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Posted: 21 Jun 2011, 15:00
My current project is something new that has not realy been done in RV before due to the texture res so you will all hopefully be runing WolfR4 to be able to play my new level which I am vizzing out at the mo.
But this track will not be usable withought WolfR4 !!
I have a deadline that i have set my self for wednesday next week.
Many thanks to all the guys involved with Wolf and the 1.2 Re-Volt as you have revived a great hobbie!!
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 07:34
Glad to see you're working on a new track again.
Beginning track making myself quite recently, I have to admit I take your texturing job in some track like eg. Hull Breach 3 as an example...
Out of curiosity, which WolfR4 feature are you mostly interested in?
And for info, if you're not following the project closely, v1.2 also allows high resolution textures now (and even 32bits bitmaps), though most of the custom features of WolfR4 have not been ported yet. So when it's done (if it gets done...), there is hope your track should also be usable with v1.2 (probably through a minor conversion of the custom.ini file).
Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask in case of trouble.
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 09:46
Hey! A new track from Skitch2, wonderful! I have to say that I'm probably the fan number 1 or 2 of your tracks Mike.
I don't use WolfR4 but I love Re-Volt 1.2. And as Jig said, most of the custom Wolf features will be ported in some time. So I hope that your new track can be compatible with RV1.2 too. :3
I take the situation to say Thankyou for all the great moments I've spent with your tracks.
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:06
Hi all and thank you!
I hope others can get to run the full custom track or what would have been the point of making the tool in the first place?? I love the simplicity of WR4 and all the info on 1.2 seems to me to be a ways off from calling it a full update where as Wolf is working and helping already so i dont realy understand why it is now second fiddle to 1.2?
I am most interested in just about evey aspect jiggy! i specially love being able to add my own loading screens, colour change the FX and mostly the automated model swapping which is by far the most handy as i can now remake a few of my track in a way they were intended .
Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:48
WolfR4 is a really handy tool when it comes to organization, track making and car making. But IMO while it does these things really well, the Re-Volt 1.2 patch wins in terms of online playing because of all the new fixes and features. Besides, not many decent WolfR4 powered tracks has been released yet unfortunately.
Nevertheless, I'm definitely going to try out the new track of yours and I am looking very forward to it. Just don't rush out anything, please.

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 23:40
I have just worked out how to run Wolf side by side with 1.2 and my track is useable for both alhough not as good in 1.2 its ok.
I am tempted to re map it to higher res textures mind..

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 01:39
Awesome! Can't wait to try it out bro.