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Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 14:54
Sjampo told me earlier that there has been some recent updates at what I thought was another old but (unfortunately) dead website. Re-Volt XTG, managed by old member Last_Cuban, features Track Guides & Extreme Track Downloads to the curious user and has recently been updated again, the 6th April 2011 to be exact.
Hopefully that means we'll see him around sometime, if not here perhaps RV House or at #revolt-chat. *Crossing Fingers*
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 15:55
He's been doing more updates lately. Maybe he's back, who knows?

I remember I downloaded the first custom tracks from that site... oh, memories!
Posted: 12 Apr 2011, 00:28
Last_Cuban is back?! No way!
Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 00:53
Yes, I am back !!

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 01:05
I have been doing a lot of updates recently. When I started to update my stock of extreme tracks I knew I was in for a long job. I think I had to update my site with 150+ extreme tracks.
In have also been re doing the way I do the track guides. I re did all of them once then changed the layout.
Anyway, I am going to do at least 1 video for each new extreme track that will be on youtube. We did not have youtube in my day. My first host for XTG allowed my only 200meg of space. I think I have 5 gig of space which 2 gig is used !!
The main things I have been doing is on the excel spread sheets I use to store and sort the track details. Then it was the track guides.
If anyone has a track in mind for a track guide then let me know. the track has to be a hard and difficult track to race on.
You can leave comments on the youtube videos on youtube if you want to. just search for niallye.
Last_Cuban (Niall)
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 01:30
Hi everyone
I have been doing a few updates to my site, so I hope you like the changes and a few more to come.
you can check out a test home page here
a couple of you guys have spotted a typo here and there, so send me an email if you spot one, cos my typing is not very good and I will mention your in the site updates/news section.
still have a few areas to finish/update.
any suggestions, comment, omissions etc then email me If I do not email you back soon then I am at work. I do 4 sets of 11 hours shifts and I do not check my email until my first day off.
Cheers all
LC (niall)

Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 03:05
Neat Cuban! I'll keep an eye on your site - it will definitely be an useful resource if we start to race custom tracks online more. (:
Posted: 16 Sep 2011, 23:35
Thx urnemanden
I will put in this topic all ( if I remember ) major update info.
Currently I am updating the pages with the tracks listed for each author(s)
I am taking a break from racing each track for the flow % but I have done now around 300 of the extreme tracks. The aim was to do around 10 a day when I am off work.
For the long term updates there are the custom cars section, the help section, the links section and the racing pics( I think I will do a new area and have the old one left as is.)
The drivers list will stay as it is as this lists all the "olde" ppl from way back.
I still gotta do a guide some time.
Do you guys like the new version ie Marios Warehouse and Jail House Rock style?
Any suggestions for the next guide ? ( remember the track has to be hard/tricky with hopefully good visuals but not essential )
Cheers all
LAst_Cuban (niall)
Posted: 21 Sep 2011, 13:14
Never added me to the olde' drivers list!!! Hahah I'm just kidding
As for suggestions, have you tried any of the tracks that require WolfR4? I'd recommend Isolda Verde to start off...
Posted: 22 Sep 2011, 00:16
Skarma @ Sep 21 2011, 03:44 AM wrote: Never added me to the olde' drivers list!!! Hahah I'm just kidding
As for suggestions, have you tried any of the tracks that require WolfR4? I'd recommend Isolda Verde to start off...
he tries ALL the extreme tracks that come around
EDIT: Funny how a youtube search of Dave-o-rama brings me back to the videos he's made of my tracks

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 03:59
thx Dave for your comment.
I also produuce a number for flow and difficulty for each track which may help ppl to find the better track or just an easy or very hard one. I only use Toyeca unless there is a specific reason for a car to be used on a particular track ( I can think of 2 but I still could not get a lap time). I also have a list of the folder name for the track and the # folder name list as well. I will soon add these to one of the info pages as this may be help ful to a track author so they do not use a folder name that is the same as a previous one (This I have only done fopr the extreme tracks)
by the way there are over 660 extreme tracks! 29 battle/other non race tracks and 3 beta versions.
I have 136 tracks left to race on to get a fast lap time, 8 lap race time, which give the flow and difficulty.
How many tracks can we install into the levels folder ( with WolfR4 ) as I have 634 folders which inc the stock tracks ??
Cheers all
LAst_Cuban (niall)
Posted: 15 Dec 2011, 06:59
I have re-zipped Re-Ville so it is now easier to install and does not require the running of the .bat files to install it.
The re zipped file has been named which replaces
the original files on RevoltXTG and can be downloaded with
below link. As the .bat file do not work, you will need to copy the
Re-Ville skymaps to the \levels\nhood1 folder.
And in the process of doing the above I named the directory wrong which I put the files in.
This now has been fixed.
I have fixed the links to Desolate 2 also.
Also I have added more info to the main
track details page which now includes :-
Zip Name
Author Name
Folder Name
below is a sample of the data available:-
Date : 15 December 2011
# Track Name Size Length Fast Lap 8 Laps Flow% Difficulty%
6 A Snowy Night Out West 2.65mb 344m 0:27.949 4:04.214 48.31 10.54
< and to the right of the above >
Date Zip Name Author Name Folder Name
6-Nov-2011 R6TE_Dave_miro asnow
thx all
Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year !!!
Last Cuban (niall)
Posted: 15 Dec 2011, 08:08
Desolate 2's page shows "Tiny racetrack In The Hood" as the page title. Just so you know...

