2012, 10:26 PM wrote:The collision bug is always present on the last alpha in multiplayer mode. All impact (rockets, cars's collisions, walls's collisions...) are multiplied by 10. Why ? And there are too many stars during a picks races ! I did a clean installation to be sure that the problem did not come from me. Try to play with revolt 1.1, it's different. This patch&nbsp; RUINS the gameplay, ruins the fun !
I tried original revolt a couple of days ago to see what the fuss is about. It was a bit different from 1.2 but nothing too dramatic. The old revolt felt a bit lame, like bumper-cars. I don't notice much bad in re-volt 1.2 now, but I remember the spinning-on-landing that people complained about.

Maybe the devs could enable us to view some physics debug data in-game. For example, if we could see the max impulse on the car in the current race, so far (or something) , then we could see if it's too big or if the result of it looks too dramatic.

One thing to take into account could be the network quality. Perhaps a volatile ping could be causing some bad physics (lag-bumps, or Frenchy-internet-bumps). I think some people should check their result for their "jitter" at (i got 4ms).

Anyway, I think that the 1.2 devs are doing a fantastic job, thx go to them!

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 19:42
yes we have been talkin about this in rv house,but i was complaining about this like 2 hours after that update..only diffrence was that ppl were sayin im crazy...
Plus,what about when cars touch....they dont actually "touch",like there is
some invisible wall between them...and this pushing thing..was that really a case in previous versions?
plus panga car,damn animal still has letters up to the sky....and if u watch previous versions of revolt,letters were more lower then they are now.but that is not that much important now

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 19:54
I saw a problem since the rv1.2a11.0825, not just only with the last update. The rv1.2a11.0426 was OK (may be rv1.2a11.625, but i'm not sure)

Posted: 21 Oct 2012, 22:31
Cosmo_Kramer @ Oct 21 2012, 11:12 AM wrote: plus panga car,damn animal still has letters up to the sky....and if u watch previous versions of revolt,letters were more lower then they are now.but that is not that much important now
This was made intentional, it's a correction that only applies to tall cars so their names don't confuse with part of the car body. Same happens for Bertha Ballistics.

I agree with the rest of the post.

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 02:27