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Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 14:42
When I play multi-player it appears to me that Re-Volt is sending a signal telling other players that I am ready before music from the CD has loaded. My CD drive sometimes work terribly slow making Re-Volt take a few seconds to buffer/load the music stored on the Re-Volt disc. When this happens, I am stuck at the loading screen for a few seconds and once I enter the multi-player game, the game has already started.
What would be the consequences of sending the ready signal as the very last thing? Is it a possibility you have already considered?
As a sidenote, the issue doesn't bother me much as ejecting the Re-Volt CD while playing fixes the problem (though i miss out on some music then). I just thought I wanted to give a shout.
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 15:17
Not sure why you're playing with the music it distracts you.
And you're better off waiting for huki and jig to make mp3 work from the hard drive instead of cd/iso/floppy/ect
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 18:51
You should be able to just put copies of all the music in the main Re-Volt directory. Works for me with the latest alpha release.

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 18:58
urnemanden @ Apr 5 2012, 02:42 PM wrote: When I play multi-player it appears to me that Re-Volt is sending a signal telling other players that I am ready before music from the CD has loaded.
What would be the consequences of sending the ready signal as the very last thing? Is it a possibility you have already considered?
Yes, the "ready" signal is supposed to be the last thing to be sent. I just checked and you're right, it was not the case already (playing music was the last thing we were doing). I've fixed it now, thanks for the report.
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 19:21
@Huki: Thank you!
MythicMonkey wrote:You should be able to just put copies of all the music in the main Re-Volt directory. Works for me with the latest alpha release.
Re-Volt's limited support for MP3 playback from harddrive does not provide the same music experience as from the CD as huki also described
here. But thanks for the info, I also use this feature for (some of) my custom tracks.
gdfsgdfg wrote:Not sure why you're playing with the music it distracts you.
It has the opposite effect on me - I love the music, it pumps me ready! Though, I am not sure how this is related to my suggestion.