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Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 10:30
Recently, I installed this new version of Revolt and played it again just for melancholy.
I did the same thing like always, but this time, i was searching some track to play when i see this track and then change to the left and see this

I saw that picture on revolt folders, but never played multiplayer, so, that "battle tag" track was something new for me.
But, i never had to see that. Appeared on the normal track select (single race). Supermarket Battle Tag ¿Race?

After quit that race, i go to track selection again, just to see if the problem was solved or not. But i noticed that i was able to select ALL tracks on the game. And battle tags continues taking random real track names. Like this one.

And, i played 3 different battle tags.... Supermarket, Museum and neighboor

But not only battle tags.... Stunt Arena too

And extra thing to this. First, i thought "pickups" were on "stars" positions, but that's not true, some "pickups" yes, but not all.

Extra to pickups on this track. Exist specific points where you can see and not SOME pickups... Just see.... There are 2 pickups here . But, i move a little and "magically" and rarely, the nearest pickup disappeared. Just see

And is only on that position, you can stay nearest or farther of that position and you can see that pickup, but on that position you can only see the bright on the floor.

Obviously, opponents AI comes crazy on these "races". Only going to front, or jumping around, taking some near pickups, going to the wind (?)... Was more than i expected (All oponents frozen, but not)

And, i noticed another thing. Rivals, and me, can't respawn on this tracks. (Well, we can, but we dissappear and appear on the same position... Including, if we are on air, we reappear on the air).

Then, i tried to play one mirrored battle tag on "Clockwork Carnage" mode.... And successful... See

Well, now, some different bug. Easy to recreate, really common and annoy. You are playing normally, take a pickup and luckily you got a bomb. Well, now you're hurry and casually take some clone pickup, yes, a bomb (Minor knowed issue: bomb fuse disappear). But yes, you see one opponent to give your bomb. Near to him, you hit it.... But, bomb stays with you, you try again and again. But nothing, you can't pass to him; and then, you explode again.

Or, same thing again; you got a bomb, take a clone pickup, see an opponent, this time, he got a bomb too. You hit him and you have it's bomb (Normally if two cars got bomb and hit, you continues with your bomb, and he, with his bomb).... Now, you exploded 3 times (clone pickup, your bomb, and opponent's bomb)

If you remember, if you take a pickup and get a bomb, then take another and got another bomb, you only explode 1 time.

Rarelly, this things occurs more often than one thinks.

And works on both sides. If opponent have a bomb, take a clone pickup, you can pass your bomb to him, or hit him without taking his bomb.

That's really annoying.

And, that power combination, clone pickup - bomb, are not the only buggy combination on game, but it's the most evident and easy to see/confirm.
But, some times you get bomb, take a pickup, get a ray or turbo, use it, one opponent use star (this makes this combination be less evident to see), you explode, and lose your ray/boost status.
I think, on a good multiplayer game can be more easy to test.

Another bug i have is, on some tracks, (like Toys in the Hood 1) when i beat one challenge time and go back to menu, i get this. But then, can see "challenge beaten" but time not saved. Problem i had over the years after many reinstall. (Including original and downloaded versions)

I'm using revolt v1.2 (Beta 11.0208), on windows xp. With Intel Double core. If you need more info, just ask me.

Sorry my bad english, i'm spanish (Surely, you know that after see my screenshots), and i'm not good on english.

Just, one last thing; can i see the source code of Revolt? Or where is? What programming languaje is? Just for auto-education purposes only.

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 12:09
Most of the bugs you mention here has been fixed in the latest Re-Volt 1.2 Alpha. The alpha releases are more stable than they sound and I definitely recommend switching over to rv1.2a12.0405. I really do hope Jigebren & Huki updates the beta soon though - it's been more than a year since last release.
Francute wrote:Another bug i have is, on some tracks, (like Toys in the Hood 1) when i beat one challenge time and go back to menu, i get this. But then, can see "challenge beaten" but time not saved. Problem i had over the years after many reinstall. (Including original and downloaded versions)
This happens when the folder "Times" and its sub-folders "Normal", "Mirror", "Reverse" & "ReverseMirror" is missing inside the Re-Volt folder. If you re-create these folders your problem should be fixed. The missing folders are usually a result of installing from a downloaded Re-Volt installer - installing straight from the official Re-Volt CD creates the folder structure.

