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Posted: 18 May 2011, 03:35
prm is a CLI program (created using Framework .NET 2.0) for manipulating prms. Initially was created for porting Chaos Tools to 32-bits, later, changed into what's seen now.
Thus, it's highly inspired of: rv-minis, Chaos tools and TMVfR
accepted example commands:
Code: Select all
PRM remap FILE A Z
#remap files
PRM remap FILE 0 26
PRM remap FILE I -1
#resize: factor
PRM resize FILE 5
PRM scale FILE -half
PRM scale FILE -nfs4
PRM scale FILE -double
PRM count FILE
#make double/single sided
PRM single FILE
PRM double FILE
#opacity : percent
PRM opacity FILE 90
PRM opacity FILE 40
There is also a GUI for it:
Currently it's under development, and its engine will be used later for Car Manager Reloaded
Download, last update 17/05/2011
Posted: 30 May 2011, 16:38
Hmm.. looks fantastic!
I will check it out just right now...
Glad to see somebody improving the non-graphical nice tools from rvminis and chaos.
And ehh, really wanna learn to be like you.
All i could and can (for now) is Visual Basic...
Tried out NET Framework, C++ and stuff but no success...
Greetings and keep up the good work,
Posted: 30 May 2011, 16:47
Oh and by the way, does it have support for x64 bits system? (Windows 7, 64 bits)
Or do RV-Minis have that support at all
Because I used it before and after trying RV-Minis, 1 second after opening it, a critical BLUE screen error apears saying it prevented Windows from taking damage from that application...
Worked totally nice and perfect on XP, 32 bits
Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 02:29
Yes it supports x64 in main place, and also x32
Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 04:49
Are you using C# for the GUI or VB?
anyway, I can do some C++ coding and eventually some C# coding if needed (only tried C# once). Though that I have no idea how the .prm files work since I never took the time to study them (I have generally very little experience with making ReVolt custom cars/tracks) so I would probably be not a big help

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 13:49
I'm more familiar with VB than C-styled languages, thus I usually use VB.
About building a prm IO algorithm, I advise you to look at this:
I checked it with Re-Volt and it's perfect (just maybe the ghost [bit 12] may not be present, not tested yet)
the infos given in the world file aren't accurate and should be updated
Posted: 24 Dec 2011, 17:10
thx for the link but I assume there are already tools that have a working prm IO? if yes, why make something twice
of course it would also be easier to have some exisiting source code (like the existing tools) to look at than making everything from scratch.
I never spent much time with VB because I couldnt make much out of it. If you ever want to switch to a more C-style based language I recommend C#, I think its the closest one to VB.
Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 00:51
indeed we have C++ based tools

I'm originally a VB6 (then passed to VB.NET and C#) and so a totally different aspect.