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Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 12:38
Hi everyone! New member here
Awesome to see re-volt is still alive even after so many years! I spent countless hours playing as a kid. Amazing game!
Couple issues I wanted to throw out there. I didn't see a dedicated bug thread so hopefully this post isn't an issue. If it is, sorry!
I'm running windows 7 64bit
-Main screen: language selector has no highlighted choice. Also, it seems like the location of the "hidden" selector changes, which means I have to guess the placement each time. (lots of wrong languages chosen

-When original CD is inserted, songs play, but championship ship silver cup, toyland 2 and other levels crash the game for me.
Also, I know the website author needed help with the website stuff. I have some reccomendations for software and such if still intertested.
One final comment. I saw the minimum specs of 200mhz processor or so. Would it be possible to port this game to iOS, specifically for the ipad? I saw the thread below about porting to openGL, which I believe iOS can handle. Thoughts? I ask because I have experience in the app development field too.
Best, RePete
Posted: 24 Jun 2011, 10:56
Yeah, it's about time we had a separate bug thread.
I wasn't able to reproduce any of the bugs you have there. First make sure you have the latest Alpha build (11.0610). Then we would need the following info,
- Can you get a screenshot of your language selection screen? I see the blue selector there as usual.
- Do you get the crashes someplace specific (like when loading) or randomly while playing?
About the website, thanks for the help offer. Well, it's not really about the software, but we have no knowledges about web programming and with time being tight, we were looking for someone(s) with knowledge in PHP and SQL to manage the website. For a start, we want to add a simple "subscribe" option in the site that will add names and emails to a database and a way to send HTML newsletters to those subscribers...
And currently, with re-volt is being actively updated for PC / DirectX, we just can't manage different ports and branches. So we are also keeping the source closed for now. In the future there is a bright chance to see Re-Volt in various platforms, but that just can't happen for now.
Anyway, welcome to the forum, Pete.
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 22:58
Yes, having the CD in while running the game would crash re-volt at the loading screen (loading the race).
Ah, gotcha. Wordpress seems to have most all of these features as plugins or widgets, and is very easy to use, either as a subscription to new posts on the site or an email campaign.
Thanks for the reply!
Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 23:45
EspaƱol is highlighted on your screen shot

