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Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 22:51
I've added a Multi-Moderation shortcut to the v1.2 forum to quickly mark a topic as solved.
The menu is at the bottom-left of the topic page. Select "Mark as Solved" and press "Go" and [Solved] will be automatically inserted before the topic's title.

If any other shortcut could be needed (in any other forum), please let me know.

Posted: 02 May 2012, 02:20
Just to note that the new "Mark as Solved" option doesn't appear for me in the shortcut menu in v1.2 forum threads (I've checked both in IE and Firefox). I'm still able to use the Edit Topic Title option manually though.

Posted: 02 May 2012, 07:17
Sorry, it seems that there was a per-moderator option to enable to actually allow Multi-Moderation.
It should work now.