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 13:28
Obviously you fucked your revolt folder how about remove everything, reinstall get the newest 1.2 alpha release and just get some tracks/cars off RVZT

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 14:41
Those battle/stunt tracks in the selection screen are probably "custom tracks" (default battle and stunt track files copied into a normal custom track). Try searching into the "levels" folder for the folders of these tracks and remove them.

Turbo and electrozap/star canceling each other out is normal and intended. The bomb bugs were fixed in the newer alpha releases (use Urnemanden's link). Not that we've ever heard of the "triple bomb" issue before, but there has been a change in newer releases: if you have a bomb and crash into a clone pickup you only explode once (for of the clone), and then there won't be a buggy bomb on you (without the fuse, etc.).

Record file issue should also go away in newer alpha releases (it's missing folders like Urne said, and latest release comes with those folders).

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 22:03
Well, i think this post will be long too.

First, urnemaden:
Most of the bugs you mention here has been fixed in the latest Re-Volt 1.2 Alpha. The alpha releases are more stable than they sound and I definitely recommend switching over to rv1.2a12.0405. I really do hope Jigebren & Huki updates the beta soon though - it's been more than a year since last release.
Well, i will start to test with this version.
This happens when the folder "Times" and its sub-folders "Normal", "Mirror", "Reverse" & "ReverseMirror" is missing inside the Re-Volt folder. If you re-create these folders your problem should be fixed. The missing folders are usually a result of installing from a downloaded Re-Volt installer - installing straight from the official Re-Volt CD creates the folder structure.
I have the correct folder structure, i can save for example, times on museum 1 - Normal, but not in museum 2 - Normal.
But thanks, with that response, i noticed that some files were with the "Solo lectura" tick (Read-Only), and quitting this, solved my problem.

Second, gdfsgdfg (Maybe a little hard nickname to remind):
Obviously you fucked your revolt folder how about remove everything, reinstall get the newest 1.2 alpha release and just get some tracks/cars off RVZT
Ehhmmm.. No. My revolt folder was installed correctly. Is a clean install (11 apr 2012). But well, i will start again with that newest alpha like i said to urnemaden.
And all my tracks and cars are from RVZT. With the right things on "levels" and "gfx"; or "cars" folder.

And third; Huki:
Those battle/stunt tracks in the selection screen are probably "custom tracks" (default battle and stunt track files copied into a normal custom track).
I saw i not mentioned that after one revolt reboot, this tracks are not appearing again.
Try searching into the "levels" folder for the folders of these tracks and remove them.
Now, i entered to this "levels" folder, and saw some folders with name "markar", "frontend", "nhood1_battle","Muse_bat" and "stunts".
Excepting "frontend", the other folders have less files than a normal track. But like i say, this tracks are not appearing on main selection again, like that time.
Well, Do i have to remove them?
Turbo and electrozap/star canceling each other out is normal and intended. The bomb bugs were fixed in the newer alpha releases (use Urnemanden's link). Not that we've ever heard of the "triple bomb" issue before, but there has been a change in newer releases: if you have a bomb and crash into a clone pickup you only explode once (for of the clone), and then there won't be a buggy bomb on you (without the fuse, etc.).
Ok, i will be testing this last alpha :)

Record file issue should also go away in newer alpha releases (it's missing folders like Urne said, and latest release comes with those folders).
Well, problem fixed. Only was some "Times" and "LapLocal" files with the "Read-only" tick.

Thanks to all for responses. I will be trying this new alpha (And thanks again urne, for giving me the link on this thread)

If i found more bugs, i will continue taking screenshots if can, or tell about them.

Again, can i see Revolt Source Code? (The original, not modified.)


Just to avoid double post.

I installed that version you gave me. And i noticed lot's of changes! Good work guys!.

Sadly, i'm getting some new error, which allways worked fine.

If you have cars with folder names lenght above 15 chars, game truncate it.

The folder name for this car is called "LSIR a - Michelangelo" but game show this

I tried to race and noticed there was an invisible car racing at low speed. See? Sure was some fix to avoid game crash on loading screen.

I was thinking if that problem is exactly to 16 chars. I saw my "cars" folder and found one car with exactly 16 chars called "Blue_Flame_Tiger".
I tried to start one race with this car and... Selecting car and loading

Funny, i started the race with no car (With a speed of 0 MPH or 1 MPH with boost.) And try to reach to a pickup.
Here started to appear some visual glitchs like... Invisible balloon going down to the infinite (without reaching zero, woot), maybe casually
floor glitch, or all things at the same time...

