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Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 03:46
I've made some changes that should allow people running Vista / Windows 7 to run Re-Volt from RV House without registry hacks that were necessary before (adding -sli to commandLine).
But since I only have XP I can't test it. If you'd be willing to test this feature, please send me a private message with your contact e-mail (or directly e-mail me). I need also people who use the 64-bit versions of those operating systems since it's a different case.
In the new version there's also a setting for manually specifying the commandLine, so if you need that and want to test let me know.
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 04:47
If a 32-bit application writes to, or creates any registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ in a 64-bit PC, it is automatically redirected to the Wow6432Node key. So there should be no need to handle this differently (actually AFAIK it shouldn't be handled differently).
Good to hear RVHouse finally supports launching with command lines. But are you saying there is a special option just for adding the -sli command line? I don't think that is needed, as people can just update to v1.2 (which actually fixes the Vista/7 bug instead of forcing -sli command line) or, if using an older version, add the -sli command line manually from rvhouse or Wolf.
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 09:24
Huki @ Mar 19 2011, 12:17 AM wrote: If a 32-bit application writes to, or creates any registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ in a 64-bit PC, it is automatically redirected to the Wow6432Node key. So there should be no need to handle this differently (actually AFAIK it shouldn't be handled differently).
Oh... pooh, work wasted

. Thanks for the info!
Good to hear RVHouse finally supports launching with command lines. But are you saying there is a special option just for adding the -sli command line? I don't think that is needed, as people can just update to v1.2 (which actually fixes the Vista/7 bug instead of forcing -sli command line) or, if using an older version, add the -sli command line manually from rvhouse or Wolf.
There's auto-setting which detects Vista and uses -sli then, manual setting where user can specify and then option not to touch the value.
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 19:36
Huki @ Mar 19 2011, 12:17 AM wrote: But are you saying there is a special option just for adding the -sli command line? I don't think that is needed, as people can just update to v1.2 (which actually fixes the Vista/7 bug instead of forcing -sli command line) or, if using an older version, add the -sli command line manually from rvhouse or Wolf.
One question about this... when using RV 1.2, does launching with -sli have adverse effects or is it just not needed anymore? If it has adverse effects, is there a way to detect RV 1.2 is in use from registry (maybe the version string reflects this?).
Posted: 19 Mar 2011, 20:48
arto @ Mar 19 2011, 09:24 AM wrote:There's auto-setting which detects Vista and uses -sli then, manual setting where user can specify and then option not to touch the value.
Ah, ok. That would be useful indeed.
arto @ Mar 19 2011 @ 07:36 PM wrote:One question about this... when using RV 1.2, does launching with -sli have adverse effects or is it just not needed anymore?
Nope, the effect of using -sli is same as always. It is just not needed anymore.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 00:17
No need for beta testers anymore... I released it, just let me know if there's something that doesn't work.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 03:01
Launching with command lines works fine on my Win7 32-bit. Any existing room needed to be closed and re-created though, but no big deal. Also nice that you have removed the 3-minute limit.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 03:59
Huki @ Mar 19 2011, 10:31 PM wrote: Any existing room needed to be closed and re-created though, but no big deal.
Hmm? The commandLine is set always when user presses the launch button, so there should be no need for room to be closed and re-created for the settings to take effect.
Well, as long as it works well enough...

Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 04:01
Checking more deeply, the "Don't set command line" option doesn't work. If the selection is at "auto-set" and changed to "don't set", rvhouse still launches with -sli. If selection is at "specify" and changed to "don't set", rvhouse still launches with the specified command line.
Posted: 20 Mar 2011, 06:09
wrong french translation for "Flash if your nick seen on main chat" is set to the same as "Flash if message on main chat"
good translation : "Clignoter si votre pseudo apparait dans le chat principal" ...
and no translation for "Send IP when hosting" => "Afficher IP lors du host"
"Advanced" => "Avancé"
"Auto-set command-line" => "configuration auto commande -sli"
"Don't set command line" => "Pas de ligne de commande"
"Specify commande line" => "Préciser vos lignes de commandes"
"You might need it if you're running Windows Vista." => "Vous aurez surement besoin de ça si vous êtes sous Vista."
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 20:35
Huki @ Mar 20 2011, 04:01 AM wrote: Checking more deeply, the "Don't set command line" option doesn't work. If the selection is at "auto-set" and changed to "don't set", rvhouse still launches with -sli. If selection is at "specify" and changed to "don't set", rvhouse still launches with the specified command line.
@arto: Ok, this was not rvhouse's fault.
The problem was i've change re-volt to "register for lobby support" only if not already registered. So any command lines entered in registry are not cleared out after starting re-volt.
So, either this feature should be removed from re-volt, or rvhouse should clear out any command line from registry if "don't set" option is used. Which one are you more in favor of?
Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 22:28
i prefer this one : "rvhouse should clear out any command line from registry if "don't set" option is used" but it's only a user opinion

