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Posted: 18 May 2011, 03:35

prm is a CLI program (created using Framework .NET 2.0) for manipulating prms. Initially was created for porting Chaos Tools to 32-bits, later, changed into what's seen now.
Thus, it's highly inspired of: rv-minis, Chaos tools and TMVfR

accepted example commands:

Code: Select all

PRM remap FILE A Z
#remap files
PRM remap FILE 0 26
PRM remap FILE I -1

#resize: factor
PRM resize FILE 5
PRM scale FILE -half
PRM scale FILE -nfs4
PRM scale FILE -double

PRM count FILE

#make double/single sided
PRM single FILE
PRM double FILE

#opacity : percent
PRM opacity FILE 90
PRM opacity FILE 40
There is also a GUI for it:

Currently it's under development, and its engine will be used later for Car Manager Reloaded
Download, last update 17/05/2011

Posted: 30 May 2011, 16:38
Hmm.. looks fantastic! ;)
I will check it out just right now...

Glad to see somebody improving the non-graphical nice tools from rvminis and chaos.

And ehh, really wanna learn to be like you.
All i could and can (for now) is Visual Basic... <_<
Tried out NET Framework, C++ and stuff but no success...

Greetings and keep up the good work, victorpsbg

Posted: 30 May 2011, 16:47
Oh and by the way, does it have support for x64 bits system? (Windows 7, 64 bits)
Or do RV-Minis have that support at all

Because I used it before and after trying RV-Minis, 1 second after opening it, a critical BLUE screen error apears saying it prevented Windows from taking damage from that application...

Worked totally nice and perfect on XP, 32 bits :unsure:

Greetings, victorpsbg

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 02:29
Yes it supports x64 in main place, and also x32

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 04:49
Are you using C# for the GUI or VB?

anyway, I can do some C++ coding and eventually some C# coding if needed (only tried C# once). Though that I have no idea how the .prm files work since I never took the time to study them (I have generally very little experience with making ReVolt custom cars/tracks) so I would probably be not a big help :P

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 13:49
I'm more familiar with VB than C-styled languages, thus I usually use VB.

About building a prm IO algorithm, I advise you to look at this:
I checked it with Re-Volt and it's perfect (just maybe the ghost [bit 12] may not be present, not tested yet)

the infos given in the world file aren't accurate and should be updated

Posted: 24 Dec 2011, 17:10
thx for the link but I assume there are already tools that have a working prm IO? if yes, why make something twice :P

of course it would also be easier to have some exisiting source code (like the existing tools) to look at than making everything from scratch.

I never spent much time with VB because I couldnt make much out of it. If you ever want to switch to a more C-style based language I recommend C#, I think its the closest one to VB.

Posted: 30 Dec 2011, 00:51
indeed we have C++ based tools :).
I'm originally a VB6 (then passed to VB.NET and C#) and so a totally different aspect.