Well, but this, surely was caused for start race with car having a folder name length > 16 chars...


More more more! I think you will love me (Sarcasm off)

More more more! I think you will love me (Sarcasm off)

I was playing and testing some time challenges, and i love that "Don't cheat or else..." but... That message maybe, don't need to appear if you played with a downloaded car on a downloaded track.... Just for use a cheat car on a stock track

And, talking about the time challenge, i was playing and see that ghost car using a different car....
If my best record is with "sklaasd" car, ghost need to be "sklaasd" car, not other.
For example, on this screenshot, i made best record with cougar, i was playing with humma, and.... Ghost is Toyeca¿? See

And this, THE MOST IMPORTANT BUG; i was playing some championship, but game was saving double results when you are like spectator.

For example, on the first track finished first, and "Phat Slug" finished 8 (Common) but game saved and give it points like if reached first.
Second track, again. I finished first and "Sprinter XL" finished last, but for some reason, game put "Sprinter XL" like if finished 6.
On third track, i finished and put "Enter" without spectating, and game saved results well.
On last track, i finished and again stayed like spectator and again, weird results.....

You can see it on this screenshot

For me, that's a important bug, because users will start playing and knowing the game by this way, and they can say the game is "unfair".

A minor issue; on that screenshot you can see "Presiona cualquier tecla para c"... I suppose is "Presiona cualquier tecla para continuar" but the game, again truncate a string. Maybe if you put "Presiona cualquier tecla" is better than that.

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 03:32
Quick answer about the championship bug: Oddly I couldn't reproduce it here. It would be helpful if you explain in detail the cicumstances in which you get it. Like, was the car with the wrong finish position always the one you were spectating? Or do you just have to finish the race and keep the camera at your own car and still there are some CPU players with a wrong position? And do you see the wrong position only in the championship points screen, or in the results screen (showing the race time) too?

PS: For large pictures it is advisable to post a thumbnail linking to the full size image. With Photobucket images, you can get a thumbnail link by adding th_ prefix to the file name. Like this code for example:

Code: Select all

I've updated your last post for you.

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 04:16
Huki @ Apr 16 2012, 11:02 PM wrote: Quick answer about the championship bug: Oddly I couldn't reproduce it here. It would be helpful if you explain in detail the cicumstances in which you get it. Like, was the car with the wrong finish position always the one you were spectating? Or do you just have to finish the race and keep the camera at your own car and still there are some CPU players with a wrong position? And do you see the wrong position only in the championship points screen, or in the results screen (showing the race time) too?

PS: For large pictures it is advisable to post a thumbnail linking to the full size image. With Photobucket images, you can get a thumbnail link by adding th_ prefix to the file name. Like this code for example:

Code: Select all

I've updated your last post for you.
Oh, thanks for that tip.

And, championship bug i tested on 4 championship and still works.

The most easy form to see this bug working is:
Enter to a championship, reach first, be like spectator to the opponent who is second. Wait to reach with this. Then third and reach with this.... 4, 5, 6, 7.... Then, when only 8 need to reach, be spectator with him and press down (To change to another car) before he reach to end. And this move to championship results.

Making exactly that thing, is a 100% sure that the bug works. But normally you can see only the last opponent be on the 7 position.

If you want to make random opponent, finish on random possition, you need play with spectator :/ Sadly, i don't know how exactly reproduce the random position than that form.

If you want championship works perfect, don't use expectator, or just jump to championship results.

And only see on championship results that wrong position. On race results work fine.

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 16:55
Francute @ Apr 16 2012, 05:33 PM wrote:
Ehhmmm.. No. My revolt folder was installed correctly. Is a clean install (11 apr 2012). But well, i will start again with that newest alpha like i said to urnemaden.
And all my tracks and cars are from RVZT. With the right things on "levels" and "gfx"; or "cars" folder.
You're just being an ignorant prick at this point, from the screens i assume you added a bunch of crap mods to re-volt.

If you don't want to do what I say then there's no damn point in this thread.

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 18:08
gdfsgdfg ~

Comments such as those that you make on a regular basis do nothing but bring shame upon the entire Re-Volt community. I say that because since the venom you spout is allowed to remain in public view it is seen to be condoned by the populace at large as well as the administration. And trust are casting one poor reflection, my friend.

Now I would think that you might be a little more grateful to this forum in particular for not banning you sooner as you have been in other forums....and justly so. Take a look at yourself, man. Take a good long hard look at the things you post and consider how that makes people think about you. You are setting fire to your own existence and soon enough...there will be nothing left around you to burn.

