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Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 08:07
Hopefully the pic works.
But yeah this is also a teaser of some stuff i'm working on (big project) But the car... I seem to have trouble getting it to fire rockets, oil, and waterballoons... Oil doesn't show up, and rockets and ballons keep exploding on me... I've adjusted the 'Weapons' Settings in MANY different manors, but nothing seems to work...
Any ideas?
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 08:43
We experienced some of the same problems getting weapons to work with the Unibike. I don't think you will be able to get them all to work, but some of them should. It's mostly a matter of playing around with the weapon setting in the params.
I can't for the life of me remember exactly why it doesn't work, but yeah...two-wheeled vehicles seem to have problems. Maybe it was because the CoM was set so low to get the leaning...
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 15:30
The Weapon offset setting is only used for shockwave and firework. As of yet, there is no way to make other weapons work with too low CoM vehicles.
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 15:42
It's used for the water balloon too, isn't it?
Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 16:23
Nope, water balloon offset seems to be hardcoded, and other weapons don't have any clear offset value.
Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 02:33
Then I guess that's why I could never get it to work.
Well, since I am speaking to one who is capable of modifying said hard code...what are the chances of getting that fixed?

Posted: 25 Mar 2012, 03:06
offtopic: Is that track something we get to look forward to as well?

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 01:06
Here's a small teaser of the Gravity Bike Series i'm working on. I have ideas for 2 more, but have yet to make them. Textures are not final. And the Track will be released with the car pack.
The track features Side wall racing and straight up portions. (You NEED the bikes - or bimota tesi - to race on the track.)

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 11:01
Very impressive gel. It's nice to see this kind of beauties these days.
Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 21:16
How different are they from each other handling-wise?
And will they tumble in air or be still like Tesi?
Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 00:04
Right now, they're all a bit like bimota tesi... With small differences. (like what wheel steers and such) I've been too busy modeling and painting to mess with the params too much at this moment. But i'll try and make them as different as I can.
The other 2 on the way will be the Dragoon - A 3 wheeled bike with 2 body sections- and the Mauler, which will be a 4 wheeled bike, designed so It can climb over almost anything.
The only downside to these bikes is the fact that they will have no hull. I tried several hulls on it (even custom) And all a hull does is prohibit the car from riding on side walls. (even almost upside-down)... yep, they can ride on these angles : | AND these angles /\!!(on the bottom sides)
Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 22:11
Can you give me the track and the bikes? (In PM if necessary)
I would like to see about the hull problem.