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Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 13:30
I have made a simple track in 3Ds Max ( following this tutorial ). Problem is, that car keeps repositioned every few seconds.
When I add zones in MAKEITGOOD track zone editor, repositioning is less frequent, but still present.
If I rename the track to ex. "nhood1", repositioning disappears.
If I replace .w and .ncp file of LEGO-created track by mine 3ds-created, repositioning ocurrs too.
What am I doing wrong?
PS: I'm using ase2w converter.
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 13:51
Hello, that's actually normal (unless you use Edit mode)
Now, after creating Track zones (trackname.taz), create 'Pos nodes' (trackname.pan)
and of course, don't forget to press
CTRL + F4 (note: it's CTRL not ALT) to save your work
Pos nodes tut #1
Pos nodes tut #2
To go further and make your track raceable by computer cars, do the AI nodes (
AI nodes documentation
Also, MAKEITGOOD mode table can be found
(further readings about makeitgood can be found
here as well)
Dev mode:
I use this batch file for entering DEV mode of Re-Volt (no need to use makeitgood as a name)
Code: Select all
revolt -window -dev -nointro -sload -useallcpu
you can save it your track directory as "
run revolt.bat" to run Re-Volt in Windowed mode (you can delete -window to have full screen)
Good luck on your track

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 14:01
Thanks for fast answer.
Repositioning happens also in edit mode.
And I am trying to make Battle Tag track, and as far I know, it should not need Pos Nodes.
Is there any way to tell revolt "this is battle tag track"? Now I'm using [x]All modes available for all tracks option in WolfR4 to run it.
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 14:40
janci @ Mar 20 2012, 02:01 PM wrote:
Is there any way to tell revolt "this is battle tag track"? Now I'm using [x]All modes available for all tracks option in WolfR4 to run it.
Welcome to the board janci.
If you are using Re-volt 1.2, add an entry GAMETYPE and set its value to 1 in the inf file.
Then you can go in the multiplayer mode and check out your battle tag track.
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 14:54
it doesn't reposition at all in my Dev mode (the batch file I'm using)
anyway, you may want to download the latest Re-Volt version
from here (not sure but seems like Huki and Jigebren fixed it)
Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 15:18
Thanks for that info, KDL. I have added your distinctiveness to my collective.