So all of the above is bad enough, but far worse are the ramifications of your actions and it's effect on your own well-being. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? How about yesterday? How about right this minute? I bet you're pretty unhappy with the world, aren't you? Do you truly enjoy carrying around that knot of anger with you, having it affect your every waking moment...your every thought? That weight will crush you if you allow it. And that's exactly what you are doing right are allowing it.

Wake up, grow up, and stop spreading your hate all over people who don't deserve it.


Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 18:34
Francute @ Apr 17 2012, 04:16 AM wrote:Then, when only 8 need to reach, be spectator with him and press down (To change to another car) before he reach to end. And this move to championship results.
Ok, now the problem is clear. In fact when you are spectating the last unfinished player, the game assumes all players have finished and you get the "press any key to continue" message prematurely. And this allows you to reach the points screen before a proper finish position is set for that last player. The same issue was even reported earlier and we were scratching our heads as to what could have caused it. It's fixed now. :)

I should answer the other questions soon...

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 23:20
gdfsgdfg @ Apr 17 2012, 11:25 AM wrote: You're just being an ignorant prick at this point...

If you don't want to do what I say...
This... coming from the guy who is all "Ohh, I only care about the DC cars! Screw everything else!!!!!!! If I dont get my way, then I will --> :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: !!!!"


Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 23:48
gdfsgdfg @ Apr 17 2012, 12:25 PM wrote:
Francute @ Apr 16 2012, 05:33 PM wrote:
Ehhmmm.. No. My revolt folder was installed correctly. Is a clean install (11 apr 2012). But well, i will start again with that newest alpha like i said to urnemaden.
And all my tracks and cars are from RVZT. With the right things on "levels" and "gfx"; or "cars" folder.
You're just being an ignorant prick at this point, from the screens i assume you added a bunch of crap mods to re-volt.

If you don't want to do what I say then there's no damn point in this thread.
First, i will respond to gfdsomething.

I said exactly what i make. Was a clean and recent install of revolt v1.2.
I said, all my tracks and cars are from RVZT, and i have all links of them on my browser history.

I have added only Aerials pack, Tiger pack, Formula arm pack (not all instaled), some MOH cars, some "The me and me" cars, some F1 cars (jaguar, football formula gremio, ford eagle f1), alfa romeo tipo 33 gt1, "arb monster", bimota tesi, bugatti veyron, i will eat you, skyline r30 formula v2 and viper mark li.

I played maybe and max... with 30 downloaded cars, but i haven't all this cars installed right now.

And with tracks, only downloaded some from the "top graded" section of RVZT and some MOH tracks.

And, now, i have that alpha version urnemanden gave me.

If you feel maybe treating you like an ignorant; I'm sorry. But i said i'm not good with english and is really hard for me make me understand.

And Huki:

Ow, sorry, i never seen that bug report. But, i can see your efforts on this project :)

If you want, i have more screenshots of visual glitches (not bugs) like visible planets on the mirrored floor (That style cartoon network) of museum, some blue thing appearing on certain angle on the outlet pipe of toys in the hood 1... Or when you skid you can see the mark on first plane through some mirrored wall or floor (like the one on toy world 2)... And more.

And replay thing is very buggy and crappy. You can see some replays with extrange things, or powers not making right things (or disappear on the air) powers with visual glitchs, and short replays (not the entire race)...
I suppose some suggested to add some VCR controls (Visible maybe when you press Enter) and select camera for replay. Really could be some awesome feature to make best wallpapers or things like that. Now, take some time make the screenshot we want.

Really, some people want to be like you. Some people like me. And we can be proud of that :)

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 00:48
MythicMonkey @ Apr 17 2012, 01:38 PM wrote: gdfsgdfg ~

Great copy paste there bro. Well didn't read.

@Francute Your pc is broken because i have never got those level and cars bugs.

Replay seems fine too but it appears to skip frames at times.

I find this thread just being not needed in here because you just posted bugs that were in beta but you were being ignorant and didn't get the alpha version.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 02:43
gdfsgdfg @ Apr 17 2012, 08:18 PM wrote: I find this thread just being not needed in here because you just posted bugs that were in beta but you were being ignorant and didn't get the alpha version.
Actually this is the v1.2 forum section so this thread fits totally here since the beta is still v1.2 as well as the alpha. If you cared to read the important things here then you would know that.
This forum is the place for v1.2 annoucements / bug reports / suggestions.
Before submitting a bug report, ensure that you're using the latest v1.2 Beta / Alpha version.
Open a new thread for each new bug report. Please mention the v1.2 release number used at the time of reporting.
And please for the sake of this community, don't act like a 12 year old by throwing insults at everyone who disagrees with you or doesn't listen to you.

