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Posted: 31 Mar 2012, 22:12
What do we have here a really awesome back camera view that beats the PC version to a pulp.
Rooftops, damn this map is really awesome and challenging acclaim y u no give us this.
But guess what its already been made for PC and I checked to see if its exactly like the dreamcast version the answer is yes. (Only works with the newest 1.2 alpha of course)
Why i can't hold all these carboxes.
If you are still living in a cave read here
Those cars have been made for the pc version too. ... t+Car+Pack
Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 00:13
Even though I dont think its appropriate to simply put this here and say "do it" I still have to admit that I would like to have all missing cars/levels as stock cars in Re-Volt.
And for all those who disagree:
I honestly dont see any reason why this would be a bad thing, all those cars/levels are still Re-Volt originals and existed in an officially released version of the game.
And even if you dont want them - you dont have to use them.
Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 07:59
Oh, that rear-view cam! It's exactly like the "bonnet-view" cam that Jigebren made for the V1207 Re-Volt in WolfR4, only flipped backwards.
Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 09:49
Do you really feel the need for adding DC things in the PC version?
Huki and Jig has more important stuff to do than adding the DC cars and tracks to PC.

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 15:18
Don't forget this very nice DC Track Editor
This from image was converted for PC and it can be downloaded from here
Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 15:31
Do you really feel the need for adding DC things in the PC version?
Huki and Jig has more important stuff to do than adding the DC cars and tracks to PC. wink.gif
I would certainly appreciate it, yes.
And I dont want to offend here anybody but its their own fault that they have that much work to do for Re-Volt.
I mean they could for example get more developers on the project, if you look around then you'll find a few people on the rv forums that (claim) to have the necessary programming skills and that would surely speed up some things.
I know it could get messy with the coordination when there are more people who work on the source but as long as everybody knows what he is doing I dont think that it will be that much of a problem.
For example since a few guys have experience with OpenGL they could easily start to work on porting all the graphics code (which is going to take a while).
In the meantime some could work on including the DC "features" (which I think wont require any big code changes).
Also if some people have network coding experience then they could start on improving/update Re-Volt's network code.
And while all those people are working on these things, huki and jigbren can still focus on the main part of Re-Volt, fixing bugs and adding some more features to the game.
Since all those "code areas" (graphics, network, etc) are hopefully pretty much independent from each other it should be not a big problem to implement all the changed code again into the original code.
I know I got a little bit offtopic here but seriously, if you ever want to realize such big things then you have to give more people access to the code, otherwise it will take forever with only two guys on the project.
Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 16:51
BossVolter @ Apr 1 2012, 05:48 AM wrote: Hey
Don't forget this very nice DC Track Editor
This from image was converted for PC and it can be downloaded from here
Well, the thing with the track editor is, the differences between PC and DC are all visual. So if one wanted to have a DC-esque track editor, they could just replace the bmp's with the ones in the .zip file you linked to. And since the Track Editor isn't really getting worked on, just Re-Volt itself, that's how it's going to be. And then there are people like myself who like the PC graphics in the track editor, so when you just replace them, everyone wins

Posted: 01 Apr 2012, 22:24
Implementing the DC cars into the game would break the online scene because Toyeca wouldn't be the fastest (SNW 35 and Purp XL is faster) and no Toyeca addict would accept them (majority of RV players).
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 00:05
nero @ Apr 1 2012, 05:54 PM wrote: Toyeca wouldn't be the fastest
You do know that Toycea is even now not the fastest right?
Cougar and AMW easily beat it when it comes to speed, not to mention Panga.
Toycea is only that good because it has a very good acceleration and handling but the speed argument is not valid here imo.
And even if this would give people access to better cars:
-nowadays almost everybody drives with Toycea so it would be a pleasant change so see people driving other cars as well
-we could add an option in rv house to turn on/off dc cars when hosting, shouldnt be that difficult to realize (actually it would already be implemented with the 1.2 version only option but we could add an optional option when you choose 1.2 version)
and if those points still dont convince you somewhat:
in the end it depends on how good the driver is, I mean seriously a car with slightly better parameters would give you an advantage of some milliseconds, seconds at best and those are easily lost when you make even the tiniest mistake or get attacked by another player.
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 07:24
Kenny wrote:You do know that Toyeca is even now not the fastest right?
Cougar and AMW easily beat it when it comes to speed, not to mention Panga.
Toyeca is only that good because it has a very good acceleration and handling but the speed argument is not valid here imo.
We perfectly know that Kenny, don't worry. Both Nero and I use a wide range of cars for example, and we love that such differences are part of the community aswell. But some people don't think that way, you know.
Nero wrote:Implementing the DC cars into the game would break the online scene because Toyeca wouldn't be the fastest.
Which part of the scene would "break" if that happens? Ours? I really doubt it imo. B3L/B4L addicts don't use any other cars already. Having a few more boxes in their
"I don't use that thing" list won't change much the situation.
And by the way, isn't the online scene broken already with this Toyeca hegemony we have now?

