Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 06:24
UPDATE Boat and track By R6TurboExtreme
Have you noticed that UFO floats and can be driven on water? Like a boat!
Well, I told my idea on RV house today some hours ago and now we have 3 people (Dave, R6TurboExtreme and someone else) working on boats and an aquatic track to race the boats.
This got me a couple of ideas about other very possible (I think) transports that could be created by a single modiffication on revolt.
The change would be: make the UFO be able to stear up and down, like a plane.
How does the boat works?
The UFO is light, and I noticed that it floated on the toytanic pool, where the beach balls float too.
On Dave's track Bubble World that one of the lightest cars floated on the water.
That's when I knew is not the UFO effect wich makes the car float.
But the care couln't move!
And the ufo could, because ufo can move without touching the flor.
What works:
Almost everything! that's the coolest thing!
What doesn't:
Right now, the only way to get this driveable effect on water is with the UFO effect.
The problem is that it makes the boat levitate when it jumps taking a lot of gameplay possibilities from the track makers.
Also, some water on some custom tracks won't push cars up.
Most of us have seen this, they are like UFO but more driveable on air (and land too)
What works:
They kind of fly.
What doesn't:
They don't actually, they just glide. You can't go up or down.
Spaceships and Subs.
I group both of them because they are the same, they are a plane that has neutral flotability (on water or air) that means it wont sink or float.
Spaceships and space can be done underwater and no one will notice if it's transparent.
What works:
I haven't tested it yet but I think the neutral flotability can be done on water (I saw a boat almost neutral), it's reasonable to me that if a car floats and other sinks there must be at least a point really close to neutral on the wieght of the car, just like in real water.
What doesn't:
Without being able to move up or down it makes no sense to have this on the game.
To get the boat ... k/
I think that works.
Have you noticed that UFO floats and can be driven on water? Like a boat!
Well, I told my idea on RV house today some hours ago and now we have 3 people (Dave, R6TurboExtreme and someone else) working on boats and an aquatic track to race the boats.
This got me a couple of ideas about other very possible (I think) transports that could be created by a single modiffication on revolt.
The change would be: make the UFO be able to stear up and down, like a plane.
How does the boat works?
The UFO is light, and I noticed that it floated on the toytanic pool, where the beach balls float too.
On Dave's track Bubble World that one of the lightest cars floated on the water.
That's when I knew is not the UFO effect wich makes the car float.
But the care couln't move!
And the ufo could, because ufo can move without touching the flor.
What works:
Almost everything! that's the coolest thing!
What doesn't:
Right now, the only way to get this driveable effect on water is with the UFO effect.
The problem is that it makes the boat levitate when it jumps taking a lot of gameplay possibilities from the track makers.
Also, some water on some custom tracks won't push cars up.
Most of us have seen this, they are like UFO but more driveable on air (and land too)
What works:
They kind of fly.
What doesn't:
They don't actually, they just glide. You can't go up or down.
Spaceships and Subs.
I group both of them because they are the same, they are a plane that has neutral flotability (on water or air) that means it wont sink or float.
Spaceships and space can be done underwater and no one will notice if it's transparent.
What works:
I haven't tested it yet but I think the neutral flotability can be done on water (I saw a boat almost neutral), it's reasonable to me that if a car floats and other sinks there must be at least a point really close to neutral on the wieght of the car, just like in real water.
What doesn't:
Without being able to move up or down it makes no sense to have this on the game.
To get the boat ... k/
I think that works.