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Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 19:11
Just wondering if re-volt car creators would be interested in a rear spoiler/wing pack.
Each rear spoiler/wing would only be vertex coloured so could be used on any car.
These spoilers/wings would be added as a spinner.
Or you could load the prm file into zmodeler and add directly to your car.
Loading the prm into zmodeler would also give the option of adding texture maping the wing/spoiler.
If there is interest in this,what 4 colours would you want them vertex painted?
I know TMAM did a racekit but the kit only had the 1 version rear wing.
I was thinking of several different rear spoiler/wing designs.
At this stage about 10 different styles.
Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 19:45
Sounds great

, but what do you mean when you say Vertex coloured ?
As I thought that any prm that was created for and placed with a specific car folder, then it would be mapped to the cars own bmp file, if this is the case then it wouldn't matter exactly what colour the initial models where released with, just as long as you indicated where on the car bmp they where mapped to, as with TM&M's Racekit.
Also, would it be possible to included with the spoiler models a laymans instructional guide to attaching and mapping the models using Zmodler.
Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 20:26
By Vertex coloured I mean they are not mapped to any bmp.
But are coloured such as black,red or yellow for example.
As you can create prm files for re-volt that do not use any texture bmp using the ase2prm tool.
If I can find your email address I will send you about 3 example spoliers to show what I mean.
Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 20:46
Email me
Exactly how many different colours can be created with vertex colouring ?
And if it doesn't use the car bmp then how does it know what colour it should be ?
And would it be possible to change the colour yourself, say with RV-Shade or another similar tool or would you have to use Zmodler ?

Posted: 10 Feb 2006, 21:01
The actual vertex coulor is applied in 3ds max.
So each prm has only 1 colour.
But i could export the same spoiler as different colours.
Such as rs1red.prm,rs1blue.prm,rs1yel.prm and rs1black.prm for example.
But people can import the model in zmodeler if they want to map it to their actual car.bmp texture.
I never use zmodeler for texturing so I am not sure of the actual routine for this.
Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 15:03
A few views but not many replies.
Maybe there is no interest in this after all.
I never really thought there would be but decided I would check anyway.
Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 19:50
Woe there!!
It's only been a day, give it at least two week before ditching the project.
I'm very interested, and I'm sure other people are interested as well, they just probably aren't too sure how to apply/utalise these spoiler models, trust me, it's easy peasy.
Well, John(BurnRubr) has let me have several styles and colours, and I think they look really cool, and will add that GT/Sports look to almost any car.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 23:21
Here are the selection that BurnRubr sent me, just so you get an idea of what he is offering.

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 17:49
sweet, homemade?
or are those from NFSUG2?
anyways, good work!
id say map em to a 1x1 pixel on the bmp tho, like one of the corners or sth. gives it a more versatile use.

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 23:51
Hi Burn,
I am interested - I would definately dld 'em - but would I ever get round to using 'em?
But I agree with TMaM - map them to the .bmp, so that they can be customized to suit the individual cars.
Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 11:04
By the way these are from NFS Underground 1.
Maybe I should only release them as 3ds files so people can use them as they create their car.
If creators want them to be customized to suit their individual cars.
Be alot easier for me if I only made them available as 3ds files anyway.
Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 13:56
Decided that they will be available as 3ds files only.
People can download the 3ds files zip and place on there own RV website.
You can even convert them to prm files and post them on your rv web site.
In fact do what ever you want with them.
If using 3ds max set the system units to generic units to import the parts.
If using another 3d model program then they made need to be resized.
Links removed
Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 00:57
thanks Burn! hope theyll be used by ppl.
if they are sized correctly if exported from Max, here's the factor to resize with if youd export them with ZMod (1.07)
resize the files with RV-Sizer on all axis' by a factor of 0.0333
command line (or do it in ZMod, resize to a 1/30 scale):
rv-sizer.exe wing.prm sa=0.0333
thats what it should be, anyways, didnt try it, tbh.

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 01:37
Is there any way of changing the colour with out the use of 3DMax or Zmodler ?
say with RV-Glue or any of the other rv-mini tools ?
Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 09:38
I never ended up adding vertex colours to them.
So by default 3ds max sets them to white.
You would need to import them into 3ds max or zmodeler to change the colours.
I gathered that people did not want them vertex coloured but rather be able to map them to there car bmp.
That why they were released as 3ds files.
Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 18:11
i think RVShade would do the trick, no?
actually, more no then yes.

still worth a try how it looks used on a white wing with no reflections (if used as a spinner)
rvshade.exe wing.prm n 200 0 0
for a red one...
dunno, im not blessed with much time these days, so cant be arsed really to check it out myself.
Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 00:05
These things look cool!
Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 01:58
hey manmoountain,i view the photos of the cougar,cool spoilers,where are download the spoilers?
Posted: 17 Nov 2006, 12:01
I still have the files in 3ds format.
If any one wants to host the 3ds files so others can download them.
They are 3ds files so you can import them into your 3d model program and add them directly to your car.
How ever if someone wants to they can convert them to prm files.