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Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 03:54
check this out, I am completely frustrated because whenever I put a pickup in my new track,
THIS happens...
If you think you can help, download the track
HERE and give it a shot... the link is in the description on youtube as well...
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 04:01
When you finish a fob file, only save once. If you attempt to save it multiple times, things get screwed up... I suggest trying to add or remove something then save it ONCE. Hopefully that helps...
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 04:33
sadly, it did not help. Thanks anyway!
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 14:34
I was got same crash on my battle track and with fob file.
I know the solution! Just create objects in re-volt v1.1 at MAKEITGOOD mode, but you should delete fob file first and create new (place objects again) if you want no crash, so that was v1.2 problem

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 17:59
Oh yes, the pickup object is created with bad flags. Although some objects' flags are not modifiable they are sometimes used internally, but after switching to a new object, re-volt doesn't reset these flags anymore (because of some recent modifications). So the first flag of the previous Strobe object was still used as the first flag of pickup, which is invalid.
It's fixed now, so you can redownload the 0825 release
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 19:06
bah! still nothing! and it still crashes on me, in every version from 1207 to the 0825 patch...
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 19:49
The problem is with the pickup object generation. You'd have to download the fix above, delete the old pickup and create a new one (or delete the fob file and start over to be safe).
Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 21:17