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Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 09:14
^ little glitch with icons. Width is too short?
jigebren @ Feb 1 2015, 08:53 PM wrote: I've finally finished an idea I had in mind for quite a few days...
To quickly have an overlook of the recent activity on the forum, I have added a "Latest Discussions" section on the home page. This will display the last 10 answers that have been posted on the board. The goal is to give a better exposure to all recent discussions without necessarily having to look inside each sub-section in case several posts have been updated in the same category.
I'm still not sure it's actually worth being added, so let me know whether you find it useful or not, and if you notice any issue with it (except that it appears during Post Preview :/ ).
And the "last post" link? that's useful to not have to travel the whole thread like clueless... (some ppl do) what about replacing the user link with lastpost? (common sense)
edit: "Our ReVolt Pub latest news: Board Update" <-- some ppl expect topic link is last post too!
"Latest Discussions" takes a bit to load :/
Posted: 02 Feb 2015, 11:54
Man best feature ever, thanks dude

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 05:40
That is some great and efficient addition Jig.
I suggest you divide info like date, author, read and comments in columns so it's more organized and better displayed. And a small icon like

or something similar would be perfect to indicate those posts the user hasn't checked yet. So it's easier to know what it's pending to read or not.
Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 07:59
Very nice

good work.
I would suggest that the links go to the last unread post rather than the start of the topic, if the idea is to give quick and easy access to the latest discussions.

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 10:09
Oh yes, that too.
By the way, thanks Manmountain for sending that e-mail to all forum members. I appreciate it.

Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 18:36
Abc wrote:^ little glitch with icons. Width is too short?
I think it's an outcome of my last modification to
fix font size issue in posts that contain quotes. It's weird I haven't noticed it before...
Abc wrote:what about replacing the user link with lastpost?
Manmountain wrote:I would suggest that the links go to the last unread post rather than the start of the topic
With a bit of extra hack this could actually be done.
"Latest Discussions" takes a bit to load :/
Yep, unfortunately that's a consequence of the hacky way I have to use to get this result. I just hope this delay is not too noticeable. Maybe it would be less noticeable if the section were rather added at the end of the page.
invisionfree is pretty limited in what it offers, as soon as you need any customisation you have to get it the hard and tricky way... And even regular functions just don't work as expected (and I've quit trying to get support / update about it).
Phantom wrote:I suggest you divide info like date, author, read and comments in columns so it's more organized and better displayed. And a small icon like user posted image or something similar would be perfect to indicate those posts the user hasn't checked yet.
I'd actually like to get this kind of result, but as I said above, it's not like if invision gives us the option or just a way to do that... Currently the only trick I found to do this would not display anything if you're not connected, and would only display the messages of the last 24 hours. Except these two points, it would otherwise be perfect.
Phantom wrote:thanks Manmountain for sending that e-mail to all forum members
What? Too bad I can't get email from that board...
Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 22:04
jigebren @ Feb 3 2015, 02:06 PM wrote:"Latest Discussions" takes a bit to load :/
Yep, unfortunately that's a consequence of the hacky way I have to use to get this result. I just hope this delay is not too noticeable. Maybe it would be less noticeable if the section were rather added at the end of the page.
(Phantom) wrote:
thanks Manmountain for sending that e-mail to all forum members
What? Too bad I can't get email from that board...
How much of a delay are we talking about ?
It's not like I've got time to make a cuppa.
Why cant you get emails from ORP ? have you given the correct email address ?
Posted: 03 Feb 2015, 22:48
Manmountain @ Feb 3 2015, 05:34 PM wrote:Why cant you get emails from ORP ? have you given the correct email address ?
When checking my settings I find my email was actually currently deleted... I can't remember but I presume I did it on purpose since it was obviously not working for years. Anyway I've entered it again, tried to send me an email and still got nothing. The weird thing is used to archive PM through email and in that case it works. Plus, I know it has already worked, and I also tried two email providers. And I've already checked the spam folder / settings without success.
But this is not a new issue: ... topic=1395
Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 07:05
Sounds fair, but having it on the bottom is a bit annoying because to see it you have to scroll down lol...
MM: 1-2 seconds is the loading delay
FYI jig: the misplaced height issue only happens when the user places smileys.
Bummer that InvsionFree is limited....
Isn't InvisionFree software a custom made phpbb? (version is on bottom but no mention about phpbb but for me it looks like phpbb judging on the interface)
Kudos !
Posted: 04 Feb 2015, 07:51
Abc @ Feb 4 2015, 02:35 AM wrote:Isn't InvisionFree software a custom made phpbb? (version is on bottom but no mention about phpbb but for me it looks like phpbb judging on the interface)
I have no idea what they used, but I presume it's their own sh1t instead of being based on something like phpBB (I could be wrong, as I said I have no idea).
As far as we're concerned the only reasons not to move to something better like phpBB is:
1. nothing is really free on Internet, but only "free" stuff have chances to remain if you stop caring about them. What I mean is that if one decide to host a forum itself and for any reason lose interest in it, one year later if the hosting is no paid it will simply disappear. That's why for example I decided to let my own website on a free host... I've paid one year for my own domain and a host, but I've never switch to it for this very reason.
2. We can't get the forum database to migrate without losing data. I think it has to be bought from invision

