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Posted: 23 Feb 2015, 21:03
jigebren @ 23 Feb 2015, 03:09 PM wrote:The max height is limited to 64px, which is more than enough for any signature / banner. More space makes signatures becoming
intrusive and they can take more place than the actual post content (
already seen on a lot of forums), which is a bit ridiculous.
So even there's enough space for it because of the left pane there would not be a point in making them higher in that case, as the real goal of displaying this ugly scrollbar is to naturally
push users to lower their signature height.

I agree, and I get the message.

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 22:44
The 'Latest Discussion' link's have a bit of an indentation glitch, well for me any way.

Posted: 24 Feb 2015, 23:12
Manmountain @ 24 Feb 2015, 06:14 PM wrote: The 'Latest Discussion' link's have a bit of an indentation glitch, well for me any way.
Noticed that too. I think it's because of the ’ char Citykalker used in the topic name (don't know why though). Anyway I'll try to improve the display of this section.
WARNING: It may look weird for a while...
EDIT: Ok, done. Now each data its own column in the 'Latest Discussion' section, it should look a lot better.
Tested with Firefox only, let me know if that doesn't work for your browser (unless it's already obsolete).
Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 13:56
Looks really pleasant...

Posted: 25 Feb 2015, 21:19
Thanks for noticing, I changed the " ' " char (it was due to using a word processor for writing).
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 01:04
Just updated the board again, mostly so that the Quick Navigation icons are not at the leftmost of the screen but on the immediate left of the forum content (avoid travelling with the mouse for wide screen in fullscreen mode).
Also the forum width should support to be shrinked a bit, for small screen like smartphones (but it doesn't work yet for the post, I'll check that soon if I can).
Ok, shrinking now works. The issue was with images in post and large images in signature (like Manmountain's

- but don't worry you won't have to cut it down again...).
I couldn't find a way to lower the width gradually with the table structure of invisionfree forum, but I used of workaround that automatically halves the image width when needed. The forum should now be usable down to a screen width of 640 pixels (I have no idea if there's an accepted "standard minimum" resolution for smartphones, nor if anyone actually reads ORP from such a small screen by the way).
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 10:42
Thanks man
I was a bit shabby to admit it, but I used a smartphone to peek at RVL once
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 18:44
revolting @ 27 Feb 2015, 06:12 AM wrote: I was a bit shabby to admit it, but I used a smartphone to peek at RVL once
Have you tried again? Is it better?
Posted: 27 Feb 2015, 21:14
BTW, Emoticons pop-up is broken now.
This rule is bad:
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 00:04
Good find }!{enR
I wanted to avoid adding an extra div but I'll have to do it...
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 02:51
jig: for some reason the Today's Topic page's width is too short and causes glitches with height......

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 03:27
Abc @ 27 Feb 2015, 10:21 PM wrote:for some reason the Today's Topic page's width is too short and causes glitches with height......
You mean the extra line-breaks in the 3rd and last columns?
This is the result of having too much to display at the same time (the Blender topic name with the page indication is quite long, the "Development, Projects & Tools" section is wide too, some user names take longer than other)... So you have to ask users to stop posting for a few days, it should be less noticeable then.
Joking aside, we could make the forum wider, but too large makes it less readable. Currently the Today's Topic array gracefully arrange the columns width so that everything can fit, so even a bit ugly it remains perfectly usable (and the last column is not the most important), so I believe it can remain this way. Unless someone has a better idea...

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 04:01
It's ok like this. Let's better focus on Re-Volt stuff..
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 04:09
Phantom @ 27 Feb 2015, 11:31 PM wrote:It's ok like this. Let's better focus on Re-Volt stuff..
As admin, it's our duty to ensure all the 'Re-Volt stuff' is presented in the most up to date best possible way.
So, you focus on the Re-Volt stuff while we try and keep you guy's happy, emphasis on the TRY !

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 04:42
jigebren @ 27 Feb 2015, 06:57 PM wrote: Abc @ 27 Feb 2015, 10:21 PM wrote:for some reason the Today's Topic page's width is too short and causes glitches with height......
You mean the extra line-breaks in the 3rd and last columns?
This is the result of having too much to display at the same time (the Blender topic name with the page indication is quite long, the "Development, Projects & Tools" section is wide too, some user names take longer than other)... So you have to ask users to stop posting for a few days, it should be less noticeable then.
Joking aside, we could make the forum wider, but too large makes it less readable. Currently the Today's Topic array gracefully arrange the columns width so that everything can fit, so even a bit ugly it remains perfectly usable (and the last column is not the most important), so I believe it can remain this way. Unless someone has a better idea...
Mostly caused by MM...
Oh well.......

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 09:54
ffs Now the emoticons layout is excessively wide that it doesn't fit in the window size set by the script!

[HIDE=Offtopic]ps jig: did you took in account this kind of use when you coded HIDE?? I think i've found a bug, unopenable "hide"[/HIDE]
Talking about layouts i found this:
Something a bit personal but important to notice: if you hover one of the sidebar buttons they stay open and that covers view, they also cover view because they take a bit to disappear too, nice animation tho.
Also why not add
to the button list in reply/post?

Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 12:10

Brilliant bugs, abc!
I also like the animation, but it will be better to remove the delay before disappearing...
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 21:28
}!{enR wrote:BTW, Emoticons pop-up is broken now.
Fixed now.
Abc wrote:did you took in account this kind of use when you coded HIDE?? I think i've found a bug, unopenable "hide"
Good find. Using a big image right at the first line moved the clickable symbol out of reach. This is fixed.
Abc wrote:Talking about layouts i found this:
Bl**dy signature images again...

Hmm, wasn't it also the case before BTW?
It's not straightforward to force an image to resize inside an HTML array as used on this forum, but I've finally found a hack that works perfectly for me. Not sure it works for other browser than Firefox as well, if someone can confirm by looking at Manmountain profile (lowering your browser window size the image should size down accordingly).
If that works I could even use it for the images in posts.
I've also made the sidebar button more reactive. I keep a slight delay on disappearing because it make it easier to read what's inside in case you move your mouse too fast. That's the reason of the animation BTW, not just to add some bling-bling.

Note that there's no delay on appearing.
Posted: 28 Feb 2015, 22:50
About browsers it's practically the same nowdays, IE9/10/11, Chrome and Firefox (I use Firefox Nightly). the only exception about issues is IE8 (which is XP)
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:35
Abc @ 28 Feb 2015, 12:12 AM wrote:Mostly caused by MM...
Oh well.......

What was caused be me ?
If the trouble is my signature image then give me two mins and I'll adjust it, again, just to make you happy.

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:42
lol, it's ok
it's your name being too long, look how height increases on "today's topics" when you last post

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:48
What are you on about ? My names does nothing to any height that I can see.
May be it's your own screen display resolution or how you've setup your browser.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 01:57
Manmountain @ 28 Feb 2015, 05:18 PM wrote: What are you on about ? My names does nothing to any height that I can see.
May be it's your own screen display resolution or how you've setup your browser.
Please look again the pictures I've posted, thanks
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 04:11
Don't worry Manmountain, it was just a joke... The fact is that in Abc's screenshot your name was the longest and was the only one with ThugsRook to create another line break. In that case the signature had nothing to do with the issue.
And for the other profile issue you've only been taken as an example, but this should have been fixed now, so you can still use a 600px wide signature if you want to.

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 04:50
Hmm, Now today's page is still fat but that's fine with me

Also, how many pixels have you set for minimum in emoticons window?

Sorry for making you work a bit too much.
ps: i should have posted bugs within the forum in the past but i didnt care at that time FYI
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 06:39
@Abc: No minimum size is set, but it should be around 234 currently. For info even as admin we have no access to this page except via the CSS (which has to be the same everywhere, it's not even dedicated to this page), and no javascript can be added. Here it's an array, so I believe the size is automatically set from the content.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 17:38
To bring up a somewhat different question:
Would it be possible to increase the message box limit?
50 is kind of small and its not possible to send away messages if you want to store it and the box is already full.
I realize that increasing the limit doesn't really solve the problem (or rather just delays it) but it would at least give users more space to work with.
Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 19:46
jigebren @ 28 Feb 2015, 08:58 PM wrote:It's not straightforward to force an image to resize inside an HTML array as used on this forum, but I've finally found a hack that works perfectly for me. Not sure it works for other browser than Firefox as well, if someone can confirm by looking at Manmountain profile (lowering your browser window size the image should size down accordingly).
If that works I could even use it for the images in posts.
Works in all modern browsers. Does not work in IE8.
Abc @ 28 Feb 2015, 10:20 PM wrote:the only exception about issues is IE8 (which is XP)
Are you sure about that, abc? IE8 is actually coming from Win 7, that was an IE6 in XP...

Posted: 01 Mar 2015, 22:20
@Kenny. Ok, I've increased the PM box limit to 100.
But yep, it actually only delays the day when your box will be full... The solution remains to mass archive them as HTML (sent to your email) once in a while.
}!{enR wrote:Works in all modern browsers. Does not work in IE8.
Ok, thanks for the test.
Well, even if XP user are stuck with IE 8 (AFAIK), there's no reason (even on XP) to stick with IE...
It means I may have to keep the current code for image posts though... Or maybe not, as the matter is mostly small screens, IE8 behavior is not that relevant.
}!{enR wrote:Are you sure about that, abc?
I think he rather meant that IE8 was the last available IE for XP (not the one coming with...).
Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 09:24
Quick suggestion, how about adding a function that shows the theme of the topic always on the top of the screen while you're scrolling down, it would be very useful for users as me, who tend to forget what the topic was about

, thus I'll be able to push on the throttle and increase productivity

Posted: 02 Mar 2015, 22:11
revolting @ 2 Mar 2015, 12:54 AM wrote: Quick suggestion, how about adding a function that shows the theme of the topic always on the top of the screen while you're scrolling down, it would be very useful for users as me, who tend to forget what the topic was about

, thus I'll be able to push on the throttle and increase productivity
Interesting, maybe topic title in floating next to the buttons.
FYI, topic title is on browser title information.
Example: "Our ReVolt Pub -> Board Update"