no bug here

Posted: 25 Jun 2011, 23:59
Ah, darn colorblindness. Sorry about that guys, its very subtle.
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 02:04
I think i saw this before,strange problems,for example, people with 1.2 cant see some drivers with 1.1, from view 1.2 ,drivers with 1.1 are not moving when race starts,just standing :/,but they move for people who have 1.1
mop hosted,and i saw the guy who has 1.1,but he didnt move.when i host, that guy who didnt move, cant evan conncet to me,he can only connect to people who have 1.1 meaning he can play online only when 1.1 hosts (mop) in todays case,oh well
but maybe that new guy is a crazy guy with strange problems...
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 03:06
Why should we care about people who use 1207?
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 08:37
Nero, do you propose banning ver. 1207 from the "online scene"? If not, then people will still be using it for a while.
Well, maybe forcing people to use 1.2 online as a better online version wouldn't even be too radical for us who know the difference, but for the less knowledgeable this means a lot of awareness-raising and informing work. Who's up to it?
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 10:37
@RePete: I'd need some more info on the crash:
- Crash at the start / end of loading bar or somewhere inbetween?
- Crash on all tracks and game modes or a specific track / mode? (you mentioned championship - toyworld2 earlier).
- Do you have any mp3 files in your re-volt folder?
- Check the last loaded file before crash in %temp%\revolt.log (open My Computer and copy / paste in address bar).
BTW, can you size down or remove that giant screenshot? If you use Imageshack, you can easily post a thumbnail version of your picture here, clicking on which will open a bigger version. And thanks, we should give WordPress a try when updating the website.
@Cosmo: I think you're confusing 1.2 vs 1207 conflicts of the past with this bug you have now. If the game was between just the 3 of you (you, mop and the other guy), this could simply be a connectivity issue between you and the other guy. 1.2 should work with 1207 as good as original v1.00. Possible consensus: crazy guy with strange problems?
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 12:12
@citywalker u mean we introduce 1.2 to new players that enter the community?
I prefer hosting 1.2 races because when u do that, u have acces to all functions and extras, and 1207 cant join in then, so they have to switch to 1.2.
I've also seen that if host has 1.2 and race is for all versions, the 1207 ppl crash out at start. (always happens with Balint).
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 12:22
nero @ Jun 25 2011, 06:36 PM wrote: Why should we care about people who use 1207?
LOL Nero! Sorry bro, but I have to disagree with you.
You know how much I love Re-Volt 1.2, and that I think it already is and will be the best version ever.
But I also think that Compatibility is one of the most important parts of that success.
We can't behave like big companies who force people to always use the newest version and try to delete older versions from the face of earth.
As CW said, it will take some time until 1.2 becomes the most popular version, and there's still the chance that not everyone wants to use it. Should we unsupport those players?
I don't want this to become in a versions war, that would be awful and nonsense.
So please understand that we must offer compatibility for 1.1 and 1.0 and still care about them, even if we don't like them.
@Cosmo: Who was the other guy you were racing with?
I had experienced the same problem before but in my opinion it's just a connection issue.
@RePete: Please use the [xIMG] tag instead of [IMG], it will reduce the image size automatically to fit the forum.
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 17:26
Ok,but i dont understand how can it be a connection issue if he can play normally with mop
His nickname is 'pin'.A week ago 2 drivers was standing on start lines,thought they were not racing until someone said when we end ,they did
anyway,regarding to this 1207 vs 1.2,when some day they implement everything in 1.2 from 1207,i bet there will be still players using 1207,well at least one guy is immediatly crossing my mind
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 17:57
If your problem doesn't affect all 1.1 users, then chances are mostly that this is a connectivity issue. There is several users I can't connect with myself, no matter if I use 1.2 or 1.1 and I'm not yet sure why and how.
When WolfR4 + 1207 features has been implemented into 1.2, there shouldn't be many reasons left to keep using older versions. That is, unless 1.2 is changing something which was considered a part of what Re-Volt originally was. I bet Huki and Jigebren is taking the feedback from everybody into account when making decisions though so I think we'll see a complete fade-out of 1207 users at some point, hopefully.
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 09:41
Guys, the person you were talking about before is pin, our old friend from ORP. Check some old posts from 2006/7 here in the forum in case someone doesn't know him.
And Cosmo was right, it wasn't a connection problem.
I made a few tests with pin today and we couldn't see each other when he had 1.1 and me 1.2 (I have no idea why).
Then he installed 1.2, we made the test again and problem solved! We can now play perfectly and with really good connection.
Strange thing, isn't it? Well, at least it's solved now, thanks to RV1.2.
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 14:36
I totally agree with Urne. We just host 1.2 and then all other versions are forced to change if they want to race.
Posted: 01 Jul 2011, 23:37
I think I've found another bug. This is not directly linked with the 1.2 patch because I'm pretty sure this happened also in the old versions.
Basically, during multiplayer races (no track in particular), some pickups are missing from the track and I can tell that because in singleplayer you can see them.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 02:50
I have noticed that too, but I would not call it a bug though. I think the amount of pickups depends on the amount of cars in the race to create a little more balance when racing with pickups. While I haven't counted, I suppose you always have *approximately* the same chance of getting a pickup, 12 players or 2 players this way. The more players, the more pickups - I find this design quite clever actually.
How many cars did you play with in single player? And is the amount the same as in the online races you played? If it equals, then you're probably right about it being a bug. Or maybe there is another explanation to this, who knows.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 15:30
In singleplayer I was racing against 11 opponents (12 cars in total) and there were all the pickups while in multiplayer I was playing alone, just to test the netcode a bit...
I personally don't find that balanced at all!

Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 20:01
Sorry for double posting, but I've probably found a new bug
Car not repositioned
I noticed that while playing on a custom track made by me (Lego track slightly modified) my car doesn't get repositioned if I go out the track. I manually have to teleport back to track. This didn't happen with the old version (I tried with RV 1.1+Wolf R4 and I get teleported if out of track)
You can reproduce the bug by downloading my track from
my site, then play a single race and use SADIST to choose the bomb and fly outside the track
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 20:48
We have actually disabled automatic reposition as you can see
here, under Difficulty. If you want to automatically reset the car you should use the reposition triggers.
About the missing pickups, the game starts with any 5 random pickups and 2 more for each player. Of course, not the same pickup is generated everytime, any of the available ones are chosen. I don't want to disable this design for the reason Urne mentioned, but we can increase the numbers. In fact I had increased this value just a day before you and Dave mentioned it here (what a coincidence). Currently it is 5 initial + 4 more for each player. Not a big difference, but tell me if we need more...
Posted: 04 Jul 2011, 22:51
Huki @ Jul 4 2011, 04:18 PM wrote: Currently it is 5 initial + 4 more for each player. Not a big difference, but tell me if we need more...
What about an option in the multiplayer menu to manually enable/disable the pickups limit? I'm telling this because I specifically made that track to create a "pickups mayhem" (in fact, my track is just an oval but when it starts getting full of oil and things, racing on it gets really fun). I personally like such events