Posted: 07 Feb 2015, 23:19
the version is on the bottom of every forum page lol
Posted: 09 Feb 2015, 01:33
ha, It's good to see the hard work you've all put into this website :

Posted: 12 Feb 2015, 03:55
Fixed "Latest Discussions" appearing during Post Preview.
Posted: 16 Feb 2015, 06:02
jigebren @ Jan 22 2015, 09:12 PM wrote:I've just updated the board CSS to fix font size issue in posts that contain quotes. It was not as straightforward as it should have been, so it could have unintended side effects. Let me know if you notice any...
Found a better way to do this, it should avoid the glitch with the Post Icon reported by Abc.
Also modified the "Latest Discussions" links so that it should jump to the last unread post (works best when logged in).
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 01:23
Another update, should be the last before I get some rest... I've finally redesigned and finished the navigation shortcuts in the top-left of the screen.
The icons may not be perfect but I had not so much time to spend just on that. If you have remarks or suggestion don't hesitate to let me know.
I've also added a convenient shortcut to the Today's Topics. I once planned to use this content instead of the Latest Discussions on the home page, but when looking at Online Users it made it look as if everyone was currently Searching... So I just sticked to the current Latest Discussions layout and added Today's Topics as a shortcut only.
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 02:20
jigebren @ 16 Feb 2015, 08:53 PM wrote:Another update, should be the last before I get some rest... I've finally redesigned and finished the navigation shortcuts in the top-left of the screen.
The icons may not be perfect but I had not so much time to spend just on that. If you have remarks or suggestion don't hesitate to let me know.
I've also added a convenient shortcut to the Today's Topics. I once planned to use this content instead of the Latest Discussions on the home page, but when looking at Online Users it made it look as if everyone was currently Searching... So I just sticked to the current Latest Discussions layout and added Today's Topics as a shortcut only.
Fantastic, Brilliant, Well Done. And Thank You.
Now go snuggle up to the cat with your mug of
Horlicks, get your feet up, put your favourite
Beatles album on and chill out.

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 03:49
NO, not
the Beatles again...
Horlicks?? Well, that has to be good for a Brit, hehe. Honestly I'd rather go with a pint of

Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 05:48
Seems like I can't chill out yet... As you can see the v1.2 project now has its own section with dedicated bug reports and suggestions sub-sections.
Not all topics may have been moved yet, so you can help by letting us know which still don't belong to the right place.
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 05:55
Nice, but would not it be better to place the new subforums into the v1.2 one, as subsections?
Now it would be a good moment to read the whole suggestions topic and look for interesting non-yet-implemented suggestions which might deserve a new topic. There might be a couple of them.
Also, why does the suggestions subforum show that it contains three topics instead of the visible one?
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 06:14
We once used sub sections and it was not convenient at all IMO, as you have to enter the section to see what's inside. The idea with dedicated sub-sections is also to have a better overview of topics right at the home page (for example to avoid eg. a new suggestion post to hide a News post).
>> why does the suggestions subforum show that it contains three topics instead of the visible one?
Just a default date filtering. I'll check that.
Posted: 17 Feb 2015, 06:17
nevermind wrote:Nice, but would not it be better to place the new subforums into the v1.2 one, as subsections?
Actually no, since every v1.2-related topic is usually the most active on the forum it's better if they're not all inside the same sub.
nevermind wrote:Now it would be a good moment to read the whole suggestions topic and look for interesting non-yet-implemented suggestions which might deserve a new topic. There might be a couple of them.
I celebrate the latest changes.

Posted: 18 Feb 2015, 07:18
Nice, but would not it be better to place the new subforums into the v1.2 one, as subsections?
Actually no, since every v1.2-related topic is usually the most active on the forum it's better if they're not all inside the same sub.
Good thing you broach this comment Phantom you are shrewd

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 04:41
I'd suggest an option visible while browsing today's topics, like last week discussions, thus once you're done with today's topics you can go further if you want, or make it easy for you to find other topic you were interested in

Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 05:08
revolting @ 20 Feb 2015, 12:11 AM wrote:I'd suggest an option visible while browsing today's topics, like last week discussions, thus once you're done with today's topics you can go further if you want, or make it easy for you to find other topic you were interested in