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 01:28
just checked, woorks fine for me
maybe the old page got stuck in a cache somewhere.
thx for checking
Last_Cuban (niall)
Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 02:25
Ehh... still has that problem for me. Maybe I've got a cached version of the page?

Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 05:12
Hi Dave
i checked the link instead of the page title as you correctly said.
this has now been corrected.
I copy the page from the previous track to keep the links etc.
thx for your vigilance.
Last Cuban (niall)
picture on next post
Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 05:13
Posted: 16 Dec 2011, 07:12
ehehehe... turns out there was a problem on my end too. I was using a cached version of the page, which still had Tiny Racetrack in the hood as the title. Clearing my cache fixed that up pretty quickly

Posted: 18 Dec 2011, 19:23
Great website, thanks for the work!
Just to say, quite a few screenshots are dead, especially in November-September-February-March 2003!
Posted: 30 Jan 2012, 08:46
Thx Pyves
I noticed that 6 pictures in my backups had been currupted when I was checking the broken and unfinished links in the areas you mentioned.
I need to back these up now.
Thx !!
Posted: 04 Feb 2012, 19:24
You're welcome! Keep up with the good work dude!

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 04:20
I found this picture of a race on Rooftops.
Must of been a fast race as I did one lap in 40.645 seconds

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 17:31
Nice, do you have a creation date on the picture, Cuban? It could be interesting to know since I don't recognize any of those names. Just curious

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 02:10
Man that IS an old pic, I recognise those names.
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 01:05
Hi there urnemanden
When I posted the picture I had a quick look to see if the file properties showed the date but it did not.
The track Rooftops was released after 24-09-2000.
So I would say that maybe I took it in 2001/2002.
the driver 2FAST4UALL I think had a gaming zone name of _2FASTS4UALL_ OR _Digital_DTSR_ or _TBB_2BAD4U or all 3 over time
ARTHUR's gaming zone name was arthurzz/Arthur_zzZZ and had a web site but is now not available
good races I had then
At first we used the Microsioft gaming Zone to hold our races and chat and sometime IRC.
Then when we were "moved" (i.e. the Re-Volt area was closed down) we moved to GameSpy
and then RV HOuse was created a while later.
Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 19:50
Hi all
Just thought I`d let you know of 3 extreme tracks I found on Aliasrevoltmasters`s website
Alias Revolt Master
these are
Rally Volt
LS Ultimate Drift Track
Toys in the Hood 3
If you get the files from Aliasrevoltmasters`s website check that the levels directory for Rallyvolt has been corrected to "levels" as I just checked and it is "level"
Also the zip file name for Toys in the Hood 3 is which is the same as the other Toys in the Hood 3 track. I have changed this zip file name for the track on my website.
Posted: 28 Apr 2012, 04:33
I found 2 track recently :- Warehouse Speedway (Extreme) and Ramba Grand Prix (Lego)
Download Warehouse Speedway
I have added a track gfx and zipped the track correctly.
<img src=' Grand Prix.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
Download Ramba Grand Prix by zipperrulez
Posted: 28 Apr 2012, 23:39
I have found a number of tracks and arena/battle levels recently on
these are in the car packs section and the links are :-
Download ARM Italia 150 track by TheFactor82 and Lo Scassatore
Download Zag Mini Soccer arena/battle

Download 2 Arena Toshinden arena/battle by hilaire9
Download 10 Lego Track Pack called ATEF3....
Posted: 02 Jun 2012, 03:23
Hi All !!
I have been working on a few updates recently.
Firstly I looked around to find any of the missing tracks that have been reported on RVZT.
I had a couple and they are on RVZT now.
I found a couple of sites ( one was just a few directories on a server )
which are :-
ARM Alias ReVolt Master
which is in Italian but you can use Chrome to do the translation and..
Vipers Cars and Tracks and Tools
where I found a number of tracks and cars that I did not have and may not be RVZT.
On my website now is a list of all the cars/carpacks I have found recently.
Link on home page and in the Custom Cars section.
I now have all as far as I know of the lego tracks except for a few TDF tracks ( I will add these in a day or 2 )
There is a link to this page on the home page, be patient as all are listed on one page!
Currently I have :-
3322 differemt zip files of cars/car packs/repaints on XTG.
1162 zip files of Lego ( either TDF/lego/Lego Extreme ) tracks on XTG.
736 zips files of extreme style ( tracks/battle tag/beta/updates ) on XTG.
Total webspace used just over 4 Gb !!!
Gonna have a day or 2 off now.
Cheers !
webmaster of