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Posted: 11 Aug 2011, 19:39
The car shown in the video has an env issue.
This is really bugging me, and I have no idea how to fix it. Could somebody try and fix it for me? It would be greatly appreciated.
Download it here.
Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 05:13
Hmm, I have checked the model and it was ok, so I have checked the code too... I think the real trouble here is that the rear "tray" (I don't know the proper english word for this part) is below the center of the car's body.
As a rule, Re-Volt engine is not designed to work with
non-convex model, at least for the car. When creating the env polies, revolt simply moves them away from the car's center, so the env polies for the upper part of the tray will sink into the model...
I'm afraid there is nothing you can do, except maybe turning the car into a sheeted vehicle.

I'll check the code to see whether it can be safely improved or not.