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Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 05:25
In Manage Image Set:

Logo was:

Code: Select all

<img src='http&#58;//' alt='Our ReVolt Pub' border='0' />

Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 05:40
Old Welcome box message:

Code: Select all

Welcome to the ORP Re-Volt forum.
&#91;b&#93;Our ReVolt Pub&#91;/b&#93; is a forum dedicated to the R/C racing game Re-Volt. Online racing, car creation, track creation, Re-Volt tools... here you can discuss anything related to this game and get valuable pieces of advice. ORP is also the best place to discuss and get relevant info about several of the most exciting projects and tools for Re-Volt&#58; the v1.2 patch, the Blender plugin project, and others.
You're currently viewing our forum as a guest. Feel free to create an account and become an active member. After you've logged in you'll be able to post messages, edit your profile, send private messages, etc. The only rules are&#58; speak an understandable English, remain constructive and polite. And well, aiming at good quality content obviously makes you doubly welcome.
&#91;b&#93;<a href="http&#58;//">Join the Re-Volt community!</a>&#91;/b&#93;