Toyeca has become the standard only because
it's the easier to control car, it's not the
official car as some people intended to show off.
Kenny wrote:In the end it depends on how good the driver is, I mean seriously a car with slightly better parameters would give you an advantage of some milliseconds, seconds at best and those are easily lost when you make even the tiniest mistake or get attacked by another player.
Correct. That is why using Cougar, Panga, SNW35 or PurpXL doesn't mean you will win a race.
Only the drivers who can perfectly control one of these can beat Toyeca at some tracks.
So this is why I don't see what Kenny is pointing out about the DC stock cars harmful at all. At least for me the're welcome.

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 10:42
Phan wrote:(...)
So this is why I don't see what Kenny is pointing out about the DC stock cars harmful at all. At least for me the're welcome.
The only DC cars I'm concerned about are SNW 35 and Purp XL, mainly because they are faster than their visual counterpart, and they could be labeled as SuperPro cars.
What SNW 35 has over Humma
-Higher top speed (40.9)
-Much better acceleration
-More stable
What Purp XL has over Toyeca
-Higher top speed (42)
-Slightly better acceleration
-Same handling remains
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 19:02
Who cares, if people want to make a room toyeca only then call it like that geez
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 19:33
nero @ Apr 2 2012, 06:12 AM wrote: What SNW 35 has over Humma
-Higher top speed (40.9)
-Much better acceleration
-More stable
What Purp XL has over Toyeca
-Higher top speed (42)
-Slightly better acceleration
-Same handling remains
I'm just being curious here but from where do you have those reference values? Directly from the DC version or a car pack? If its the latter one, which one?
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 19:41
They're making a DC pack and they aim to make it 1:1 similar to what DC has in terms of parameters and how stuff I guess its from DC. Didn't play that version though so I have no idea how fast those cars really are.
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 20:43
Basically we just grab the params of the car from the CARINFO.txt located on the RVDC disc, fix offset problems
while maintaining the same CoM, lowering the MaxPos to the amount the visual counterpart has to prevent the wheels from clipping through the body, fix any visual issues. IIRC there are only three issues that need to be solved.
They aren't very close to the DC version... since those cars have a lower top speed and slightly different handling in the DC version somehow.
All cars have way more understeer and RV Loco actually flips in the DC version.
We can't provide a perfect 1:1 pack, however, it will be the closest you can get to the DC version.

Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 21:05
Okay rooftops isn't 100% perfect there's 1 small little thing though.
The replay camera nodes are fked and i don't know how to fix em. (the only way to fix it was to well remove the .cam files)
If you are the master of magic and fixing Here they are
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 19:06
You could just redo them instead of trying to fix them. Personally I kind of enjoy doing it...only takes maybe ten minutes a track.

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 19:21
Citywalker @ Apr 1 2012, 07:59 AM wrote: Oh, that rear-view cam! It's exactly like the "bonnet-view" cam that Jigebren made for the V1207 Re-Volt in WolfR4, only flipped backwards.
And both should come to v1.2 in the future. Some minor "perfection" issues would delay it though:
- We should make the camera position adjustable through the parameters file for each car, and bonnet / rear view should be enabled only for cars that have set these values.
- Internally we should make the camera move very rigidly (i.e., fixed) with the car, so that there is no chance of near-clipping (car polys going into the camera and glitching up).
As for incorporating DC cars and tracks into the original game, I'd rather not. Before I go into more details, is it even required when there is a robust custom support available? As far as the original PC game is concerned, these content have no place in the progress table and I don't intend to introduce them without a good reason. As bonus content they're ok, but in Re-Volt that's just another name for user-made content..

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 20:51
Huki @ Apr 5 2012, 02:51 PM wrote: As for incorporating DC cars and tracks into the original game, I'd rather not. Before I go into more details, is it even required when there is a robust custom support available? As far as the original PC game is concerned, these content have no place in the progress table and I don't intend to introduce them without a good reason. As bonus content they're ok, but in Re-Volt that's just another name for user-made content..
I must admit, actually the whole additional DC content is not necessary with the custom support, its just...well its hard to describe.
Some of you will probably think this is stupid but since I played the DC version I always felt that something "is missing" in the PC version. And that feeling is still there when I just add the missing things as ordinary custom stuff.
But what if we take a look from the other side? How much work do you think would it take to actually fully integrate the cars and the track? I believe it shouldn't be that much work (compared to other things you currently are trying to accomplish).
Add the cars and the track to the stock loading list, replace the 3d main menu with a modified one where there are enough carboxes and link the different placed carboxes with the cars. Finally one could integrate Rooftops into the championships, that would mean that the track lists for one or two pokals are a little different but that also shouldnt be that hard to accomplish.
Of course I could be wrong here of how much work you would need to put into this but if it would be doable within a few hours (the content is all there, only the code needs to be modified) then I would see no reason not to do it.
I mean then those who want it are satisfied, those who dont know about it are surprised to see something new and those who dont want it dont need to use it, its simple as that.
But as I already suggested, you could give more people access to the code so they would work on all the things that are in your opinion not worth to do (e.g. OpenGL renderer, switching to newer DirectX, a real Linux/OSX port, adding "missing" content, etc).
Of course I am being optimistic here that there are actually that much people that are willing to do those things but its at least worth trying

Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 22:12
Huki @ Apr 5 2012, 02:51 PM wrote:As for incorporating DC cars and tracks into the original game, I'd rather not. Before I go into more details, is it even required when there is a robust custom support available? As far as the original PC game is concerned, these content have no place in the progress table and I don't intend to introduce them without a good reason. As bonus content they're ok, but in Re-Volt that's just another name for user-made content..