I'd like that as well, but it's no possible. The invisionfree Search feature has an option to select the date interval to display, for example from last 5 days to last 3 days, but it no longer works at all, so I presume it was disabled. I chose to hide the options now, since they were totally useless.
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 12:38
For whatever reason, the latest discussions menu is now showing threads from 2012 as today's date, stuff like "what is your gender?" and "are cats flammable?" with posts from users who have long since gone inactive. Anyone else seeing this?
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 12:55
pawer126 @ 19 Feb 2015, 11:08 PM wrote: For whatever reason, the latest discussions menu is now showing threads from 2012 as today's date, stuff like "what is your gender?" and "are cats flammable?" with posts from users who have long since gone inactive. Anyone else seeing this?
Yeah I'm seeing it as well.. been like that for three, maybe four hours now.
Interestingly enough, they're all polls.
Backend glitch after changes were made?
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 18:13
Just come on and noticed that my self.
I've no explanation for this, the random topics of the POLL's are slightly disturbing.
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 19:12
Manmountain @ 20 Feb 2015, 01:43 PM wrote:Just come on and noticed that my self.
I've no explanation for this, the random topics of the POLL's are slightly disturbing.
Hey, haven't you mess with the ACP board lately?

Anyway it's not only the Poll since
this topic was bumped as well... I've checked the ACP and ensured the
Allow votes to bump a topic? is properly disabled for all forums, still I have no idea what was the origin of this issue. Even an elaborated Bot would not be able to bump a topic that was not a poll...
I just made a test. Bumping a topic actually change the Last Post Date, but bumping is registered in the Topic History. For the topics above, there's no change recorded in the history, but the last post date has been set to Feb 2015. I can only think of an invisionfree bug, which doesn't sound good given the lack of support they're offering now.
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 19:39
jigebren @ 20 Feb 2015, 02:42 PM wrote: I've checked the ACP and ensured the Allow votes to bump a topic? is properly disabled for all forums, still I have no idea what was the origin of this issue. Even an elaborated Bot would not be able to bump a topic that was not a poll...
Yeah, I reset that a couple of days ago, didn't think it would create this issue, also thought guest's (unregistered bots) would not be able to affect POLL's ?
On a similar note, I regularly check 'Last Click' of all on forum, and there seem's to be always someone registering but never actually register's, I assume a bot.
Is there any way of banning the IP of someone or something constantly trying to register ?
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 19:57
You're likely right about bot, they should not be able to affect polls in theory, but this option didn't look useful anyway: if someone vote without adding a comment it's not worth bumping the topic IMO.
It's possible to prevent an IP from registering, but in this case I presume the bot doesn't even pass the Registration form, it may only be displaying the Registration Form page. So we don't have any IP at this stage, and the rejection would take effect only after this form anyhow.
I'm afraid we have no choice but wait and see if it's happening again...
Posted: 20 Feb 2015, 21:48
It was me voting, without posting, I loved polls, and I went to work so I was not able to report it earlier

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 01:09
"Father, forgive him; for he does not know what he is doing." least it seems that we have found our bot...

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 02:24
lol we just found a human bot!
Ugh i dont really like the new "sidebar", now the main body feels missing
My two cents.

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 12:58
revolting @ 20 Feb 2015, 09:18 PM wrote:It was me voting, without posting, I loved polls, and I went to work so I was not able to report it earlier

jigebren @ 21 Feb 2015, 12:39 AM wrote:
"Father, forgive him; for he does not know what he is doing." least it seems that we have found our bot...

That was suddenly. Thanx revolting, you make my day...
I like this new sidebar, and I also like the "Active topics" page. Good job!!
EDIT: Erm... maybe better place it at the right side? Just a thought...
One suggestion from me: can you delete the "Original Post to Quote" section when clicking at the Quote button and automatically place this quote into the "Enter your post" field??
Or maybe even implement a multiquote feature? That will be huuge!!

Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 18:09
}!{enR @ 21 Feb 2015, 08:28 AM wrote:One suggestion from me: can you delete the "Original Post to Quote" section when clicking at the Quote button and automatically place this quote into the "Enter your post" field??
Or maybe even implement a multiquote feature? That will be huuge!!

There's nothing we can really do about this. But you can just do it this way: type just a word in your post and press the preview button, the quote will be embedded into your post.
Posted: 21 Feb 2015, 19:49
jigebren @ 21 Feb 2015, 05:39 PM wrote:There's nothing we can really do about this. But you can just do it this way: type just a word in your post and press the preview button, the quote will be embedded into your post.

Pity to hear that... That's actually what I'm doing all the time.

