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Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 13:50
I'm afraid jigebren hasn't been active lately. A few months ago he started a new job and it must be keeping him quite busy. So I can't say how long it will take before he can get back to re-volt or work on the plugin. You can try pm / emailing him though.
Posted: 10 Oct 2015, 17:02
I had requested him the blender plugin through pm but not got reply till now.
I want blender plugin
Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 23:53
Has the process changed for TexAnim from what's detailed in the readme? I have blender 2.73a, it's using python 3.4, plugin is version 2015/02/27. When I go to start the process it never creates the initial TexAnim[#] block.
..and even when I feed it the first frame manually, it fails to add additional frames.
No errors written to the console, but it gives this feedback in the terminal:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/", line 10, in <module>
NameError: name 'TexAnim' is not defined
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if something's off with the plugin itself :I
Posted: 13 Nov 2015, 21:46
Without the plugin, how will I otherwise make cars with Blender 2.75?
Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 17:18
A little heads-up:
So far I'm halfway through explaining Blender's Edit mode, so feel free to check these steps out (sidebar). It will take some time for me to explain texturing and vertex painting. I hope to get this done in the near future.
Posted: 09 Feb 2016, 03:29
I'd like to get the plugin as well and does anybody know if it work on blender 2.74?
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 01:37
How i can get the plugin?
I have send pm 2 month ago...
- Sorry for my english, i don't talk it.
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 07:42
That's because he hasn't logged in this forum for at least 2 months.
Nobody knows for sure, but it is believed that he doesn't make things for re-volt anymore. If somebody can provide info about his whereabouts or his current activity, will be much appreciated.
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 17:03
I know that he is rather busy these days. I'm offering support for the plugin since questions of any kind will help me write the documentation/tutorial for it.
What I recommend: Get used to Blender and start modeling your things. The plugin is only needed for the stages. My tutorial should be at a point where you could follow it comfortably and learn some modeling:
If you have something worthwhile, I don't think anyone would hesitate to give the plugin to you ambitious content creators.
It's no problem to ask for help on the forums (ORP or RVL).
Posted: 13 Feb 2016, 22:47
A video tutorial showing basic steps of the creation of a track and a car would be a great adition to the tut section Marv - that way we'd be able to bypass some of the learning required, just by watching you click the specific buttons and actually seeing the outcome. I think that way it'd be much more intuitive to make the jump from knowing zero to actually knowing our way around a 3d modeling program.

You know simple things like laying a plane and making a race course with turns, bumps, slopes, drops, etc, as well as simple items such as arquitecture or other common objects - that way we could have the basis of our track layout, and learn from that as we proceed, asking for help when needed. We have plenty of car making tutorials, but not a good track tutorial...
I say this because most of us have little time to practice, but tons of neat ideas - by watching you work (or anyone willing to stream their track/car making), we'd have a more clear idea of how the program works than by reading a wall of text or watching a tutorial that's not related to Revolt content creation. Do note that I'm refering strictly to the modeling part, where we need to sculpt the shapes we are planning: the texturing and UV mapping and other minor edits should work pretty well with a simple text tutorial (though a video would also be extremely helpful!).
Please consider this approach to the tutorials, and hopefully soon we'll have a burst of new content creation for our game!

Posted: 14 Feb 2016, 23:17
Please consider this approach to the tutorials, and hopefully soon we'll have a burst of new content creation for our game!
Of course, your ideas are great and a lot of them I also had in mind. The problem is at the moment, I'm lacking time. I do have some very interesting ideas, though. I hope it'll be soon.
Posted: 21 Feb 2016, 10:27
Guess this is the most appropriate topic, though it could just as easily be an RVGL bug report.
RVGL-exported .fin files (
link) refuse to import:

While in-game-identical, but v1.2-exported .fin files (
link) do.
Haven't tested extensively yet, admittedly mostly because I'm quickly losing patience because of rvgl crashing all the time, but other file formats might have the same problem?
Posted: 25 Feb 2016, 18:00
Gotolei @ 21 Feb 2016, 10:27 AM wrote: Guess this is the most appropriate topic, though it could just as easily be an RVGL bug report.
RVGL-exported .fin files (
link) refuse to import:
While in-game-identical, but v1.2-exported .fin files (
link) do.
Haven't tested extensively yet, admittedly mostly because I'm quickly losing patience because of rvgl crashing all the time, but other file formats might have the same problem?
I had a quick look: re-volt's fin exporter leaves some junk in the fin file that Blender is supposed to ignore. 9 characters are always saved for each model name in the fin, and the unused characters will carry junk. RVGL and old versions leave different kind of junk, and rvgl's fin junk chokes Blender. I'm going to fix that, though this is really a problem that's better fixed in the blender plugin itself...
Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 03:47
Im the only with problems on 2,76b version?
When I try to import something blender quits

Posted: 01 Mar 2016, 04:18
Check the readme that comes with the plugin.
It's written for 2.73a, and it hasn't been confirmed one way or another whether it works on newer versions.
Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 23:48
I am having problems installing this file in my blender I did everything right more at the time of installing in the blender it does not leave I already went to import and export and nothing
Posted: 10 Jan 2017, 23:51
do you use Blender 2.73 ?
Posted: 11 Jan 2017, 23:05
The plugin is designed for 2.73a, while it might work on newer versions it does not work 100%.
the project is currently suspended/discontinued as far i know.