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Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 15:09
what do I need to make my own Custom tracks?
Posted: 23 Mar 2012, 17:42
Hi there
We're working on getting all that information together. You can check out
this thread to follow our progress and get some info to get you started. Otherwise, there is already a fair amount of info out there, you just have know what to look for and try to put together all the scattered pieces.
I'm currently working on figuring all this out myself. There are a lot of nice people both here and over at the site I linked to, so if you have specific questions perhaps someone can help you out. Good luck

Posted: 24 Mar 2012, 18:51
In a VERY simplified nutshell:
Create a set of textures named a to j
Make the basic track and any separate models in a program like 3DS Max
Export as ASE files
Run ASE2W on the track file
Run ASE2PRM on any model files
Make a new track folder and make your own INF file in it
Add your W and any PRM (and the associated NCP) files to the folder
Add your a to j textures to the folder
Use the MAKEITGOOD tools in Re-Volt to set up the racing line and other stuff
Now that you know the process, do a little searching on each step and you will see how everything fits together.
Posted: 26 Mar 2012, 19:21
Hallo, to you.
Thanks for your answers. Now i have much to read.
Thanks again.