Posted: 22 Feb 2015, 20:52
Just fixed the link color inside a quote to be colored the same way than a regular post, as in
this case.
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 00:00
I haven't followed the recent changes in the forum too much so forgive me if this has already been answered but what happened to the link overview on top of the current topic that displayed in what (sub)forum you are currently browsing?
I always found it to be quite useful since I mainly used it to quickly browse around in the subforums without having to got to the main page first.
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 03:01
Kenny @ 22 Feb 2015, 07:30 PM wrote:what happened to the link overview on top of the current topic that displayed in what (sub)forum you are currently browsing?
Looked almost useless now, and following the "less is more" rule I removed it (and no one seemed to complain so far).
If you still miss it could be added back, you have to know though that the subforum can be reached with the Arrow icon in the Quick Navigation shortcuts I've added at the top-left of the window. It's faster, you don't even have to be at the top of the page to see it (and the name of the sub-section is displayed just by placing your mouse over).
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 03:18
jigebren @ 22 Feb 2015, 06:31 PM wrote: Kenny @ 22 Feb 2015, 07:30 PM wrote:what happened to the link overview on top of the current topic that displayed in what (sub)forum you are currently browsing?
Looked almost useless now, and following the "less is more" rule I removed it (and no one seemed to complain so far).
If you still miss it could be added back, you have to know though that the subforum can be reached with the Arrow icon in the Quick Navigation shortcuts I've added at the top-left of the window. It's faster, you don't even have to be at the top of the page to see it (and the name of the sub-section is displayed just by placing your mouse over).
Yeah, i miss that too!
the sidebar is cool but the main body look like something is missing

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 03:22
jigebren @ 22 Feb 2015, 10:31 PM wrote: you have to know though that the subforum can be reached with the Arrow icon in the Quick Navigation shortcuts I've added at the top-left of the window. It's faster, you don't even have to be at the top of the page to see it (and the name of the sub-section is displayed just by placing your mouse over).
Ah I wasn't aware of that, thanks.
As long as the functionality exists (and is the same or similar to the previous one) I don't have a problem with this change, just need to get used to move to the icon instead of the top of the topic

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 03:36
jigebren @ 22 Feb 2015, 10:31 PM wrote: Kenny @ 22 Feb 2015, 07:30 PM wrote:what happened to the link overview on top of the current topic that displayed in what (sub)forum you are currently browsing?
Looked almost useless now, and following the "less is more" rule I removed it (and no one seemed to complain so far).
If you still miss it could be added back, you have to know though that the subforum can be reached with the Arrow icon in the Quick Navigation shortcuts I've added at the top-left of the window. It's faster, you don't even have to be at the top of the page to see it (and the name of the sub-section is displayed just by placing your mouse over).
I was thinking of saying something too, but now you've explained the ease of the side bar link's, no worries.
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 05:35
Manmountain @ 22 Feb 2015, 11:06 PM wrote:I was thinking of saying something too, but now you've explained the ease of the side bar link's, no worries.
You'll soon get used to it as it's a really a great time and click saver (deepest apologies for the self-congratulation...).
Offtopic: I always thought that "no worries" was an Australian expression by the way...

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 05:48
jigebren @ 23 Feb 2015, 01:05 AM wrote:Offtopic: I always thought that "no worries" was an Australian expression by the way...

Only if you add the words 'cobba' or 'mate'

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 08:20
I'd suggest to make the polls to stand out to mete out newbies, they might like them, and also exclude them from becoming a latest discussion topic

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 08:25
revolting @ 23 Feb 2015, 03:50 AM wrote: I'd suggest to make the polls to stand out to mete out newbies, they might like them, and also exclude them from becoming a latest discussion topic
Don't worry, jig has rectified this and should not cause any more issues.
I could close all the poll topics that are very old and virtually useless, this would stop 'newbies' voting on old poll's, I think ?

Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 09:06
Manmountain @ 22 Feb 2015, 11:55 PM wrote: revolting @ 23 Feb 2015, 03:50 AM wrote: I'd suggest to make the polls to stand out to mete out newbies, they might like them, and also exclude them from becoming a latest discussion topic
Don't worry, jig has rectified this and should not cause any more issues.
I could close all the poll topics that are very old and virtually useless, this would stop 'newbies' voting on old poll's, I think ?
Maybe set up a script to auto lock all threads older than <insert how older here> ?
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 09:44
On the topic of the board's design...
I get that there's a vertical limit on signatures, but is there a way to have it not limit unnecessarily when the left pane forces more height than the post+sig combined?
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 10:11
hmm, yeah sometimes signatures are kinda limited enough that a scroll shows up.
but depends on browser
Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 19:39
Gotolei @ 23 Feb 2015, 05:14 AM wrote:I get that there's a vertical limit on signatures, but is there a way to have it not limit unnecessarily when the left pane forces more height than the post+sig combined?
The max height is limited to 64px, which is more than enough for any signature / banner. More space makes signatures becoming intrusive and they can take more place than the actual post content (already seen on a lot of forums), which is a bit ridiculous.
So even there's enough space for it because of the left pane there would not be a point in making them higher in that case, as the real goal of displaying this ugly scrollbar is to naturally push users to lower their signature height.