The Dreamcast cars and Rooftops are also a _part of the game_ whether you like it or not. They were made/repainted by Acclaim as well, you can't just label them as "user-made content". There is no excuse for you not to incorporate them into the game.
You are asking a good reason to include them yet on the 1.2 website it's in your TODO list to incorporate most of them (PSX ones, which the DC version has and more) to the game. Make up your mind.
Those cars and the track would give the game more variety.
I am not asking you to make the carbox stack bigger, just incorporate the cars' parameters into the Revolt internals so they aren't labelled as CHT and put them into a future patch.
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 23:11
nero @ Apr 5 2012, 05:42 PM wrote: Huki @ Apr 5 2012, 02:51 PM wrote:As for incorporating DC cars and tracks into the original game, I'd rather not. Before I go into more details, is it even required when there is a robust custom support available? As far as the original PC game is concerned, these content have no place in the progress table and I don't intend to introduce them without a good reason. As bonus content they're ok, but in Re-Volt that's just another name for user-made content..

The Dreamcast cars and Rooftops are also a _part of the game_ whether you like it or not. They were made/repainted by Acclaim as well, you can't just label them as "user-made content". There is no excuse for you not to incorporate them into the game.
You are asking a good reason to include them yet on the 1.2 website it's in your TODO list to incorporate most of them (PSX ones, which the DC version has and more) to the game. Make up your mind.
Those cars and the track would give the game more variety.
I am not asking you to make the carbox stack bigger, just incorporate the cars' parameters into the Revolt internals so they aren't labelled as CHT and put them into a future patch.
Nero has right here.
DC has the most stock stuff from all versions...
Here exists thousands and thousands of people which are want to play them without emulators and bios and plugins and other things....
Posted: 05 Apr 2012, 23:39
What we could do is...
Nero wrote:...just incorporate the cars' parameters into the Revolt internals so they aren't labelled as CHT and put them into a future patch...
..and then offer the DC cars/track/modified frontend as extra downloadable stuff on 1.2's site or something, letting those who want the DC stuff have it and then letting everyone who doesn't want it be able to live without it. No idea how that's going to get Rooftops into the Progress Table, but judging by the reactions in this thread I'm pretty sure it's the least of everyone's concern...
And before you all come at me with your pitchforks in the name of online play, there's a solution for that too.
1. The host could specify whether or not DC cars are allowed in the race using the room name or something.
2. Or, since thanks to other awesome multiplayer features in 1.2, you can just go ahead and race anyway, since having a custom car in a race that you don't have no longer crashes Re-Volt anyway. (And before someone goes ahead and says it, yes, I know mystery is ugly and "nobody wants to see it", I would think some people would be able to deal with an ugly car in order to have smoother online racing, DC cars or not.)
Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 00:35
Personally I have never owned a console in my life, but I understand and feel with those whose love is deep for the Dreamcast version of Re-Volt. To be quite honest though, I would not give such an implementation priority over say DirectX 9 implementation and overall features which everybody can benefit from and recognize as a step forward. Since Re-Volt 1.2 is a patch I don't understand how actual *content* should belong to it. Besides, I have the same question as huki: what exactly from the DC version cannot be added to the PC version through custom support or similar already? Unless I have missed something everything from this topic can either be added through custom support or has been promised already (for example the back camera view).
Nevertheless, thanks to the few members who are working on the DC Pack - it sounds like many really will appreciate your effort once the pack is released!

Posted: 06 Apr 2012, 10:17
nero @ Apr 5 2012, 01:42 PM wrote: I am not asking you to make the carbox stack bigger, just incorporate the cars' parameters into the Revolt internals so they aren't labelled as CHT and put them into a future patch.
I think this is the most balanced thing to do among all the opinions we've carefully listened.
Don't add them as pre-installed content then, but still make Re-Volt auto-detect them as what they really are: stock cars.
Oh, and I almost forget to tell you that some of them are already detected by the game as Stocks. I guess it was LA54, which doesn't show the CHT symbol at all.
I'll post a picture about it later if this surprises you, but this is what Acclaim has left us, and means something.
Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 02:30
The fixed DC car pack has been released hurrah ... t+Car+Pack
@phantom yep its weird on rvzt there's also the original gamespot and ign pc cars they don't show CHT either