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Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 04:18
I've been doing some updates lately to RV House. I hope I've addressed the most critical missing features (and bug fixes) that have been requested during the last couple of years. But if there's some things missing please let me know here.
My priority is:
- Features that are needed to support the new RV 1.2 and/or Wolf.
- Bugs that hinder usage.
- Everything else
I'll try to implement anything that fall into the two first categories. Everything else is subject to my arbitrary assessment on the features utility versus the time it would take me to implement it. But feel free to ask if there's something you'd like changed, I'll try and take it into account during whatever I do to RV House.
If there's nothing special, I'm probably going to start reimplementing RV House's user interface using another GUI toolkit. This work might not ever be released, it will be for my own education mainly.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 06:02
I've been using rvhouse for a year now and I must say that it's a good program for revolt and it's doing the job for online races.
However, there's 1 big issue and that is to say the port forwarding of the users router.
I've been helping some players with their routers and stuff together with hilaire9, huki, urnemanden and more.
Most of the newcomers need to set up their routers to play re-volt online with rvhouse.
more than 80% i believe have one or more of the following problems:
- Don't know how to forward ports (or what a router is)
- Cannot communicate
- Can't open enough ports to play with rvhouse
When they can't solve the problem they give up and leave for good.
Even if we manage to solve it, it usually takes more than an hour.
I'd like to add that the program Teamviewer have done the problem so much more easier. download at
I'm pretty sure this problem have been brought up before, but i'm just posting this to make it clear it still exists.
Is it possible to solve this?
the reason im asking is because I've been using other programs similar to rvhouse, like Gamerangers, and there you don't have to forward the router ports to play online.
Some have told me it works like Hamachi, but even that is a solution for router issues.
The whole thing sounds like alot of job, so I don't expect the best tools for this.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 18:07
Stingox does point a problem out, but IMHO RV House should not take responsibility for the fact that Re-Volt uses a so to say "old" way of connecting to other users. I see Gameranger as a workaround and not a solution to the issue. And afterall we do have access to the source code of Re-Volt so I will suggest that we just try to be patient.
Meanwhile, I believe that we should work harder on better documentation and other useful information, so new users easily can adapt to this community. To me Re-Volt Race has been a nice example of how useful translating content into other languages can be too.
As for RV House features, Huki was talking about that RV House needs support for 2 GUID's instead of one, but I am not sure that is needed anymore as he mentioned that he found an alternative way of doing that instead. Oh well, he knows more about that than I do. As a second thing perhaps you should consider remove the "Share Tracks" function in RV House, as it seems like it has been used. I wonder if it even works?
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 03:36
Bumping this and here is the deal about what I wrote above.

Since there probably will be new special racing modes online in the future, we need a quick way to change a setting that turns off compatibility with older Re-Volt versions. What you see in the picture was just the way I was thinking it could be implemented into RV House.
huki @ RV House late wrote:
<huki> all rvhouse need to do is:
<huki> if "1.2 only" is checked, add -netcomp 0 to registry
It is not "very necessary" but it would ease some pain since you currently have to Open Re-Volt -> Go to Options -> and change the setting.
EDIT: I need huki to confirm this first, stay tuned.

