Posted: 06 Apr 2011, 21:38
Hello everybody!
First to tell, I am kinda new to revolt modeling and have some problems...
I use Maya 2011, Windows 7 -- 64 bits. I want really much to learn modeling or at least repainting cars. I asked some friends from RV House and learned to repaint them from the textures. I simply convert the model of the car i want to repaint from .PRM to .3DS and load it into Photoshop CS5. Then I put the original texture and start editing it as looking the 3D model i loaded before and see the changes i make. After all, i just save the .BMP and i`m ready.
That`s OK, but in the modeling/editing cars i got a big problem.
What I actually do is open the model in ZModeler, export as .3DS file. As I`m not really good with 3DS Max i export again to .OBJ or .ASE and open with Maya 2011.
I edit it and export as .FBX(Universal AutoDesk Format, can be used as downloading a free plug-in from their website). After that I import to 3DS Max again and have 2 choices.
Choice1: Export as .3DS file and import to ZModeler, export to .PRM file
Choice2: Export as .ASE file and use ASE2PRM to convert it to Revolt file. Only problem is that the .PRM file is ONLY 4 bytes.
Next, I have to shade it so it won`t be transparent or invisible (only wheels are visible). Second bad problem is--When starting rvshade.exe after some seconds my computer shows a blue massage saying that windows stopped because of preventing an bad crash...
So my questions are:
1) Can I use maya and use my car/model in Re-Volt without bugging it;
2) Can I run rvshade.exe on Windows7, 64 bits properly.
*3) Please give me some hints or help so I can learn to do that. I`m really,really gonna do everything I must to learn making cars for my favorite racing game: Re-Volt.
Please help me if you can,
Anything will be helpful and thanks in advice!
First to tell, I am kinda new to revolt modeling and have some problems...
I use Maya 2011, Windows 7 -- 64 bits. I want really much to learn modeling or at least repainting cars. I asked some friends from RV House and learned to repaint them from the textures. I simply convert the model of the car i want to repaint from .PRM to .3DS and load it into Photoshop CS5. Then I put the original texture and start editing it as looking the 3D model i loaded before and see the changes i make. After all, i just save the .BMP and i`m ready.
That`s OK, but in the modeling/editing cars i got a big problem.
What I actually do is open the model in ZModeler, export as .3DS file. As I`m not really good with 3DS Max i export again to .OBJ or .ASE and open with Maya 2011.
I edit it and export as .FBX(Universal AutoDesk Format, can be used as downloading a free plug-in from their website). After that I import to 3DS Max again and have 2 choices.
Choice1: Export as .3DS file and import to ZModeler, export to .PRM file
Choice2: Export as .ASE file and use ASE2PRM to convert it to Revolt file. Only problem is that the .PRM file is ONLY 4 bytes.
Next, I have to shade it so it won`t be transparent or invisible (only wheels are visible). Second bad problem is--When starting rvshade.exe after some seconds my computer shows a blue massage saying that windows stopped because of preventing an bad crash...
So my questions are:
1) Can I use maya and use my car/model in Re-Volt without bugging it;
2) Can I run rvshade.exe on Windows7, 64 bits properly.
*3) Please give me some hints or help so I can learn to do that. I`m really,really gonna do everything I must to learn making cars for my favorite racing game: Re-Volt.
Please help me if you can,
Anything will be helpful and thanks in advice!