@mythic: even though its nice to see persons that actually take the time to think thoroughly about the text they are going to write and then do it with "style" I do believe that one can also exaggerate even that.

It's not my intention to insult you here but I believe that you are sometimes just too educational and maybe even snooty to other people simply by writing your unecessary long and throughly explained posts but thats just my opinion here.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 07:41
Kenny @ Apr 17 2012, 10:13 PM wrote:
gdfsgdfg @ Apr 17 2012, 08:18 PM wrote: I find this thread just being not needed in here because you just posted bugs that were in beta but you were being ignorant and didn't get the alpha version.
Actually this is the v1.2 forum section so this thread fits totally here since the beta is still v1.2 as well as the alpha. If you cared to read the important things here then you would know that.
This forum is the place for v1.2 annoucements / bug reports / suggestions.
Before submitting a bug report, ensure that you're using the latest v1.2 Beta / Alpha version.
Open a new thread for each new bug report. Please mention the v1.2 release number used at the time of reporting.
And please for the sake of this community, don't act like a 12 year old by throwing insults at everyone who disagrees with you or doesn't listen to you.
This is going to sound maybe hypocrite;

If he enjoys being a kid, don't worry about he, just want to be a kid. Don't feed him. He can tell his friends to came here. Free food.

If he can't read, i said two times to gfdsomething that only the first post were bugs for revolt v1.2. The others was all about the alpha version.

If an user don't want to cooperate, after tried to said things the best way, it's clear that just he wants to play with you.

Let try to not further divert the topic, because this section is just for bug reports, not for teach some lessons of reflections and feelings, or how to behave.

After register, users agreed to some terms. If they deserves a ban or something like that, try to private warn him, but don't continue trying to teach him if he don't want.

These were my last words about this issue has nothing to do with bugs.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 08:01
Francute @ Apr 18 2012, 07:41 AM wrote: If they deserves a ban or something like that, try to private warn him, but don't continue trying to teach him if he don't want.

@Mythic:-I respect you and your words but this time i agree with Kenny. It was really worthless to teach and explain this guy how to behave. You have been in the community for almost more than 2 months and you see that this gdf never tends to listen anybody after being insulted and banned from other boards. Its better you don't give pain to your hands and waste your energy on a person rude like this. Well, lets stop continuing the discussion on this gdf and focus on the main agenda of this thread.

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 11:05
Kenny @ Apr 17 2012, 09:13 PM wrote: It's not my intention to insult you here but I believe that you are sometimes just too educational and maybe even snooty to other people simply by writing your unecessary long and throughly explained posts but thats just my opinion here.
Oh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh!!!! That is dark....

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 03:17
Let try to not further divert the topic, because this section is just for bug reports, not for teach some lessons of reflections and feelings, or how to behave.

Now, i entered to this "levels" folder, and saw some folders with name "markar", "frontend", "nhood1_battle","Muse_bat" and "stunts".
Excepting "frontend", the other folders have less files than a normal track. But like i say, this tracks are not appearing on main selection again, like that time.
Well, Do i have to remove them?
Those are default folders, you shouldn't remove them.
For now we'll consider the track selection issue as a rare bug in the v1.2 beta. In new alphas there has been a complete overhaul in level/cars searching, and it'll probably not occur again. But let us know if it does.