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 04:31
Here's the dope:
If "Version" is not checked, rvhouse will not force any command line.
If "Version" is checked, you will have to choose either "All" or "1.2 only" ("All" is default).
If "All" is picked, rvhouse will add "-netcomp 1" command line to registry.
Else if "1.2 only" is picked, rvhouse will add "-netcomp 0" to registry.
The -netcomp command line will be used by re-volt 1.2 to force "Network Compatibility" on or off. If compatibility is off, only players running 1.2 will be able to join the session. If compatibility is on, everyone can join the session, and the host will not be able to choose new features incompatible with old versions.
I hope that was clear enough. It's not really an easy feature to implement, and as advanced users can just use "Specify command line" function in rvhouse settings to add -netcomp 1 or 0, i don't know if it will be worth the trouble. But as there is already a button for -sli, I was thinking about this.
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 23:54
Stingox @ Mar 20 2011, 01:32 AM wrote: Is it possible to solve this?
the reason im asking is because I've been using other programs similar to rvhouse, like Gamerangers, and there you don't have to forward the router ports to play online.
Some have told me it works like Hamachi, but even that is a solution for router issues.
Unfortunately I don't think I can solve this problem.
The biggest issue is that improving this situation would require a dedicated server which Re-Volt's traffic would be routed through for each player. I don't have the bandwidth for that.
Of course, on top of that it would probably be quite a bit of work.
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 23:59
@urne & @huki, adding those kind of settings is possible and probably not a huge amount of work. The one small problem is that I have to change the communication protocol, which will mean every RV House user must upgrade to new RV House version. Not a huge problem, that has happened before.
Just one question: will the -netcomp setting be used only for the host, or will joiners also need to run with it?
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 00:57
arto @ Mar 21 2011, 11:59 PM wrote: Just one question: will the -netcomp setting be used only for the host, or will joiners also need to run with it?
I have implemented it so that only the host needs to be run with this command line, and it shouldn't matter whether any clients are running with this command line or not (it is a host-only property). After some quick tests it works as expected, and hopfefully there are no hidden bugs.
I was also wondering, will this work with other command lines the user may have enabled? In that case, this command line should be appended at the end of the existing command line string (so even if the host has manually entered a -netcomp command line in rvhouse, this room option will over-ride it).
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 08:59
Huki @ Mar 21 2011, 08:27 PM wrote: arto @ Mar 21 2011, 11:59 PM wrote: Just one question: will the -netcomp setting be used only for the host, or will joiners also need to run with it?
I have implemented it so that only the host needs to be run with this command line, and it shouldn't matter whether any clients are running with this command line or not (it is a host-only property). After some quick tests it works as expected, and hopfefully there are no hidden bugs.
I was also wondering, will this work with other command lines the user may have enabled? In that case, this command line should be appended at the end of the existing command line string (so even if the host has manually entered a -netcomp command line in rvhouse, this room option will over-ride it).
I don't know. I'm thinking about keeping it simple:
if Autoset commandline is selected, RV House takes care of the command line. Otherwise it's user's responsibility. But anyway, I'm thinking that if the 1.2 only option is selected RV House would not let 1.1/1.0 users join the room.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 13:53
ah, I see what you mean arto. Imagine that 7 1207 users joins a room that they cannot in fact play in. Additionally they might block for other 1.2 users who wants to join as well, since the maximum amount of players to join a room in RV House is 12.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 20:15
Hmm, I don't think it would be possible for rvhouse to detect the re-volt version correctly, when it's not even launched yet. Maybe the user has been using 1207 till now and had just installed 1.2, then the version string in registry has not changed yet. There are many other problems with reading from re-volt's registry base. I think you should let re-volt do the detecting, rvhouse's job is to simply launch rv.
About keeping it simple, even though the implementation involves "adding a command line to registry", maybe you should treat this as an exception. It would be nice if it appears to be a genuine room option that does what it says, irrelevant of the command line settings in rvhouse. If it is not too hard to append this command at the end of the command line string (if one exists), the rest of the feature shouldn't be much work. Tell me what you think.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 20:40
Huki @ Mar 22 2011, 03:45 PM wrote: Hmm, I don't think it would be possible for rvhouse to detect the re-volt version correctly, when it's not even launched yet. Maybe the user has been using 1207 till now and had just installed 1.2, then the version string in registry has not changed yet. There are many other problems with reading from re-volt's registry base. I think you should let re-volt do the detecting, rvhouse's job is to simply launch rv.
About keeping it simple, even though the implementation involves "adding a command line to registry", maybe you should treat this as an exception. It would be nice if it appears to be a genuine room option that does what it says, irrelevant of the command line settings in rvhouse. If it is not too hard to append this command at the end of the command line string (if one exists), the rest of the feature shouldn't be much work. Tell me what you think.
Your both suggestions are fine by me, maybe its sensible that way. And actually less work too.
One more question, is -netcomp 0 needed? I mean isn't it enough to just have "1.2 only" and if its selected then -netcomp 1 is added, otherwise nothing?
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 23:37
arto @ Mar 22 2011, 08:40 PM wrote: One more question, is -netcomp 0 needed? I mean isn't it enough to just have "1.2 only" and if its selected then -netcomp 1 is added, otherwise nothing?
I'm afraid so, yes.
Actually the compatibility option can be set in re-volt in "Network Settings" and is a saved setting (compatibility on by default). -netcomp is a command line over-ride, specifically made for use by lobby launchers for quick access. So it should be required to force compatibility on or off, irrespective of the setting saved in re-volt.
So, refering to my picture from earlier, if "Version" is not checked, rvhouse will not add the command line, and re-volt is free to use the setting saved in registry (which is to allow all versions by default, and probably won't be changed by many users). If "Version" is checked, rvhouse
must force the version to allow, using -netcomp 1 or 0.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 03:10
I just updated RV House with the RV 1.2 online compatibility modes. Let me know of any issues.
At least for now, the setting is only known by the host. So if you're using RV 1.2 only mode, I guess a good standard is to make it known in the topic of your room.
Also I did some changes, so that after RV House launches Re-Volt it will restore the DirectLobby commandLine to its original value. This happens only after you click away the launch dialog.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 03:34
Thanks arto. There is just one problem: rvhouse adds -netcomp 1 for "1.2 only" and 0 for "all versions". Actually it is the opposite, -netcomp 0 for "1.2 only" (compatibility off) and 1 for "all versions" (compatibility on).
arto wrote:At least for now, the setting is only known by the host. So if you're using RV 1.2 only mode, I guess a good standard is to make it known in the topic of your room.
Ok, that's no problem. I'll remember to mention it in the readme during the next release.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:04
Huki @ Mar 25 2011, 11:04 PM wrote: Thanks arto. There is just one problem: rvhouse adds -netcomp 1 for "1.2 only" and 0 for "all versions". Actually it is the opposite, -netcomp 0 for "1.2 only" (compatibility off) and 1 for "all versions" (compatibility on).
Lol, ouch... of course. I'll make a new release soon.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:32
Okay, now it should be fixed.
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 04:44
Er.. the rvhouse installed by the new 0.92.2 installer is still 0.92.1.. with the same bug.. and the "new version released" nag screen..
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 05:26
Huki @ Mar 26 2011, 12:14 AM wrote: Er.. the rvhouse installed by the new 0.92.2 installer is still 0.92.1.. with the same bug.. and the "new version released" nag screen..
That's strange... I reuploaded the executable. Try again?
Posted: 26 Mar 2011, 05:32
Ok, everything works correctly now.

Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 04:10
@arto: I have just implemented support for "late joining". So, is it possible to allow joining an already started room in rvhouse? This is only supported for "1.2 only" sessions, so it's a good idea to allow joining a started room only if the host has "1.2 only" room option checked.
For info, the host has the option to allow or disable Late Joining, but this is maintained inside re-volt, so rvhouse need not check this. If the host has disabled late joining, 1.2 clients trying to join will get a clean error message and quit, while older versions can still make it to the Waiting Room and just stay there.
Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 07:30
Huki @ Apr 15 2011, 11:40 PM wrote: @arto: I have just implemented support for "late joining". So, is it possible to allow joining an already started room in rvhouse? This is only supported for "1.2 only" sessions, so it's a good idea to allow joining a started room only if the host has "1.2 only" room option checked.
For info, the host has the option to allow or disable Late Joining, but this is maintained inside re-volt, so rvhouse need not check this. If the host has disabled late joining, 1.2 clients trying to join will get a clean error message and quit, while older versions can still make it to the Waiting Room and just stay there.
It should be possible, but since it can be confusing for pre RV 1.1 users I don't think it should be enabled by default.
Perhaps for now I put a Setting that allows users to try joining an ongoing race? Then later can figure out something smarter.
Posted: 16 Apr 2011, 21:29
Yeah, a simple setting should be enough. v1.2 is WIP anyway, so yes, it would be a good idea to disable these settings by default.
Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 01:24
Joining started races is done (found under Settings -> Advanced). As usual, the racers will be the beta testers if it actually works