Posted: 21 Mar 2011, 23:46
Huki @ Mar 21 2011, 04:05 PM wrote: The problem was i've change re-volt to "register for lobby support" only if not already registered. So any command lines entered in registry are not cleared out after starting re-volt.
So, either this feature should be removed from re-volt, or rvhouse should clear out any command line from registry if "don't set" option is used. Which one are you more in favor of?
I think if the "Don't set" is selected, RV House should not touch the CommandLine. That way "power users" have the possibility to set it themselves without RV House intervening.
If it's wanted RV House clears it, then the "Specify command-line" setting can be used with leaving command line empty. I'm not sure if it works that way right now, but if not I can fix it do that.
@sebr: Thanks for the french translations, I'll incorporate them to the next version.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 00:49
arto @ Mar 21 2011, 11:46 PM wrote: I think if the "Don't set" is selected, RV House should not touch the CommandLine. That way "power users" have the possibility to set it themselves without RV House intervening.
Yes, I agree. Using the "Specify" button with empty command line sounds good and I can confirm that it works properly.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 09:15
sebr @ Mar 20 2011, 01:39 AM wrote: wrong french translation for "Flash if your nick seen on main chat" is set to the same as "Flash if message on main chat"
good translation : "Clignoter si votre pseudo apparait dans le chat principal" ...
and no translation for "Send IP when hosting" => "Afficher IP lors du host"
"Advanced" => "Avancé"
"Auto-set command-line" => "configuration auto commande -sli"
"Don't set command line" => "Pas de ligne de commande"
"Specify commande line" => "Préciser vos lignes de commandes"
"You might need it if you're running Windows Vista." => "Vous aurez surement besoin de ça si vous êtes sous Vista."
I uploaded your translations to RV House web-site: ... ncais.lang
If you copy that file to your RV House's lang/ directory you can test it's ok now. It'll be included in the next release.
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 20:01
2 bugs ...
* "configuration auto commande -sli" become "configuration auto commande" => which mean nothing
if you don't want to add "-sli" translate buy : "Auto-configuration ligne de commande"
* "You might need it if you're running Windows Vista." => "Vous aurez surement besoin de ça si vous êtes sous Vista." this one don't work ... still english one, may be need a RV House update ?
some mistaques :
* rvl_champ = "Champion
* pass_mismatch = Les mots de passe ne corresp
Ondent pas!
* [register_win] : invalid_user = ID Utilisateur invalide, il doit être compris entre 3 et 20 caractères
et peut....
* dht_connect_err3 = ou router n'est pas correcteme
NT configuré.\n"
* dht_connect_err8 = vous pouvie
Z le résoudre

* dht_joining =
P2P en cours de joignage =>
P2P sur le point d'être rejoint
* user_dloads_tracks = %1 télécharge les cir
* global_ignore =
Following users are in global ignore list because of disruptive behaviour and are ignored by you automatically. You can disable global ignoring from Settings if you wish to. =>
Les utilisateurs suivant sont dans la Liste Noire pour leur comportement perturbateur et sont donc automatiquement ignoré. Vous pouvez désactiver la Liste Noire dans Paramètres > Général si vous le souhaitez.
* user_global_ignore = %1 est dans la
Liste noire, raison: %2
* send_ip_info =
"Your detected IP will automatically be sent to people who join the room.\nThis is mainly to help Vista users who might need it for joining the game.\n\nIf you do not want your IP to be sent you can turn it off from Settings\n\nThis message is only shown once!"; =>
Votre adresse IP sera automatiquement envoyé aux joueurs ayant rejoint votre salle.\nCeci a pour but d'aider les utilisateurs de Vista qui en auraient besoin pour rejoindre la partie.\nVous pouvez désactiver cette fonction dans Paramètres > Général si vous ne souhaitez pas montrer votre IP.\n\nCe message ne s'affichera qu'une seule fois!
* close = Cl
ôturer la discussion
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 20:55
sebr @ Mar 22 2011, 03:31 PM wrote: 2 bugs ...
* "configuration auto commande -sli" become "configuration auto commande" => which mean nothing
if you don't want to add "-sli" translate buy : "Auto-configuration ligne de commande"
* "You might need it if you're running Windows Vista." => "Vous aurez surement besoin de ça si vous êtes sous Vista." this one don't work ... still english one, may be need a RV House update ?
some mistaques :
* rvl_champ = "Champion
* pass_mismatch = Les mots de passe ne corresp
Ondent pas!
* [register_win] : invalid_user = ID Utilisateur invalide, il doit être compris entre 3 et 20 caractères
et peut....
* dht_connect_err3 = ou router n'est pas correcteme
NT configuré.\n"
* dht_connect_err8 = vous pouvie
Z le résoudre

* dht_joining = P2P
en cours de joignage =>
sur le point d'être rejoint
* user_dloads_tracks = %1 télécharge les cir
Thanks, I'll fix those soon. Yes, I don't want -sli there since the cmdLine varies by machine and may in future contain more stuff.
The IP string translations has never worked. I think I'll remove the whole IP sending feature, as RV House works with Vista now. Or does anyone think its of use still?
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 20:58
don't know if IP is still in use ...
note : you have more tranlations ... post edited
Posted: 22 Mar 2011, 22:37
sebr @ Mar 22 2011, 04:28 PM wrote: don't know if IP is still in use ...
note : you have more tranlations ... post edited
Hmm... can you just send me the francois.lang file with the edits? I think there's less room for mistakes that way. I'll PM you my e-mail address.
Posted: 23 Mar 2011, 02:05
e-mail send...