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Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 17:33
Hi guys so I have two ideas for cars that I would love to see in Re-Volt. However due to my lack of modeling experience and my limited time I am unable to make them myself so it would be nice if one of you could try to make them ;)

1) the toy story rc car. I have wondered myself why no one already had the idea to make it for revolt since it actually would fit really good into the game (not to mention that I loved the car in the movie as a kid :P ).
Though I think it would look better without the eyes, it makes the car more "rc-like". here's a video of how it looks in real-life ->

I also found guy that already made a high-poly 3ds max model of it and I asked him for permission to convert it for Re-Volt but I never got an answer...if I find the website again I'll post the link here.

2) here's a screenshot of the second car:

its from a rc car simulator which is actually pretty new (release september 2011). but I do not recommend to try it because you have to pay for almost everything there, even a monthly fee. there is also an older version where you can try a free version but its not really good.
anyway, the car looks nice and it would be cool to have it in Re-Volt.

so what do you think?

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 18:00
Kenny, do you have the files for the second car?

I mean there must be some files of the car in the game folder. Can you send them to me? I am no good at making originals and mapping but yet I would search about its formats and try converting it. :)

For the first car, let me check if there are some 3d models available on the internet. :)

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 18:21
well I have the game files but unfortunately they are somehow custom encrypted so I doubt that there is any way to get to the model files.

but I'll see what I can do ;)

also the car in the game consists of different parts (wheels, engine, exhaust, chassis, etc) so its not one specific car. but I think the only important thing will be the chassis.

edit: didnt have success to open the files :(
maybe some model editor can open them but I dont want to go through the whole set of various tools. also I seriously doubt that common tools support that file format (.vrc / .vrh)

well I just hope that someday I'll see those two cars in Re-Volt...