The 15 char limit in car folder names is intended. Till now re-volt uses the name of the car to identify it for multiplayer, etc., and this is not very consistent (we should use folder names instead, like the way levels are indentified). To make this change we have to set some limit to the car folder name and we picked the same limit as level folder names (which is also 15).
I was playing and testing some time challenges, and i love that "Don't cheat or else..." but... That message maybe, don't need to appear if you played with a downloaded car on a downloaded track.... Just for use a cheat car on a stock track
Umm, the "Stop cheating" message is only shown when the time files are modified by hand using notepad or hex editor, etc., it is certainly not shown using a custom or modified car (I double checked).
And, talking about the time challenge, i was playing and see that ghost car using a different car....
The only explanation I can think of is that there is still some writing issues. Make sure the "times" folder and all it's subfolders and files have the "read-only" property unchecked, and then try again.
A minor issue; on that screenshot you can see "Presiona cualquier tecla para c"... I suppose is "Presiona cualquier tecla para continuar" but the game, again truncate a string. Maybe if you put "Presiona cualquier tecla" is better than that.
Ok thanks for that info, we'll use the shorter version like you suggest for all non-english languages.
If you want, i have more screenshots of visual glitches (not bugs) like visible planets on the mirrored floor (That style cartoon network) of museum, some blue thing appearing on certain angle on the outlet pipe of toys in the hood 1... Or when you skid you can see the mark on first plane through some mirrored wall or floor (like the one on toy world 2)... And more.
Sure, feel free to open a new topic to report all visual glitches. The more information and screenshots you could supply the more efficient we could look into each issue. And let me tell you that you're already doing a good job with that. :)
And replay thing is very buggy and crappy. You can see some replays with extrange things, or powers not making right things (or disappear on the air) powers with visual glitchs, and short replays (not the entire race)...
Do you get these problems in all replays, or only in replays of long races, lot of objects, etc.? And if you're racing in DEV mode, there is an option to Save Replay which you can use to share the buggy replays with us (it will save the replay as in a Replay.rpl file in your re-volt folder which you can zip and upload). You can enter DEV mode by starting revolt.exe with the -dev command line. And I think you should open a new topic for replay glitches too.

And finally.. about the uh, source code.. it's not really the most comfortable topic to talk about right now.. ;) But to answer your question, it's important that it stays with us for the time being, so we can't release it yet (not even the original)...

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 17:23
Hmm, yeah...for whatever reason that I have been too lazy to look into, I don't get email notification for this board. I guess I missed a few things. :)

Kenny ~
You are certainly free to have and express your opinion, but if you don't like what I write then you are equally free to refrain from reading it. I speak the way I do both because it is part of who I am, and it is also an effort to reach as broad a range of people as possible. The people who read what I post come from many different countries, not all of whom speak perfect English.

There are also plenty, I am sure, who are coming across the information I post for the very first time. I know many of you may already know much of what I post in the form of tips, but trust me...there are many who don't. I know because I was one of those people when I first stated looking into the game. The information I have been providing is the same that I myself would have hoped to find when I was looking into how to mod for Re-Volt along with a few other bits that seem to be missing from the collective toolbox.

As for the specific style in which I choose to convey that information...that again is both a matter of my personality mixed with a desire on my part to try to make the content at least somewhat entertaining. It's not that I am celebrating me, I am simply trying to bring a little humor and life to the process of presenting the content. If I sound arrogant, it is because no one will trust the content of someone who lacks confidence in his own material. It is what it is...quality information that I have in most cases worked hard to verify.

If someone finds some part of that which is incorrect, then I would honestly appreciate being told about it. <looks at Huki...yes, I'm talking about character length> so I can update the information for the benefit of the entire community. This may be offtopic, and I will let it lie once I've said my piece, but since the rest of this has been brought up in here I will at least respond to comments made specifically to me.

I don't do this for me, people. I'm doing it for you. I appreciated the cars and tracks that everyone from this community had uploaded and I wanted to give a little something back. I had the humble intent to help as many of you as I could enjoy the game that you already love (as much as I do, I might add) just a bit more by showing you how to improve upon some of the great work that you have already done.

Is it arrogant to think that I can do that? How does that factor in when there is validity to that notion? If I didn't know what Good was, I wouldn't be able to create it...nor would I be able to impart it. And let's get this very, very clear...that's what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to show you people how great I am...I am trying to show you how great YOU can be. I don't want to overshadow you, I want to help you shine as brightly as you can. I won't deny that I've got some talent, but so do all of you. Far more important to my success and yours is hard work, plain and simple...along with a little knowledge. And yes, you're damn right I'm proud of it when I'm done. At least I try not to be a prick about it.

If my Truth is hard for you to swallow...may I suggest you bend over and open a little wider? Sometimes it's all about the angle of entry. :D


Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 21:27
I know this gets offtopic here but I will just quickly finish this and let it rest in peace.

Mythic ~
As I said, I didn't mean to insult you but I also never said that you should change the way you communicate here.
I just wanted to give you a view of how your writings could be seen by others. If you decide to change that style then great, if not I'm also okay with that.

I could stretch this response here a little more but since this will probably end in more unnecessary discussions I'll keep it that short (just wanted to set things straight here :P ).