Also included is the Bulgarian translations (thanks to Victor!)
Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 01:52
Thank you very much arto, that will make things a lot easier and hopefully it will help making races with late joining more common.
Just a suggestion though: Currently this new feature allows to late join all kinds of races. Late joining is only supported in 1.2 only races though, so it quickly gets confusing which race you can actually late join in. Do you think that is fixable?
Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 02:17
urnemanden @ Apr 23 2011, 09:22 PM wrote: Just a suggestion though: Currently this new feature allows to late join all kinds of races. Late joining is only supported in 1.2 only races though, so it quickly gets confusing which race you can actually late join in. Do you think that is fixable?
Not without reliably detecting RV version the host is using. According to Huki in earlier discussion, it's not possible (or reasonable) at the moment.
I expect these developments to stabilize due time, and then we can think of sensible ways to implement these things. For now this is exactly why the setting is in "Advanced" portion - you have to know what you're doing.
Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 03:48
Thanks for the update, arto.
Adding to urne's suggestion: as you know, there is a "1.2-Only" room option in rvhouse. So the Late Joining option in rvhouse could be disabled if the room is a "normal" room.
So I'm thinking, if the host creates a normal all-versions room, join after launching is disabled anyway. If the host creates a 1.2-only room, then late-join is enabled or disabled depending on the "Allow trying to join started races" advanced option.
Posted: 24 Apr 2011, 09:39
Huki @ Apr 23 2011, 11:18 PM wrote: Thanks for the update, arto.
Adding to urne's suggestion: as you know, there is a "1.2-Only" room option in rvhouse. So the Late Joining option in rvhouse could be disabled if the room is a "normal" room.
So I'm thinking, if the host creates a normal all-versions room, join after launching is disabled anyway. If the host creates a 1.2-only room, then late-join is enabled or disabled depending on the "Allow trying to join started races" advanced option.
Currently RV House does not transfer the 1.2 only status across the network, so it's strictly local setting for the host.
It should be transferred, but I haven't had the time to implement it. Also it creates incompatibility to the protocol which means everyone must update RV House.
It'll be in the future but I don't know when.
Posted: 29 May 2011, 20:12
Hey is it easy to add 1 more cell.When host picks 1.2 or all version that all players are informed what are we using so they know can they late join or evan if its 1.2 only,can they participate in race

Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 02:19
Cosmo_Kramer @ May 29 2011, 03:42 PM wrote: Hey is it easy to add 1 more cell.When host picks 1.2 or all version that all players are informed what are we using so they know can they late join or evan if its 1.2 only,can they participate in race
It's easy and not easy.
Not easy because it will break compatibility with previous RV House versions. Probably I'll delay such features until a rewrite, so that I can make one incompatible version that should allow easy adding of such features in future without breaking compatibility.
Posted: 01 Jun 2011, 12:51
@Arto, if u need a dutch translation for Rvhouse, I can help u. Cuz i saw it wasnt in it yet.
Posted: 26 Jun 2011, 00:34
RV House central server down.
Posted: 28 Jun 2011, 19:05
Arto Please fix Bulgarian Language Translation error after install it cannot open bulgarian.lang thank you

Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 13:30
wittekind @ Jun 28 2011, 02:35 PM wrote: Arto Please fix Bulgarian Language Translation error after install it cannot open bulgarian.lang thank you
Thank for fix language arto but programm cant read language only symbols in rv house programm
link picture
Posted: 29 Jun 2011, 14:04
wittekind @ Jun 29 2011, 09:00 AM wrote: wittekind @ Jun 28 2011, 02:35 PM wrote: Arto Please fix Bulgarian Language Translation error after install it cannot open bulgarian.lang thank you
Thank for fix language arto but programm cant read language only symbols in rv house programm
link picture
Sorry that it didn't work... I don't know what bulgarian letters are supposed to look like.
Can you post a picture using the older RV House version where it works correctly?
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 02:41
Hi Arto
I have installed the last Rv house version (0.93.1).
In this version is impossible to change the colours? In the old version i always change that, too much white for my eyes.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 03:24
ilcignodz @ Jul 1 2011, 10:11 PM wrote: Hi Arto
I have installed the last Rv house version (0.93.1).
In this version is impossible to change the colours? In the old version i always change that, too much white for my eyes.
Yes, you can't change the colors in this version. I dropped it and decided to see if anyone misses it. So I guess at least someone misses it, so I'll look into adding support for it in some future version. But it requires a re-think of how to do it, and it might require a little bit more tinkering by the user like modifying a configuration file yourself - because it doesn't seem to be too widely used feature(?).
Anyway, I'll see what I can do once the bugs etc. more pressing matters have been resolved.
Posted: 03 Jul 2011, 16:28
Hi arto, I compiled the
italian translation for RV House! I think it will be helpful for italian dudes

Posted: 05 Jul 2011, 01:31
antonius @ Jul 3 2011, 11:58 AM wrote: Hi arto, I compiled the
italian translation for RV House! I think it will be helpful for italian dudes
will be included in tonights release!
Posted: 10 Jul 2011, 23:58
I can't open the last updated RV House. There is a fatal error every time i try to execute it. The message says: "Format error in configuration file C:/Program Files/Jogos/RV House/lang/bulgarian.def".
It seems to some bug on the translation files that was already reported here. Please post a former RV House version or fix it so I can play ;D!
Posted: 11 Jul 2011, 07:45
Mordensoul @ Jul 10 2011, 07:28 PM wrote: I can't open the last updated RV House. There is a fatal error every time i try to execute it. The message says: "Format error in configuration file C:/Program Files/Jogos/RV House/lang/bulgarian.def".
It seems to some bug on the translation files that was already reported here. Please post a former RV House version or fix it so I can play ;D!
The bulgarian translation does not work and has been removed from RV House installations. I forgot that most users just overwrite the old installation, so the translation stays there from the old install.
Go to C:/Program Files/Jogos/RV House/lang/ and remove files bulgarian.def and bulgarian.lang and start then RV House.
Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 06:53
Heya guys... speaking of missing features, I have a couple of suggestions. Here they are: Well as you might know when using gameranger to play re-volt online you can join races without configuring router because it bypasses the ports. I thought maybe that could be a good idea to implant that feature into rvhouse. Reason being: I see lots of ppl leaving, turning around just because they just can't race online. Now I have no idea if that can affect the performance or induce latency of anykind or if it does, maybe add a warning box to it and to consider configurating router ports, that could be great

if it is possible of course.
Now Arto, I do know that you are probly busy you have less spare time and I can understand that. However, I do believe that this might be useful in the future time.
And finally to conclude, I was wondering what has happened with the border and font colors modifying features, let me know thx
Posted: 04 Sep 2014, 08:37
RafSTer @ Jul 21 2013, 10:23 PM wrote: Heya guys... speaking of missing features, I have a couple of suggestions. Here they are: Well as you might know when using gameranger to play re-volt online you can join races without configuring router because it bypasses the ports. I thought maybe that could be a good idea to implant that feature into rvhouse. Reason being: I see lots of ppl leaving, turning around just because they just can't race online. Now I have no idea if that can affect the performance or induce latency of anykind or if it does, maybe add a warning box to it and to consider configurating router ports, that could be great

if it is possible of course.
Now Arto, I do know that you are probly busy you have less spare time and I can understand that. However, I do believe that this might be useful in the future time.
And finally to conclude, I was wondering what has happened with the border and font colors modifying features, let me know thx
I second this, GameRanger uses NAT UDP Port 16000 and uses a VLAN.
When will p2p be changed?
and, yes, we need alot of features, still no full 1.2 compatibility (takes registry instead of detecting 1.2)
Ability to read unknown characters other than Latin ones.