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Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 15:39

I'm new to the forum but I've read all the rule pages I can find and can't see anywhere a do-not-ask-this so when in rome..

Would anyone be willing to .zip up their laplocal times so I can unlock all the time trial locked cars without using cheat commands that spoil the rest of the game?

I have stretched ligaments meaning it hurts if i try to react to quickly with my fingers, the rest of the game is great fun but being unable to react fast enough for the time trials with near zero margins for error means I can't unlock half the cars.

Can anyone help?

Thank you and sorry for asking.

Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 21:06
Hi, welcome to the forums.

Time trial doesnt unlock cars, it gives you access to the stock tracks in reverse/mirror/reverse-mirrored mode.

To unlock cars you need to:
-win every track in normal race (mirrored/reverse/mirrored-reverse tracks are not needed for this)
-win every championship as 1st place
-find the hidden stars on the tracks in practice mode (mirrored/reverse/mirrored-reverse tracks are also not needed for this)